
Volume 11 (Light Purple Cover)

The Soap of Happiness: Ryouga returns to Nerima once again, still dejected over not being able to confess his true feelings for Akane, and writes a letter to Akane in green ink in order to impress her (green ink was said to inspire love in the recipient). At the bathouse, Ryouga tries to bring the letter to Akane, who is there, but is promptly beaten up by Ranma, who also happens to be there. Meanwhile, on the girls' side, a confident Shampoo shows up to talk to Akane, holding a magical soap that's guaranteed not to change you if you're Jusenkyo cursed. Ryouga, however, accidentally gets a hold of the soap, and after unknowingly using it, is surprised to find out he doesn't change when he happens to be splashed by cold water in front of Akane. Now Ryouga is finally jubilant to be rid of his curse, and Ranma is left to wonder exactly how Ryouga's managed a permanent cure...

Cupids, Draw Back Your Bow: Confident in his ability to ask out Akane now that he's supposedly permanently cured, Ryouga resolves to ask out Akane when he sees her next, while beating up a suddenly friendly Ranma who wants to know the secret of his cure. Akane does happen to show up, but Ryouga ends up being too scared to tell her how he truly feels. Ranma then finds out from Shampoo about Ryouga's "cure" (the magic soap), and resolves to temporarily team with Shampoo in order to get the soap back. As "Kew" and "Pid", the Twins of Love, Onna-Ranma and Shampoo try to trick Ryouga (who's easily fooled by their horrible disguises) into giving them the soap, and almost succeed, but when Onna-Ranma is fighting Shampoo for the soap, it is accidentally put into the hands of Ryouga yet again, who finally learns of the soap's properties and resolves "never to let the soap go", much to Ranma's frustration...

Don't Follow Me: Ranma manages to sneak attack Ryouga while he's deep in thought about the soap, but then finds out Ryouga has tricked him into taking a decoy soap which doesn't work at all. Onna-Ranma regroups, and with Shampoo (masquerading once again as Kew and Pid) tricks Ryouga into thinking Akane has asked him out on a date, giving him a meeting place to meet her. Meanwhile, Akane is puzzled over a letter she got, supposedly from Ryouga, that said to meether in a certain place - and then Ryouga shows up, claiming to have heard that Akane asked her out! Onna-Ranma and Shampoo, as Kew and Pid, ambush Ryouga at the meeting palce and attempt to take the soap, but Ryouga manages to uncover their disguises at last. Akane is hurt because she thinks Ranma's being mean to Ryouga, and decides to take out Ryouga on a real date, much to Ranma's jealousy. Now Ranma and Shampoo have one more attempt to get the soap from Ryouga, but first they have to trick the two into getting separated in a haunted house...

Who Do You Love?: Unsuccessful in their attempts to get the soap, Ranma and Shampoo try yet again to get the soap from Ryouga, but are quickly foiled yet again. Becoming more and more confident by the minute that he's on a real date with Akane, Ryouga decides to try and confess his real feelings to Akane, but is stopped just short by a jealous Ranma. Akane is later hit by Shampoo's special "puppet acupuncture" technique and unwillingly hugs Ryouga, getting the soap from him, much to Ranma's anger and Ryouga's extreme happiness. Unfortunately, just as Shampoo speeds past Akane and Ryouga, Ranma just happens to be standing in the way, and Shampoo unknowingly stuffs the soap down Ranma's throat...

Give Me a Little Hug: Ranma now has to attempt to disguise himself as "Ryouga's girlfriend" in order to get Akane back from him, but is promtpy foiled by both Shampoo and Akane, who want hijm to cough up the soap. A hugely confident Ryouga then suddenly becomes more bold, chasing Akane around declaring his love for her, much to Akane's horror, seeing as Ryouga's destroying everything in his way to get to Akane! Now only Ranma can save Akane from Ryouga's rather unintentional rough love, and disguises himself in female form as Akane. But can even a disguised Onna-Ranma stand the loving hug of a passionate Ryouga?

The Legendary Moxibustion of Evil: Ranma just happens to foil one of Happosai's recent panty raids, angering Happosai and forcing him to attack Ranma with a special moxibustion which makes the victim as weak as a baby, able to be beaten up by anyone! An ineffective attack on Ranma's part proves this, as he is easily beaten up by Kunou and even a little kid. Now Ranma must try to find the cure, and try to stop a vengeful Happosai, who's been spreading rumors and letters about Ranma's weakness - a surefire way to get the attention of Ranma's many rivals, who have all been holding grudges against him...

The World's Weakest Man: Ranma is still weak, and not even Happosai knows the cure to the moxibustion technique he placed on Ranma. Later at school, nearly all of Ranma's rivals finally come calling to collect their revenge, and Ranma is promptly beaten up. At the height of defeat, however, Ranma is saved by a piteous Ryouga, who hits him away in sadness for his rival's fall. Meanwhile, Akane has found a possible cure for Ranma's weakness, but now she must tell Ranma before Ukyou happens to convince Ranma off the futility of his supposedly helpless situation...

Weak For Life?!: As Cologne finds out about Ranma's weakness, Akane, Ranma and Ukyou all go to the supposed place for the cure for the weakness moxibustion - an ancient temple of scrolls and charts. However, much to their disappointment, the cure (a chart which shows how to cure the moxbustion) was stolen by a certain evil martial artist a long time ago. Now Ranma, though weak, has to confront Happosai to get the chart..but he'll have to defeat the evil master when he's not even willing to hold back...

The Valley of Moxibustion: Ranma and Genma have left the Tendo Dojo permanently for the mountains, unwilling to return until a cure is found for Ranma's weakness. Ukyou comes with them in order to help train Ranma, and when Akane finds out their location, sets off to find him. Meanwhile, all of Genma's attempts have failed and even his supposed "ultimate technique" turns out to be a stupidly contrived technique with a fancy name. Now Ranma's only hope appears to be Cologne's secret technique, the Hiryu Shoten Ha, and after one demonstration, Rnama resolves to learn the technique in three days. Meanwhile, Akane has finally found a rejuvenated Ranma who is promptly hit for commenting on Akane's cooking...

Training in the Spiral of Hell: Ranma is involved in intense study with Cologne about the Hiryu Shoten Ha, and discovers the first step of the technique - that it follows the pattern of a spiral. Unfortunately, Ranma's attempts to master the second step, trying to step in a spiral, all fail as Ranma fails to keep his cool. Ranma masters the steps in another day's time, but now a roadblock is reached - without an opponent who won't fight back with all their strength and with no mercy, Ranma has no chance of learning the technique. However, salvation may come in the form of a certain martial artist with a yellow and black bandanna and an umbrella...

The Inflammable Man: Ryouga's training with Ranma quickly becomes pointless - even he cannot fight with all his strength against Ranma because he pities him. Akane tries to help Ranma by using flaming gloves to attack Ranma (thereby replacing the "hot" battle aura needed for the Hiryu Shoten Ha), but only ends up burning the top of her gi off, much to Ranma's annoyance. An argument ensues, an in the middle of it walks the Eternally Lost Boy Ryouga, who misinterprets Akane's torn clothing, tears, and Ranma's apologies as something much more than they should be. Ryouga's hot battle aura finally flares up as he challenges Ranma, and Ranma ponders whether or not this is the aura needed to learn his deadly technique...
