
Volume 10 (Light Red Cover)

Embraceable You: A chance mistake in the Cat Cafe's orders is the origin of Shampoo's latest scheme to get Ranma. It so happens that the magic mushrooms she now possesses can, when consumed by someone, force them to follow a certain command at a hypnotic signal from the user. Shampoo uses the mushrooms on Ranma, but Kunou sneezes at a vital moment and messes up the spell. Now whenever someone sneezes, Ranma glomps onto the nearest person...and with no one home and Akane coming down with a case of the sniffles, it's a disaster waiting to happen...

Hold Me Close: Chaos reigns at the Tendo dojo, where Ranma and Akane are alone..but not for long! Shampoo and Kunou show up in an attempt to use Ranma's (and later, Akane's) hypnotic problem for their own ends. Ranma and Akane have to hold them both off, but the biggest challenge may come when they're back alone...

Akane's Power-Up!: Akane's been pretty strong as of late, but she's still not strong enough to take Shampoo on. So when Akane accidentally devours a bowl of soba noodles that boost strength, she's more than a match for Shampoo in the upcoming Anything-Goes Badminton Tournament. Even Ranma doesn't believe it - until he gets beaten about a hundred times in arm wrestling Akane...

Super Badminton: Akane and Shampoo duke it out, and Ranma finds out from Soun that the Super Soba has strange side effects to whoever uses it. Now Ranma has to get past Shampoo, and then give Akane the antidote, and when Shampoo makes things equal by eating Super Soba of her own, Ranma's caught int eh middle of a strongwoman's battle royale...

Serious Side Effects: Akane won't take the Super Soab antidote, so Ranma has to enter the tournament as a female to force her to do so. Akane's pretty tough all powered up, however, and Ranma is working against not only a powerful Akane, but against time as well...because the side effects of the Soba could take place at any time...

The Return of the Principal: The Principal of Furinkan has returned to from Hawaii to stir up some big trouble for his "keiki". It seems that the Principal has ordered a new "hair code" policy - one that has the boys and girls of Furinkan in an uproar, especially Ranma - who is supposed to be one of its first victims. Now the students have to find the cocnut with the pardon from the new rules inside, or face the horror of bowl and buzz cuts...

Journey into the Principal's Office: The army of students, including Kunou, Akane,a dn Ranma, amke their way into the Principal's "office" - a jungle of Hawaiian atmosphere. The student have to hold off repeated attempts to cut their hair and find the cocnut with the pardon in it. Meanwhile, Ranma, in female form, has disguised herself in an attempt to get the pardon from the Principal by tricking him into helping her...

The Principal of the Thing: The Principal has forgotten where he hid the pardon to the rules, infuriating Ranma. Meanwhile, Akane and the others have broken every coconut in the place, but have come up empty-handed. The principal tells his students that he will help them find the pardon only if they find his long lost son whom he hasn't seen in three years. And when Kunou turns out to be the son, there's a tearful reunion - followed by a vicious duel between father and son. The Principal had shaved his son's hair three years ago, and Kunou has been thinking of revenge ever since. Later, as Kunou has been botoed away from Ranma, the Principal reveals that he drew the map to the pardon on Kunou's head with special permanent ink three years ago. Now the students have to find Kunou, and shave his head to get the pardon...

One Hairy Day: The students find Kunou, but fail to shave his head. Ranma desperately tries to seduce him in female form, but also fails when Kunou goes too far in accepting Ranma's "advances". The Principal attacks as a giant hair-clipping lobster, and Ranma fends him off, chasing him back to his hideout. Unfortunately, Ranma is captured when the cocnut containing the pardon is used by the Principal to knock him out..

Shear Folly: Ranma is tied upside-down, an intended first victim of the Principal's new hair rules. The students and Akane come to rescue Ranma, and Ranma narrowly misses getting his hair cut as a duel ensues again between Kunou and his father. Ranma finally defeats the Principal, and gets the pardon, but is it really the end of the Principal's new hair rules?

Gonna Make you Tardy: Principal Kunou's made another new rule - whoever is tardy this week spends time cleaning the toilets. To get revenge for defeating him earlier, the Principal intends to target Ranma with this rule and make him scrub the bathrooms...
