The HH Library
When entering the Library you must follow a few rules..
(1) TALK ALL YOU WANT! No one is listening...nor gives a damn
(2) You may bring food and drink into the Library
(3) Smoking is allowed
(4) If you don't learn anything its not my fault
(5) And of course...this is for informational purposes only :)

Informational Resources - HACKING -

Get into someone elses work space in Win95 by Sub-Atomic
Breaking out of restricted Win95 Environments by BioMenace
Explanation of the MSIE 3.0 bug by Goat
Cert Advisory: Buffer Overflow Problem in rdist
Hacking Webpages by Goat
Turning your Mail Bomber into a ICQ Pager Bomber by Sandman
The Ultimate Guide Passwd Files by Goat
Exploiting Net Administration Cgi's like by Lord Somer
IRC-Social Engineering by Optik Lenz
Hacking Guide by Optik Lenz
Hacking Servers 101 by ChronicK
Guide To (mostly) Harmless Hacking ; How to Get a *Good* Shell Account Part 2
Guide To (mostly) Harmless Hacking ; How to Get a *Good* Shell Account Part 1
Guide To (mostly) Harmless Hacking ; Hacking from Windows 3.x, 95 and NT
Guide To (mostly) Harmless Hacking ; Hacking into Windows 95
Guide To (mostly) Harmless Hacking ; Hacking from Windows 95
Guide To (mostly) Harmless Hacking ; More intro to TCP/IP: port surfing
Guide To (mostly) Harmless Hacking ; Linux
Guide To (mostly) Harmless Hacking ; How to nuke offensive Web sites
Guide To (mostly) Harmless Hacking ; How get email spammers kicked off their ISPs
Guide To (mostly) Harmless Hacking ; How get Usenet spammers kicked off their ISPs
Guide To (mostly) Harmless Hacking ; How Finger can be used as one of the most common ways to crack into non-public parts of an Internet host
Guide To (mostly) Harmless Hacking ; Forge Email and how to spot Forgeries
Guide To (mostly) Harmless Hacking ; How to finger a user via Telnet
Guide To (mostly) Harmless Hacking ; Computer Crime Law Issue #1
Guide To (mostly) Harmless Hacking ; BeginnersÆ Series #1
Common questions on exploits. Written by Miah
Good Background on hacking Part 2
Good Background on hacking Part 1
Hacking Angelfire Accounts by HotWired
A Known Plaintext Attack on the PKZIP Stream Cipher
Quicken 3.0 Back Door; Defeating the Quicken Password
Quicken 5.0 PW Hacking
Quickbooks Pro v5.0 for Windows PW Hacking
Password Recovery Techniques for Cisco Routers
Mind Your Own Business (MYOB) PW Hacking
MS Money 2.0 Back Door PW Hacking
Decrypting Act! v2 for Windows passwords
Where to find Shell accts. Free/Payable/Eggable HTML/TXT from
Useful UNIX Hacking Commands, and Some Hints On Their Usage
Tracing an e-mail message
Have a shell in 24hours after reading this
Sendmail 8.7.5 ; any local user can gain root priveledges
Using web proxies to disguise your IP address by Hardcore Pawn
How to hack optichat orignal chat by Sniper
Guide to (mostly) harmless hacking - Linux -
Exploits (What are they?) by Miah
Mail Spoofing by Duncan Silver
Sendmail bug exploit by Duncan Silver
PHF Text by Duncan Silver
Sendmail Bug List for different Versions
X Windows Security
TCP Port Stealth Scanning
smash the stack; Buffer Overflowing
Utilizing the NNTP port. Forging/reading/posting by Optiklenz
Attacking from the outside
The Hotmail Hack by Digital
Deleting Entrys in LPage Guestbooks by 0ptikLenz
The Complete Neophyte's Guide to Hacking by Germ
The Psychotic Internet Services' Unix Bible- A reference for all of us.
Psychotic FAQ Version 2.0
Exploits and Telnet by Virtual Circuit
Hacking Webpages by Virtual Circuit
Cracking Unix passwords by Virtual Circuit
*P*S*Y*C*H*O*T*I*C* Issue #1 - Very Informative
Hacking Tripod Accounts by Negative Rage
Getting URLs through Telnet by PLahZma
Making A Phone Headset by Negative Rage
Irc Nuking in Win95 Without Trumpet Winsock by Lord Somer
Get Read/Write/Reboot/Shutdown access to the entire system including all 231 of its subdomains! by Lord Somer
Irc Bouncing Around Klines Using a unix Shell by Lord Somer
Socket Services by Relevation
Hacking a Unix Password File by Lord Devious
Sping patches are there any?
Sping technical info
Sping Attack..What you should Know
New Guide to help Newbies Hack. Submitted/Written by IceKool
The Magic 8 Ball Trick in Microsoft Access 7
Bugs and Backdoors in IRC clients, scripts and bots
Bug in Microsoft NT IIS - Pickup the patch in the NT file area
How to defeat the Tripod Advertisement on your Webpage; Hole Discovered by JASAlot
A list of Telenet Dialups for the USA
Credit Carding Part I "The Card"
Credit Carding Part II "Getting the Cards"
Credit Carding Part III "The Dropsite"
SMB Attacks on Windows 95
Microsoft Index Server Exposes IDs and Passwords
Microsoft DNS Server is Subject to Denial of Service Attack
What you should know about Viruses
An Introduction to DOS. (Denial of Service)
Guide to mostly harmless hacking
Article by mR.dISCO on Hacking Caller ID Boxes (to get more call capacity)
Article by kM on Hacking Matt's Script "wwwboard" to delete messages and get admin id/pw
The Ultimate Begginer's Guide to Hacking and Phreaking
How To Leave A Message Anywhere For Free
Acquiring Account Information
List of Anonyomous E-mail Servers
Simple Active Attack Against TCP
Decrypts cisco "encrypted" passwords
This discusses one of many possible uses of the "FTP server bounce attack"
Hacker's Encyclopedia
Hacking via Win95's ftp
Hacking Servers: A Beginner's Guide
How to Hexedit mIRC - Flood Protection/Nuking
Implements the Bounce Attack for fakemail, newsposting, irc-bombing, rsh-poking, or anything else involving transfer of data *to* the target host
IP-spoofing Demystified
To advertise by msging,inviting, or noticing everyone on a server is pretty easy to do
Simple script to supply the "privmsg " of IRC typein, and keep the connection alive
Getting around klines
Increasing Speed of mIRC
Information on Netcat
Working out-telnets
A List Of Some OF The Most Useful UNIX Hacking Commands, and Some Hints On Their Usage
A web browser for unix
Web proxy
Hit the major search engines. Hose the [large] output to a file!
BBS Hacking Article
Article on Cracking Windows NT Passwords
Article on the Ping O' Death
Defeating the Windows 95 Screen Saver Password
HackerZ Hideout Most Commonly asked Questions and Answers
Carding for Beginners: Part I
Cracking that Unix "Passwd" File
PHF Web Hacking
Changing the Registration Name for Windows 95
Dig up hidden CD Keys
Sniffer FAQ
List of Security Holes in Unix and how to look for them
This article is intended to show you how to hold onto root once you have it
Article about CGI scripts and the Vulnerabilities of them
Internet Daemons
A Guide to Internet Security
The purpose of this paper is to explain IP-spoofing to the masses
Security holes that are resident in many versions of Sendmail
Possible ways to get a copy of the shadow file
Web Spoofing: An Internet Con Game
How to become a Unix Hacker
Acronyms and what they mean
What is an anonymous remailer?
What are some books of interest to hackers?
How to I change to directories with strange characters in them?
How do I erase my presence from the system logs?
What is ethernet sniffing?
How do I send fakemail?
What is
How do I hack ChanOp on IRC?
What are some mailing lists of interest to hackers?
What is an Internet Outdial?
What is PGP?
How do I gain root from a suid script or program?
How do I break out of a restricted shell?
How do I access the password file under Unix?
How do I post to a moderated newsgroup?
What is a trojan/worm/virus/logic bomb?
How can I protect myself from viruses and such?
How do I access the password file under VMS?

Informational Resources - CRACKING -

Introduction to Win95 Cracking
How To Disassemble A Windows Program(part 1)
How To Disassemble A Windows Program(part 2)
Odin's Cracking Tutorial
Qapla's cracking tutorial, version 0.1 rel 970209
raZZia's Tutorial on Key Generators (01-97)
razzia's tutorial for vb cracking
How to undongle by +Xoanon
The flags-faking approach
TimeLOCK DLL "a cracking approach"
Softice CHAPTER 1 - Introduction
Softice CHAPTER 2 - Getting Started
Softice CHAPTER 3 - Debugging In 30 Minutes
Softice CHAPTER 4 - Using Break Point Commands
Softice CHAPTER 5 - Using Other Commands
Softice CHAPTER 6 - Soft-ICE Initialization Options
Softice CHAPTER 7 - Symbolic and Source Level Debugging
Softice CHAPTER 8 - Expanded Memory Support
Softice CHAPTER 9 - Back Trace Ranges
Softice CHAPTER 10 - Using Soft-ICE with MagicCV or MagicCVW
Softice CHAPTER 11 - Advanced Features
SoftICE Tutorial
Using Breakpoints

Informational Resources - PHREAKING -

Get ca$h, from the fon company free by ChronicK
How to build and operate my DeLier Box by Psyc≡Pyr≡
A Newbies guide to Phreaking in the 90's
What do all the colored boxes do?
What is an ANAC number?
What is a Black Box?
What is a Blue Box?
What is Caller-ID?
What is a CNA number?
What are the DTMF frequencies?
What are all of the * (LASS) codes? Example: *70
What is a loop?
What is a PBX?
What is a Red Box?
What is a ringback number?
What is scanning?
What is a VMB?

Informational Resources - PIRATING -

Creating a Xdcc offer bot for irc by Lord Somer
FAQ for Trading For Files in IRC
Guide to Pirating on the Internet
How do I defeat Copy Protection?

Informational Resources - WWW LINKS -