HackerZ Hideout FAQ v1.01 Written by kM www.hackersclub.com/km [04/14/97] This FAQ was written due to the amount of repeated questions asked Via email. I receive anywhere from 100-300 emails daily asking me questions about hacking. This hopefully will answer some of the more common questions. (Q) Why doesn't the hideout have anything on viruses? (A) I personally do not believe in viruses. They are not a form of hacking. The intent of viruses is to be malicious. Some viruses are not malicious but there are few of those. I do however like to see new and exciting ones. Most nowadays are modified copies of original viruses. Plain and simple...if you want to learn about them read an Assembly book. (Q) Where can I get that cool background music you have on your webpage? (A) I don't mind people taking a few souvenirs...in fact it's a form of flattery in my opinion. Just don't get carried away. I don't want to see any unauthorized HackerZ Hideout mirror sites. However you should know that in Netscape (and maybe other www browsers) you can view the document source code. Look for the .MID and copy that code. If you want to download the file direct. www.hackersclub.com/km/midis and take the ones you want. (Q) Why don't you carry Warez? (Pirated Software) (A) Should I even answer this? All emails of this nature are deleted without an answer. Its simple pirated software is illegal. Do you want your server seized? Most of the Warez Websites you see won't last 3 months. SPA/BSA will find you along with MS reps and other software companies who pay people to hunt these sites down. Your best bet if your looking for this software and such is either look for these sites via a search engine or join IRC and jump into channels like #exceed and download to your hearts content. I did write a text file on getting pirated software in IRC. Download it from the file area. (Q) No cracks either? (A) Yup. Cracks are illegal too if you use them to crack software *YOU* personally didn't buy. You can read the legit SPA form in the LAW area of the HackerZ Hideout. However if you use the cracks on software you own already (registered copies of course) it is legal. (Q) Do you personally hack? (A) Long time ago I use to mess around and cause havoc. Now I just bring together all aspects of the scene and deliver a small piece to people. I am retired and will stay that way. My plans are to run a good hacking page for people who are curious in learning. (Q) What do you use for your graphics? (A) Adobe PhotoShop v3 with the Alien Skin Plugins. Most of the graphics are made by me or by my wife. (Q) Why does it take so long for you webpage to load? (A) I did a lot of graphics and added music to the pages. I wanted my site to be visually appealing along with being a good source of information. If you have already seen the site with the graphics, I have put together a TEXT version of the Hideout. (Q) Can I link to your site? (A) By all means go for it. Tell everyone about this site. (Q) Why do you ban links from Geocites and Angelfire? (A) Those 2 places seem to censor and move Hack/Phreak/Warez pages off to frequently. Plus with only 1-2 megs in space there isn't much a page could have. Links and information maybe. I will only make cases for those pages that really do have a lot of information. (Q) What is Warez-Waldo? (A) Warez-Waldo is nothing more than an IRC channel on Effnet. We don't trade Warez or distribute pirated software. We are a group of people who go in there to hang out and converse like everyday people. We are not a pirate group, hack group or courier group. (Q) Do you subscribe to 2600 magazine? (A) Yes. Don't you? Magazine is full of goodies and the chief editor happens to have the same last name as I do. =) (Q) Why run a hacking page? (A) I've thought about this for a long time. I think the reason I run such a page is for learning purposes. I think because of all the research and hands-on training that I have done, it has helped me achieve a goal in corporate America. I have a well paying job and I know what a hacker thinks of in terms of breaking in. A lot of system admins can't dream of some of things hackers do. I live, breath and lust for computers. All I can say is that for once in my life I have a job where I am happy and haven't complained and I owe it to playing on the computer. (Q) Will you ever hack again? (A) Of course but it will be only on my personal machines or maybe even helping out people at work protect their data. (Q) How do I view your files? (A) The files that I have are most than likely compressed using pkzip. If you are a windows user I would suggest getting Winzip. You can download a shareware copy at www.winzip.com. If you're a beloved dos user, you can download the latest pkware from www.shareware.com. You will need to save these files to your computer's hard drive and use these programs to uncompress them. ** ALWAYS ** scan the files before executing them. (Q) What do I do with the C files? (A) These C programs are for Unix. You can download them but you will need to compile them using your Unix shell account. (Q) Can I get on your mailing list for updates? (A) On the Entrance page to the Hideout there is a section at the bottom where you can choose the page to monitor on the Hideout. When it gets update you will receive an email saying it was updated. (Q) Why you put a lame dos trick/hack in the newbies area? (A) How many people know the ASCII blank?? I would say most people don't. Especially parents and teachers. Its a good little trick to *START* off with. Mainly to get the brain cells in people's mind to start churning. (Q) What do you suggest for a newbie to start out with? (A) A Hex Editor, some .EXEs to modify...and a small short term goal. Perhaps hack your own system. Learn some basic programming. RESEARCH RESEARCH RESEARCH...Hacking something big will *NOT* happen over night. You must learn it all like you would Math. No one can jump right into Calculus and know all the answers...one must learn the ways. The End.. Until I get more repetitive email questions.... kM Revisions ----------------- v1.0 Initial release v1.01 Minor editing by mR. dISCO ----------------- Downloaded from www.hackersclub.com/km