- Whats New with the HackerZ Hideout? -

Last Updated Oct 3rd, 1997

Did some major htmling.  Many bugs were found when I copied from the other server to this one. I 
think so far I have converted it so this site will rock on the 12 virtual domains.  This should
solve the denial of service problems we are encountering.  

Added the Links back the mainpage.  Fixed the TXT version of the mainpage to actually link
to the text versions instead of the multimedia.

Added a piX that Biovirus created for me.  Click on write the webmaster if you want to see 
her work.  Its quite marvelous!

Updated the mainpage with the news and thanks to Hacked.Net for the update on yet another 
website hack.  

News articles added for Sept.

If you see any problems please write me and bitch me out! :)

To HPVCAW Webmasters
If you want a Java Chat/IRC Channel for your webpage email me! We will setup you up for FREE!
Best thing is that it won't take any server space! 

Oct 2nd Yea baby! I've now got the Hideout mirrored on 13 domains. So if your having problems with www.hackersclub.com goto web2.hackersclub.com or try any web combination up to 13. Thanks to Patpoker for this one! Pat implementated this because of the denial of service attacks to port 80 on the main site that caused all the slowness and errors. I've found a few things with the new format that I'd like to fix. Forgot to add a link to the links page. I also want to add a few more things to it. Now to actual updates: The library has been updated with recent submissions via you the viewers! (which btw, if you want to submit an article or any files that we don't have send them via email to submissions@hackersclub.com). Hacking File area updated with a good AOL Punter program. Password Cracking file area upadted with 2 Win95 Screen Saver password cracker (for those who bitched about the library text file) and a Trumpet Winsock and Eudora password cracker. I'm currently working on more updates...so check back often.
Sept 12th. Some rough times with my life almost made me quit my webmaster position. Thankfully I'm over it for now. :) Anyhow I've got the new mainpage ready to go just tweaking with a few settings and it will be up and ready. Its a new design which takes less bandwith for you the user. Old mainpage avg'd over 130k in size. This one Avg's 40 - 60k in size. Areas Updated: News Area and Files (hacking) Area
Sept 9th Still experiencing off and on Denial of Service attacks to port 80 on the webserver causing random errors still. If you get any "wierd" errors just hit reload people. Onto the updates: I've been working on a new low-bandwith layout for the mainpage. The mainpage is over 120k in size. You can see a demo of the new layout at www.hackersclub.com/tmp send your opinions to me. Updated Areas: Thanks to an email I was able to fix a few glitches the graphix had. It seems to be a netscape bug if you have the /a closing tag on a different line from the actual a href=. Phrack Issue# 51 is out. Checkout the magazine area or goto www.phrack.com Library has been updated with over 15 new articles IRC Section has been updated with 7th Sphere mIRC script and Win95/NT4 Eggdrop bot for download Keep on submitting your articles for the library. Spread the knowledge. Thanks for all the support everyone!!
Aug. 31st Well lots of shit happening. First off. I'd like to say sorry to all users who are experiencing problems accessing any of the pages on the hackersclub. Some people are jamming port 80 causing traffic problems for everyone else. So if you get "forbidden" or URL not found or missing pictures its not because they are gone. The server is being attacked. Ok, now onto the updates!!! Library updated with more articles...lots of submissions! Keep them coming. Submit yours via email or find me on the Hackersclub IRC server. IRC.HACKERSCLUB.COM Files Areas Updated: Hacking File Area: updated with a IRC Win95 Spoofer, Nuke Nabber and my collection of 100 .c scripts and added another .OCX ZIP file with the proper files for running some of the programs found there. Added a patch for cuteftp to allow you to view Hidden folders. Also added a Cuteftp decrypter program written by UCF. Cracks the TREE.DAT file where the passwords for sites are stored NT File Area: updated with Getadmin2 exploit and L0phtcrack v1.5 Phreaking Area: updated with ToneLoc, A_dial (both are war dialers) Password Cracking: updated with Trumpet Winsock v3+ ID/PW cracker, WinWord (shareware) 6/7 password recovery program. Crack available from Phrozen Crew. Added the UCF Cuteftp PW decrypter Magazine Area Updated: RCN Issue #38 was finally uploaded by me. Its the last issue in which they are declaring they are leaving the scene once again. News Area Updated: News article about how popular Warez are. Link to Hacked.Net added for Hacked Website peeps Shoutouts goto this time around to: Princess Diana - Sonya - Biovirus - Patpoker
Aug. 17th, 1997

Just like to thank everyone who has supported the Hideout and the Hackersclub. We appreciate everyone's general comments and opinions. I'd also like to thank everyone who has submitted files/text via email to me to add to the library or the file area. Thank you for helping to spread the knowledge. I've updated the library with more text files. Shoutouts go to this time around to Lord Somer (www.lordsomer.com) <-- as if you didn't already know that. OptikLenz & Negative Rage from LOU (www.hackersclub.com/lou) and Digital and many others who have contributed to the library. If you want to help out also please send me your files via email to km@hackersclub.com or if you see me in IRC (irc.hackersclub.com) ask me if you can submit your files. I've removed the HPVA List from the mainpage due to an email saying it was outdated. I've never checked it cuz it was submitted so its gone now too.
Aug. 11th, 1997

Well I've been doing updates here and there and I have written in here to tell everyone. So here goes. First off...the wwwboard is gone. I will be moving to a more secure one in the next few weeks. Too many people posting stupid shit and lame stuff. Yes they won! I did take it down. The next wwwboard will log ip's and stuff and if you attempt any lame shit IRC Server is up. Click on the chat icon to Java Chat with us or use MIRC/Pirch or BitchX and login to irc.hackersclub.com I'll be hangin in here most nights. I've done a few graphical fixes. I will be adding files that were submitted to me via email in during the next few days. Thank you all for sending me stuff to add.