Newbies Area

This area is for the new people to the scene.
Where to go on this page, what you need information to view first.
Basically my opinion of where to start. We start out with small hacks then grow to bigger hacks. Of course I'm always looking for criticism of this page so email me. I also take tips and submissions as well.

(1) First thing get some tools (check out the files section "GO!").
(2) Take these tools and read the documentation. Then play with them to see what they do.
(3) Check the Internet for FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) about certain areas that intrest you.
(4) Stay updated on the latest news and always know what new toys are out there to hack. Check out,
(5) First, start hacking with your machine first. Break out that DOS Manual/Win95 Manual. Why might you ask? You can't hack anyone else's machine unless you know how to hack your own.
(6) Learn DOS (that means ASCII tables, Hex editing, Batch files, etc...)
(7) Read this text file..its one of many tricks you can do (in DOS).
(8) Play with batch files and such (this will help with basic programming)
(9) If you want to hack Unix Boxes (IE: Webservers, IRC Servers) get a shell account (many people offer them) and practice Unix. Go out and buy some Unix Books IE: Unix For Dummies
(10) Always research...if you think hacking is an overnight thing..your DEAD WRONG! Reading everything might help you understand the logic and thinking behind a hacker. I feel everyone has a little bit of "hacker" mentality. If you can't break your own system what makes you think you can break others?
(11) Check out the HackerZ Hideout Library
(12) Always ask them in the wwwboard
(13) Play with the lessons below to start off on an adventure...

Lesson #1 Titled "How to crack unix password files".
Go here Lesson #1

This Lesson will show you and explain to you how to crack a unix passwd file. I've included a recent passwd file that I have obtained for your hands on lesson. This passwd file is easy to crack and will show you how users choose bad passwords. If you have any questions about this lesson email me. Enjoy.

Lesson #2 Titled "Hacking a wwwboard"
Go here Lesson #2

This Lesson will require that you know how to crack a passwd file. You can learn that in lesson #1. I've setup an online wwwboard for you to hack and play around with. If you have any questions about this lesson email me. Enjoy.

Research this SITE...I offer many things for people to look at and get an understanding of what goes on. Read the news articles to see what happened today or yesterday. If you don't bother researching then don't bother hacking.
Read the HackerZ Hideout FAQ for some answers to most commonly asked questions about this site. HHFAQ.TXT

Editing by mR.dISCO and kM

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