
Volume 4 (Dark Green Cover)

Looking for a Weak Spot: Hikaru "Voodoo Spike" Gosunkugi was content to love Akane from afar, through his picture taking, but then "that fool Ranma Saotome" had shown up to crash the party. Gosunkugi knows, though, that every person has a weak point, even the near-invincible Ranma, and Gosunkugi will stop at nothing to know what it is, even if he has to team with Tatewaki Kuno to succeed!

Weak Spot - Found!: In an attempt to find out Ranma's weak spot, gosunkugi spies on Ranma at the Tendo dojo, but fails to see what frightens Ranma when he hears his scream. genma tells the story of how a young Ranma acquired his extreme fear of cats through the rigourous training of a technique called the "Cast-fist", in which the trainee is thrown into a pit of hungry cats (too bad the technique, unbeknwest to Genma, wasn't supposed to be taught anymore). Gosunkugi finds out the hard way what Ranma's fear is, and sets a deadly trap for the pig-tailed martial artist...

Cat Hell: Gosunkugi sets a deadly trap for Ranma to catch him, but the plan backfires and all three end up in the pit below the stage instead. however, Ranma finds himself trapped as Gosunkugi reveals his knowledge of Ranma's weak spot and looses a bunch of felines, including a wild tiger, at the fear-stricken Ranma. Ranma's really in a pickle now, trapped in a pit with his biggest fear all around him. And it only gets worse from there. You see, when Ranma's fear of cats reaches a certain point, he starts acting like one...

Cat-Fu: Ranma has become like a cat, and not even the tiger, Kunou, or even Genma can stop the feline-like Ranma from tearing up the gym and anyone who comes near him. Now Akane must try to bring her fiancee back from the edge, but not before Ranma actually shows his affection for the short-haired girl, (albeit while a cat)...

You'd Have Kissed Anyone?: Everyone's heard about Ranma's show of affection to Akane, and it's trouble for Ranma when Kunou, Gosunkugi, and Ryouga team up on him in retribution for his unknowing act. At Dr. Tofu's, Akane plans to beat up Ranma because he "kissed" her in public, but when Ranma happens to show at Tofu's office at the saem time as her, the two are too embarassed to say anything. Ranma eventually hurts Akane's feelings by saying he didn't remember the kiss, and is quickly booted out of sight. Meanwhile, a Chinese cat finds its way into the bath with Ranma, and a certain Chinese Amazon makes her return...

Shampoo Rides Again: Well, it appears that Shampoo is back, after acquiring a Jusenkyo curse of her own from China in the form of turning into a cat with cold water. As Ranma's going to find out, that's not all Shampoo brought with her....Ranma runs into Cologne, Shampoo's great grandmother and a person of many tricks, including one that makes Ranma unable to stand hot water, and therefore, not be able to change back into a man..

Attack of the Wild Mousse: The myopic Mousse, an "old friend" of Shampoo's, makes his appearance and challenges the male Ranma to a man-to-man fight. What a twist of fate that Ranma should be inhibited by Cologne's "full-body cat tongue" that prevents his changing back from his cursed form, after making this kind of promise with Mousse, to fight for Shampoo's (and Akane's) hand! Ranma's pretty good as a girl, but she's going to have to think up of something quick to mask his change from the "Master of Hidden Weapons"...

The Martial Arts Magic Show: The fight between Ranma and Mousse is on as Mousse pulls out a variety of tricks from his sleeves - literally - to try and defeat Ranma. Ranma, cleverly concealed in a robe like Mousse's which conceals her current gender, is barely able to hold of the various attacks Mousse can throw at her. Only by pretending to "change into a girl" through magic can Ranma shed her heavy disguise - but even then it appears that Ranma's at a disadvantage because of the limits of her cursed body. mousse begins to press his advantage as the now defensive Ranma must find a way to beat Mousse and also keep all of her clothes on at the same time...

Cat's Tongue Got You?: Mousse continues to attack Ranma, pressing her to the point of defeat as Mousse's longer legs and bigger body appear to be an insurmountable advantage for female Ranma. Dr. Tofu is able to temporarily cure Ranma's "full-body cat tongue" status just in time to turn into a male and defeat the persistent Mousse...

The Phoenix Pill: Ranma barely survived the fight with Mousse, but she still can't change back into a guy because of the "Full-Body Cat Tongue" Cologne put on her. However, there is a cure - the legendary Phoenix Pill, which is currently in the possession of "the old ghoul". Now Ranma-chan has to resort to working for Cologne at their new restaurant in order to try and get that pill. Unfortunately, Ranma-chan's way too slow for the ancient Amazon, and so Ranma-chan's got to learn the ancient Chinese Amazon technique of the "Kachu Tenshin Amaguuriken" or "Chestnuts Roasting Over an Open Fire" technique to get up enough speed to catch Cologne off guard. If she could only find another way to master the technique besides trying to pull chestnuts out of a fire with her heat-sensitive hands...

All's Fair at the Fair: To try and get Ranma's mind off of her predicament, Soun and the rest of the household decide to take a trip to the local fair in town. it is there among the games of the fair that Ranma is able to temporarily forget her problems - as well as finally learn the "Chestnut Fist" at the iranha booth. However, the troubles soon return to mind as she finds out that Cologne and Shampoo are running a haunted house in the fair. Seeking to get to Cologne and the Phoenix Pill, Ranma enters the house, holding off spirits, traps, and even a giant hot-water spring to get to Cologne, and it looks like the only way to wrest the precious pill from her grasp is to use her newly mastered technique...

War of the Melons: Ranma's managed to master the "Chestnut Fist" technique, but was still tricked into taking a bogus Phoenix Pill by Cologne. Now Ranma, along with the entire Tendo household, trails Cologne to the beach to try and get the real Phoenix Pill. Ranma's got to win a watermelon-splitting race and keep his melon intact until he can cross the finish line and win the prize, which just happens to be the Phoenix Pill. However, a last fight with Cologne is waiting at the finish line...

Naval Engagement: Cologne and Ranma engage in a fight to determine who gets the Phoenix Pill, and even though they manage to split each other's melons they keep fighting. Cologne tricks an overconfident Ranma, who manages to disarm her, into agreeing to a duel to settle the issue once and for all, and then easily gains the upper hand against a befuddled Ranma. It looks like this time Cologne's not holding back, even for an innocent Akane who just happens to be in the way when Cologne unleashes her deadly "Shark-Fist" attack at Onna-Ranma....
