Ok, I've resorted to this because I'm getting way to many emails that I 
am deleting.

BEFORE Emailing me your question/Comment please read the following. 1.) Don't ask me for an ID/PASSWORD to Intergate. Its not available at this time. It will be announced on the main page when it is available. All questions regarding Intergate ID's and Passwords will be deleted. 2.) Read the HackerZ Hideout FAQ if your looking to obtain the Midi files you hear on the Hideout. 3.) Read the HackerZ Hideout FAQ, the WWWBOARD FAQ and the Library before emailing your question. It might have its answer in there. 4.) When emailing me please provide DETAILS about your problem. 5.) Last but not least I will not be ANYONE'S TEACHER! Don't ask me to teach you to hack. I will answer questions regarding the exploration of your computer or someone elses. I don't have time to hold your hand. If you agree to the following above and want to email me then Click Here PiX Created by BioVirus
Thanks Sweetz!