Hacking Related Information
HackerZ Hideout FAQ Size: 6,494 Question and Answers to the most common questions asked by vistors to the Hideout.
Revelation v1.1 Size: 1,263,000 SnadBoy's Revelation v1.1 Windows 95 is great at remembering many of your passwords , e.g. the password of your dial-in ISP. Unfortunately, this is also a problem - since you seldom enter the passsword it tends to be forgotten. What are you to do when you need to know one of the saved passwords? The password is staring right at you, but is hiding behind a row of asterisks. SnadBoy's Revelation allows you to see over that wall in order to reclaim your password. See also the Cracking file section for more details.
CuteFTP PW Cracker Size: 8,228 FIRE-FTP is a decrypter for all passwords stored by CUTEFTP 1.6/1.8 in TREE.DAT
CuteFTP Patch Size: 3,974 The patch changes three bytes (adds the suffix ' -a' to the 'LIST' command). This will show [a]ll files, including (hidden) folders/files that start with a period.
Over 100 .C Scripts Size: 336,011 Over 100 .C scripts ranging from Exploits to Denial of Service. Its my collection of source code.
Nuke Nabber Size: 762,305 Nuke Nabber. Will identify and log who is trying to nuke your computer.
Spoof Size: 15,360 Sent to me via email its suppose to be a Win95 Spoofer for IRC. Requires the Winsock OCX. Set yer ip address and user name.
Offical MS sping Patch Size: 171,672 Updated TCP/IP Protocol Stack for Windows 95 ; People have been complaining that this doesn't work 100%. Download the patch and test yourself at www.darkening.com/ssping/protect.html.
MS Win95 Update Size: 222,008 Windows 95 Update to Prevent Sending Clear-Text Password Over Network
MS Win95 Update Size: 223,116 Windows 95 Update to Enhance Password Security
Unoffical Sping patch for Win95 Size: 2,267 Fix for Win95 against sping by Phrozen Crew. A New DOS (denial of service) attack. sping affects Win95, Win3.11 and NT 3.51 and 4.0. The source code is located in the Unix/Linux sections if you want to download it to test your machines vunerability.
OOB Attack Program Size: 151,185 This is a good program that exploits the oob attack on port 139 of any Windows machine running MS TCP/IP. Allows for multiple IP addresses to be attacked. Coded for fun by: Hiro Protagonist
ActiveX Control Pack Size: 2,430,000 Microsoft Internet Control Pack required by some programs here. This is a beta version and will give you a prompt each time an .OCX file is accessed that it has expired. Still works though....
ActiveX Control Pack Size: 6,534,665 This also contains the .OCX files required by some apps here. This is not beta and will not prompt you saying its expired. This is 3 times larger though. :)
Anonymous Mail Size: 70,951 Anonymous Email Program for Win95.
Cyberkit Size: 881,295 Very Handy Package. Contains Ping, TraceRoute, Finger, Whois, NS Lookup. This is for Win95.
Ident Spoofer Size: 107,888 Ident Spoofer for Win95.
Kl0ne-X Size: 12,910 v1.52 is a stand-alone clone launcher. Featuring a stylish status window, it is the quickest and simplest way to have up to 250 clones at your disposal. Kl0ne-X's compatibility with servers running nospoof patches along with its sleek windows interface make it the ultimate cloning tool. Requires you download "Microsoft Internet Control Pack"
DrSpewfy Size: 5,551 v1.96 takes advantage of an empirical flaw in servers running the nospoof patch (UnderNet, DALnet, etc.) and allows a user to create "ghosts" from any IP or host. Visible only to users on the same server as itself, DrSpewfy can give people quite a scare when they /whois the ghost and find domains such as fbi.gov, you.suck, or 69.666.. the possibilities are endless. Requires you download "Microsoft Internet Control Pack".
PortPro Size: 16,000 PortPro v0.93 is by far the best portscanner for any operating system. On a 28.8 connection, PortPro can scan 85 ports per second and logs incoming data from ports that accept connections. Boasting the highest effeciency rating of any port scanner and endorsed by powerusers netwide. Requires you download "Microsoft Internet Control Pack".
PNewq Size: 35,328 PNewq0.97.Orion.LocalSocks.F-Stat.Netlink-NoPoke2 is a port desyncher which rapidly connects and disconnects from any given port. Employing technology never before used in a win32 environment, PNewq's FIN-flooding technique is superior to older, less effective SYN-flooding methods in that it it forces the server to use three times as many processor ticks to return to normal status. What does this mean for you? Try it on someone's FTP/WWW/IRC server and see if it doesn't crash, lag, stop accepting connections, or cause a segmentation fault. Requires that you download "Microsoft Internet Control Pack".
DCCNewk Size: 15,360 DCCNewk v0.13 can be used to simulate a "port 19" DCC Chat. Intended for advanced users who wish to bypass mIRC v4.7+'s restrictions on port 19 chats, DCCNewk listens on a specified port to which clients connect, thinking they are accepting a DCC Chat on that port. Once connected, though, they are flooded with data. An essentially harmless toy, but awful annoying. Requires that you download "Microsoft Internet Control Pack".
Snuke Size: 14,571 Compiled C script ready for you to attack with.
VB5 Files Size: 1,048,168 VB5 Runtime Files; includes the necessary DLLs and support files to run programs written in Microsoft Visual Basic 5.0. (Windows 95/NT) ; Includes MSVBM50.DLL, ASYCFILT.DLL, OLEPRO32.DLL, COMCAT.DLL, OLEAUT32.DLL, and STDOLE2.TLB.
VB4 16bit File Size: 1,643,175 VB40016.DLL is a required DLL for 16-bit programs written in MicroSoft Visual Basic version 4.0. (Windows 3.1) ; The DLL file should be installed in your WINDOWS\SYSTEM subdirectory.
VB4 32bit File Size: 576,408 VB40032.DLL is a required DLL for 32-bit programs written in MicroSoft Visual Basic version 4.0. (Windows 95/NT) ; The DLL file should be installed in your WINDOWS\SYSTEM subdirectory.
DND Size: 884,563 Death N Destruction v4 (email bomber)
wwwboard whacker *updated* Size: 636,577 Suppose to help newbies out with exploiting Matt's CGI wwwboard program. A nice little batch file to help you out. I was the original author of the vunerability and it was put into this batch file by a user. I don't use it because I can hack it without a script :) -kM
Offical MS OOB Patch Size: 253,144 This is the official Microsoft patch to fix the OOB (port 139) DOS attack. This is for Win95 and updates your TCP/IP stack.
WinGenocide Size: 85,239 A great program that enables you to attack a range of IP address with the OOB attack. Handy if you want to nuke *.aol.com :) To the person who coded this and sent it to me much thanks!
Ascii Program Size: 697,345 Ascii 95. This program allows you to type in any character on your keyboard and it will give you the numerical number. This program is for Win95/NT only. Coded by Isolord
BitchSlap v1.0 Size: 98,729 Yet another WinNuke Program
EyeDent Spoofer Size: 207,502 EyeDent spoofer will allow you to fake your user name on any ident request. Which means you can lie to ftp sessions, telnet sessions, irc sessions (which is a telnet session anways) from windows.
Death n Destruction Size: 30,300 Basically a WinNuke program that exploits the OOB request to the 139 tcp port
IP Query Size: 69,097 This program is very simple - its sole purpose in life is to tell you what your current IP address is.
Internet Tools Size: 66,551 This is a set of internet tools to make your life easier as a net junkie. DNS Lookup, Finger, Finger Server, Identity Server, Identity Lookup Client Raw TCP Connection, Raw TCP Server Connection. (multiple connections), All utilities are fast and have intuitive user interfaces.
Magic Folders Size: 96,557 Magic Folders v96.09a Makes any folder(s) completely invisible to others but instantly available to you.
Netscape Utilities Size: 91,014 E-HACK's Netscape Utilities Suite v1.0 for Windows ; Contains these programs for Windows: Cookie Killer, History Killer, Bookmark Killer, Mail Killer
Port Scanner Size: 188,250 Port Scanner is a tool that allows you to scan a group of IP addresses looking for the presence of specific incoming TCP/IP ports. This is a large benefit to anyone managing a TCP/IP network, or to anyone who is concerned with the possible security risks that some TCP/IP tools present to their network.
TCP Speed Size: 31,672 Test the speed between you and a host computer
Tosser Size: 152,840 The ultimate tool for the IDLE user. Sends a ping packet to keep you from being drop'd by your ISP.
WinNuker Size: 37,763 WinNuker v0.2 - by Crowbar ; Command Line Nuker that hits ports 139 and a few others as well causing the blue screen of Death for vunerable machines.
HackTek Size: 250,406 Very handy program. IP Scan, Mailbomber, Advanced Fingering program...very handy tool.
WinNuke Size: 94,238 Use the OOB attack and lock up NT/95 machines via the Internet. All you need is an IP address. This is an actual program and not the .c code. This program will say it was successful if the OOB patch is used as well.
WinNuke Patch Size: 232 This is the OOB Patch. Simply unzip and click on the .reg file in Win95 or NT and reboot and your patched.
Port Listener Size: 148,398 A Port Listener for your local machine. Catch people trying to attack your machine
Avalanche v3 Size: 203,040 Want to get back at someone on the internet? Well this is the tool for you! Avalanche will send an e-mail bomb to someone, at blazing speeds!
E-Mail Bomber Size: 209,321 Up Yours v4 beta 2. Email Bomber with New Improvements
Cable TV Size: 56,337 Cable TV Descrambler Plans
FAQ Size: 47,295 Psychotic's FAQ by Virtual Circuit and Psychotic (hacking faq)
Hacking Websites Size: 13,434 Hacking Webpages - The Ultimate Guide By Virtual Circuit and Psychotic
NIS Size: 2,536 NIS Explained by Virtual Circuit and Psychotic
NFS Size: 4,019 NFS Tricks
Ports Size: 2,078 Ports by Virtual Circuit and Psychotic
Memory Editor Size: 26,972 Saber is a DOS program that allows you to look at memory one K at a time. It still has some bugs but I feel like giving it out now. It has the useful function of allowing you to see the garbage that is left over from the last person who used the computer. This will allow you (in some cases) to see bits of e-mail and text files that they have recently read. You can also find other information that might be useful if you know what to look for
Security Holes Size: 9,118 -Security Holes- by Virtual Circuit and Psychotic
Hex Editor Size: 66,793 Hacker's viewer v4.21
DSS Carding Size: 358,191 DSS card enabling/cloning codes
Nordic MacMacker Size: 73,504 This is a brand new 1chip program made by Gerry Slevin. It work on most decoders also problem decoder like Nokia and Tandberg.
E-Mail Bomber Size: 1,833,914 Mail Bomber for Windows
E-Mail Bomber Size: 342,550 KaBoom! v3.0, *the* mail bomber for Windows 3.x and Win95
E-Mail Bomber Size: 4,545 VOODOO UNIX is a mail/flood/bomb program
Key Stroke Logger Size: 36,911 KEYLOG95.EXE is a WINDOWS95 version of keylogwn.exe
Key Stroke Logger Size: 3,333 KEYLOGWN.EXE is a WINDOWS version 1.5 of a shareware utility that records ALL ascii keystrokes to an ascii file
Key Stroke Logger Size: 32,365 A keystroke record and playback program for MS-DOS
Fake CD Size: 8,000 Program for making your Hard Drive looking like a CDROM Drive
Guide To Pirating Size: 15,318 Guide to pirating on the Internet.
DCHP Faq Size:44,440 DCHP FAQ
Hex Editor Size: 68,645 A Good Hex Editor for editing .EXEs
BBS Hacking Size: 4,407 The Ultimate In Board Hacking Software
Hex Editor Size: 304,534 Hex Workshop, the Professional Hex Editor
Password Hoax Size: 52,725 A program that fakes the user into entering their ID and PW.
E-Mail Bomber Size: 980,094 E-Mail Bomber "Up Yours"
Spy Size: 49,235 SPY is a "remote control" program for NetBios compatible networks
Vrack Size: 42,259 VrACK is a Voice Mail Box Hacker
BBS Hacking Size: 52,647 REMOTE ACCESS BBS Hacking Tools
Hacking 101 Size: 27,031 A Novice's Guide to Hacking
KeyCopy Size: 3,802 KeyCopy, Keystroke Recorder
PlayBack Size: 30,738 Playback, Keystroke Recorder
Wildcat v4 Hack Size: 7,656 How to Hack a Wildcat v4 BBS
Hex Editor Size: 23,543 Simple and Sweet Hex Editor
Security Hole Size: 1,780 Windows for Workgroups Security Hole
Answering Machine Hack Size: 4,825 How to Hack Answering Machines
Hacking Credit Cards Size: 1,616 How to Hack Credit Card Codes
Hacking Prodigy Size: 1,574 How to Hack Prodigy
Hacking Magazine Size: 57,949 Hackers Unlimited [Hacker's Mag]
Hacking Guide Size: 11,297 Very Basic Guide of Hacking
Hacker's Tool Size: 18,776 Cryptography for Hackers/Phreakers
Pager Hacking Size: 57,482 Pager Hacking and Scanning
Hack Telix Size: 60,672 Telix Hacker
VAXVVMS Hacking Size: 2,179 VAXVVMS Hacking
Screwing People Size: 2,824 How to Screw People over, Modified by LamahCop
Code Thief Deluxe Size: 61,760 Modem Thief Scanner Utility
Mac Hacking Size: 5,038 FAQ on Hacking Macs
Firewalls Size: 2,636 Information on Firewalls
HP3000 Size: 6,418 Hacking a HP 3000
Hacking Test Size: 25,780 Test your knowledge with this hacking test.
PC hacking Size: 10,950 FAQ on hacking PCs
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