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Welcome to the HackerZ Hideout
We all know the Internet is growing, but so are the security risks.
The HackerZ Hideout attempts to bring together people with widespread knowledge in many different fields of the computer industry.

Sharing this wealth of knowledge helps us all expanding our minds and helps in building a better Internet for all.

There are many flaws and its up to us to exploit them so people can fix them. Will the Internet every be safe? I doubt it. Enjoy the site and all the hard work I have put into it.

Quit wasting time start browsing!
**:** Central Time

PatPoker - HackersClub
mR.dISCO - Miah -

Be Sure to Check the Whatsnew page for exactly what has been updated and when

kM is Back

kM returns after a 2 month departure

Well I am back hack freaks and friends who know me. (or at least think they know me). After a few incidents and no computer I have been without a computer for 2 months. I've slapped something together and now I am back and ready to kick the dust off the html work here and update. Please as I am checking email..I have over 500 downloaded...please don't send anymore! bleh!

Bill Clinton to help stop pirating!

Bill Clinton signed a bill today dealing a blow to online internet pirates. This bill designed to eliminate a hole in the law has now been signed. Anyone *willingly* trading pirated software in value more than $1000 can face a felony conviction whether you profit from it or not. Before this bill, the only way you could get jail time is if the pirater profited from trading this software. Ahh well..this only means that pirates will move there operations to other countries where US laws don't mean SHIT! =] cough *Hong Kong* cough

HaX0red Website News...

Head2Head was hacked and replaced. The link below is what the hacked page looked like! www.head2head.co.uk Mirrored for your eyez 0nly! Information purposes only!

For the latest in hacked websites check out www.hacked.net

Layout and Design by kM
Midi Music composed by mRdISCO
Copyright © 1996-97 Hackersclub All rights reserved.