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Internal Notice: Thanks in large part to our sponsor, ProWave, Essentially my entire web team and I will be leaving for Midwest Amiga Expo on Friday (10/31) and won't return until very late on Sunday night. This will have the unfortunate effect of lessening the news we can report over the weekend. On the plus side, we're making preparations to bring you live reports of things as they occur right here on the website.

30 Oct 97
UK Online
UK Online announces support for alternative computing platforms
UK Online Limited announce their total commitment to supporting users of both the Acorn and Amiga computers.
30 Oct 97
Amiga E-Zine The Lair Announces Latest Issue, Leadership Change
Amongst the changes noted for this long-running Amiga E-Zine are a change in editors and the latest issue.
30 Oct 97
AmigaZone Offers a Free CD To All New Members
AmigaZone, the premiere online service for Amiga owners and lovers, will give you a FREE Compact Disc full of software when you join. Sign up with our host, CalWeb Internet Services, say "AmigaZone Sent Me!" when you do, and upon verification of your new membership, you'll get our welcome letter and a list of CD titles from which you can choose your free gift.
29 Oct 97
Nova Sector Engineering
Nova Sector Engineering to build Amiga-powered workstations
Nova Sector Engineering has obtained a license to manufacture their own brand of Amiga-powered workstations. Their Nitro ($16,499) and NitroPro ($27,499) Series are highly stocked machines aimed directly at a professional video editing market (they include Video Toasters and/or Flyers) while their Bravo Series (from $3899 to $4299) are destined for the high-end Amiga user's market.
29 Oct 97
Amiga Flame
Vulcan Software and World Foundry Deal Complete
Amiga Flame reports that they received confirmation that Vulcan Software will be Publishing World Foundry titles, this includes Explorer 2260, Maim & Mangle and other titles planned by World Foundry.
29 Oct 97
Amiga Flame
New game: 'KRUD-TV'
Skillo Interactive is looking for a few good Amiga Artists to illustrate a new game from them called KRUD-TV.
29 Oct 97
More info on new CygnusED
Schatztruhe has released some more information about the eagerly awaited update to CygnusED.
29 Oct 97
Amiga International
DCE GmbH to manufacture Amiga based computers
Following on from AMIGA International's recent announcements about an open licensing policy for the Amiga, an agreement has been reached which licenses DCE Computer Service GmbH to manufacture and distribute its own range of Amiga motherboards and computers. In the same breath, DCE announced that Power Computing will become the distributors of the new machines.
28 Oct 97
UK Mirror of
For those of you across the pond who have a bit of trouble getting to the main site here, is fiercely proud to announce our UK mirror thanks to the efforts of UKOnline! Hopefully it'll help you out in your daily search for the BEST Amiga coverage anywhere!
28 Oct 97
US Mirror of Amiga Network News! is proud to announce that we are now acting as host for the US mirror of Christian Kemp's fantastic "Amiga Network News". For those of you who haven't yet discovered this treasure trove of information, it's a "very cool Usenet summary area that gives you a reliable synopsis of the most important Usenet events, including links to those involved".
28 Oct 97
Amiga Nutta
New Game: "Construction"
Amiga Nutta reports that a new game, "Construction" is available from a programming team called 'The Hidden'. They have been around on the Amiga scene for a very long time developing games such as Donk and were working on The Big End and The Hidden Golf to name just two.
28 Oct 97
Amiga Games News
Two new games from Skillo Interactive
Skillo Interactive are releasing a 2 new Amiga games which include Martian Tales which is a Warcraft 2 inspired strategy game and Radioaction, a Pseudo 3D blaster in the Super Stardust mould with demo coming soon.
28 Oct 97
Amiga Games News
Diversia CD-ROM
Ablaze Entertainment, makers of "The Strangers", is currently working on Diversia. A Real-time war strategy game of devasting technologies. Featuring High resolution 256c graphics, Advanced enemy intelligence, PowerPC 603e/604e support, CD Soundtrack, Network play, Many war-units.
28 Oct 97
Micronik at Computer '97
Micronik joins the budding list of attendees in Cologne, Germany for the Computer '97 show.
28 Oct 97
PIOS has moved
PIOS, makers of the PIOS One PowerPC machine, have moved and done a major overhaul to their website.
28 Oct 97
Boston Acoustics introduces the first multimedia sound system with Virtual Dolby Surround
For all of you Amiga audiophiles out there (like me) take a quick gander at what's around the bend for computer audio.
27 Oct 97
RC5 Homepage
RC5-64 competition begins
The Amiga RC5 Team effort is proud to announce the next step in continuing participation in the RSA Secret Key Challenge contest: to break the RC5-64 key challenge. After only 61 days of participation in the 210 day RC5-56 challenge the Amiga RC5 Team effort reached a seventh overall ranking out of over 4000 teams with an estimated 30,000 computers participating. On the last day of the effort the gathering speed of amongst others over a thousand Amigas culminated in a third daily ranking, which proves the vigour with which the Amiga community attacked the problem.
25 Oct 97
Andreas Kleinert
Persuasive Softworx discounts
Persuasive Softworx is now offering discounts on it's product line including SuperView/SViewNG, PNG-Box, DRAFU, and PPC-Modules for SuperView-Library 19.x
25 Oct 97
Amiga Central
Interview with Lisa Tunnah of Vulcan Software
Paul Morabito's Amiga Central posted this very interesting interview with Vulcan Software's Lisa Tunnah.
25 Oct 97
Haage & Partner
Haage & Partner at Computer '97
Haage & Partner have announced that they will be attending Computer '97 in Cologne, Germany.
24 Oct 97
Honorable Mention
Global Internet Chat capability for the Amiga on the Horizon
Thanks go out to Matt Ignash for pointing out this article on his site, Honorable Mention. The article is about an upcoming new pure Java internet chat server called VolanoChat from Volano LCC. Being Pure Java certified indicates that it will run on any platform that has Java support (including the forthcoming Amiga Java).
{Editor's Note: and you wonder why Microsoft hates JAVA?!}

24 Oct 97
Lotus Pacific
Wonder TV A-6060 preparing for sale in China
Lotus Pacific, makers of the now infamous A-6000 Set-top computer, announced plans today to unveil a new model, the A-6060 at the International Broadcast Television Equipment Show in Chengdu, China, on October 28th despite the legal ramifications and entanglements from Gateway 2000.
24 Oct 97
Amiga Flame
New Horizons: A New Beginning
From Amiga Flame comes a report and screenshots of a new Space Station Management Simulation game called "New Horizons: A New Beginning". Judging by the screenshots, it looks to be very cool indeed if you're into the "Simcity meets Aliens" thing.
24 Oct 97
The Lair
Interview with Nova Sector Engineering
The Lair, an Amiga online magazine, has posted an interview with Nova Sector Engineering's Jeret Lendman. Nova's upcoming machines appear to be strictly high-end desktop video devices aimed at so-called "professional users" but the interview should still be interesting to all Amiga users.
24 Oct 97
Win a Phase 5 PPC Board!
This month, Schatztruhe is giving away a Power PC Board for your Amiga in their monthly competition! Go to for details...
24 Oct 97
Gateway posts $107 million third-quarter loss
Yesterday Gateway 2000, parent company of Amiga International, (GTW) posted a third-quarter loss of 107 million as the company was hit with excess inventory and charges. Among the reasons listed were one-time charges for the acquisition of Amiga Technologies and Advanced Logic Research earlier in the year.
23 Oct 97
Rc5 homepage
RC5 challenge is over. Amiga finished 7th!
The RSA Challenge to find a hidden 56-bit encryption key has ended. The widely publicized Amiga effort, led by Thomas Tavoly ( at finished an incredible 7th overall after only 63 days of participation! Thanks go out to everyone who participated and helped to put the Amiga community back into the global spotlight.
23 Oct 97
Hewlett Packard
Humor in Computer Graphics.
While not exactly news, nor even specifically Amiga related, this website was recommended viewing from Scott Sutherland on the Aladdin Mailing List. Let's just call it an "everyman's guide to computer graphics". (At least in the PC world).
22 Oct 97
AWeb II 3.0b Patch
Amitrix announced the release of a patch to their AWeb browser which fixes a myriad of bugs and makes the program a lot more stable.
21 Oct 97
Power Solutions Acquires North American Distribution Rights for Melody
Melody is a Z2 MPEG, 16-bit sound card driven by a special DSP. Melody has native AHI support and Toccato emulation.
21 Oct 97
TCPDL version 2.3
For the lack of better words, TCPDL is essentially an offline browser which downloads pages from the internet to allow for offline viewing at your convenience while off of the network.
21 Oct 97
Subtitler 2.02 Demo
SubTitler is a program for displaying subtitles. What makes SubTitler different from others is that it can read SMPTE Time Code directly from the Amiga's serial port in real time without any additional hardware.
20 Oct 97
Martin Sahlen
AAA Awards Committee Appointed
The AAA Awards have appointed their new leadership. Here's a press release to run it all down for you.
20 Oct 97
CU Amiga
CU Amiga recruiting a new Staff Writer
CU Amiga Magazine is searching for a new staff writer to fill in the gaps left by the departing Mat Bettinson.. Think you've got what it takes? Drop them a line and see!
20 Oct 97
Amiga Flame
New Screenshots and Info on Child of Darkness
Amiga Flame offers these new screenshots and information on "Child of Darkness". a new top-down RPG game with gorgeous graphics and full Manga style animated film sequences in development by Desktop Corruption.
20 Oct 97
Chroma announces two new Multi-Format Digital Still Cameras
Sony has recently announced the release of two revolutionary disk-based digital cameras. Both machines have a built-in floppy disk drive (PC HD format) on which photos are stored. As many Amiga systems now incorporate HD drives which can read PC 1.44Mb disks, the world of digital stills photography is now open to the Amiga world. Chroma will be supplying the cameras with both PC and Amiga software.
20 Oct 97
Titan Computer
Shadow of the 3rd Moon
Titan Computer has announced the release of "Shadow of the 3rd Moon". The first Voxel engine Flight Sim for Amiga computers.
20 Oct 97
Nova Design
Holiday deal on Aladdin 4D
Nova Design is offering a great deal on the Aladdin 4D bundle for the holiday season.
20 Oct 97
Amiga Flame
Skillo Interactive
Amiga Flame reports that a new games development team, Skillo Interactive, has been created in the UK.
20 Oct 97
Amiga News Central
The Mysterious A-6000
More information has surfaced regarding the mysterious Chinese "A-6000" machine thanks to a page run by Fabian Jimenez,
20 Oct 97
Mushroom PD
Mushroom PD to distribute F1 software
Via e-mail, I was contacted by Mushroom PD's Andy Kellett who asked me to pass along the fact that they would begin distributing F1 Software's titles. The also have the AmosPro compiler available in stock.
20 Oct 97
Amiga RC5 home page
Amiga RC5 Effort moves into 7th place
The Amiga RC5 effort has moved up to 7th place in the world-wide overall rankings with 917878 hits in only 61 days! fully supports the Amiga RC5 effort! Keep it going!
17 Oct 97
Vulcan Home Page
Final Odyssey on schedule.
From Vulcan's Home site comes news that finishing touches and Final testing is just about complete on The Final Odyssey CDRom, definitely on schedule for a 1st of November release!
17 Oct 97
Amiga to be Part of ZKM Internet Media Party
Late Notice: The Amiga Web Directory posted this letter from Petro T. about an upcoming media event on October 18th.
16 Oct 97
Schatztruhe now distributing games.
Schatztruhe, maker of the Aminet shareware CD series, announces that they will begin distribution of several Amiga gaming titles including Trapped 2, Flyin� High, Nemac IV, Strangers, Civilisation, and Wendetta 2175.
16 Oct 97
Mark Wilson
New Amiga Retailer's List
AmiBench has announced that they're building a new Amiga Retailer's list. If you know of one in your area, take a few seconds to let everyone know!
15 Oct 97
Midwest Amiga Expo Update
With AmiCon's Midwest Amiga Expo '97 closing in on us, here's an update from Dave Pearce, one of the show's coordinators.
15 Oct 97
Amiga Games News
Escape Towards the Unknown
Hurricane Software has announced a new AGA game entitled "Escape towards the unknown". A Lucas Arts' like graphic adventure game.
15 Oct 97
Steve Collins via e-mail
Phase 5's response to Jim Drew.
This is Phase 5's (Ralph Schmidt's?) response to Jim Drew's previous statement. (see below).
Editor's note: It now appears that the boxing match between Phase 5 and H&P is turning into a Pro Wrestling free-for-all. Should continue to follow the events as news? Please leave feedback to

14 Oct 97
Added Computer '97 show to Events Calendar
Touted as the "World's Largest Amiga Show", Computer '97 takes place in Cologne, Germany November 14th through 16th. Amiga International and several key Amiga vendors will be in attendance.
14 Oct 97
CU Amiga
Link a Psion palmtop computer to your Amiga
While a bit outdated, this interesting article was found on CU Amiga's site and describes how to establish a link between a Psion 3 palmtop and your Amiga. Very handy and useful indeed!
14 Oct 97
Mushroom PD
Mushroom AMOS newsletter
Mushroom PD has released their October newsletter revealing a lot of information about the AMOS happenings around the world.
14 Oct 97
More Info on the new HiSoft C++ compiler
Here's a press release with more information on HiSoft's new/upcoming C++ compiler. Sounds like someone got the right idea.
13 Oct 97
Amiga Events Schedule Online
In the redesign of, we left out one very important section, an Events Page so here it is. On this page, you'll be able to track and plan to attend Amiga Events all over the globe.
13 Oct 97
AUI News
Free tickets to Digital Media World show
AUI News announces that they have a few free tickets to Digital Media World, the big computer graphics show that takes place in London on the 18th, 19th and 20th of November, 1997.. Sorry, no overseas applicants.
13 Oct 97
Pure Amiga
Vulcan Software Limited Announces Changes to its Operations
Vulcan Software Limited is proud to announce huge changes to its operations. An exciting new alliance has been formed, from October 1997 Weird Science Ltd and their international trading partners GTI GmbH will begin exclusive distribution of all Vulcan products.
13 Oct 97
Amiga Games News
Mega Blast
APC&TCP are announcing a new game entitled "Mega Blast". Your job is to destroy everything in your way except the diamonds which are hidden in your area. It's your decision to turn against the computer or fight against 6 human enemies. The game promises beautiful graphics and interesting effects for the A500/A600/A1200 1MB+. Call by modem at +49-8642-59819.
13 Oct 97
Amiga News Central
Jim Drew addresses the H&P/Phase 5 issue
Amiga News Central snagged this web page with a statement by MicroCode Solution's Jim Drew. In it, he stated that they have a patch for the ppc.library which increases the speed of the AmigaDOS function call overhead 423x times faster than Phase 5's original code and 27 times faster that H&P's code. He goes on to state that numerous attempts to contact Phase 5 have gone ignored.
13 Oct 97
AmiCon Home Page
Midwest Amiga Expo T-shirts now available
The organizers of the quickly upcoming Midwest Amiga Expo have announced the availability of T-shirts commemorating the event, as well as the return of the Amiga.
13 Oct 97
Amiga News Central
Amiga Alley to Continue
Amiga News Central reports that CyberWlf's Amiga Domain, run by fellow Australian Guy Nathan will officially be taking over some parts of the old Amiga Alley site run by Colin Thompson. This will of course not include the Fishwrap but most other parts will be integrated into the website.
13 Oct 97
RC5 Home Page
The Amiga RC5 Team Effort Enters Top 10 Statistics
The Amiga RC5 Team effort is proud to announce that on October 7th 1997 the collective effort headed under the Amiga banner has entered the Bovine top 10 statistics in the ongoing RC5-56/RSA Secret Key Challenge. The team currently consisting of over 800 members and 1500 machines is aiming to bring exposure to the Amiga by rising in the effort statistics and capitalizing on this ranking in the media.
13 Oct 97
Amiga Flame
The World Foundry To Sign Vulcan Software
A deal is about to be signed between Vulcan Software and The World Foundry which means that Explorer 2260 and Maim & Mangle will be Published through Vulcan Software.
13 Oct 97
Todd Millard
Lightwave 5.5 Demo
I know this is late notice, but I received word about this Lightwave 5.5 Demo taking place in the Hollywood area on October 17th. Read and follow for more details.
10 Oct 97
More Info on the Cloanto Amiga Emulator
This morning, I awoke to find this press release in my mailbox which answers a lot of questions regarding Cloanto's announced "Amiga Forever" Amiga Emulator.
09 Oct 97
New Shareware Registration System announced
Gamasoft, after months of planning and development, is seeking shareware developers who wish to improve their registration rates by taking advantage of GamaSoft's new integrated online registration system, Share-1.
09 Oct 97
Amiga International
Brand-new Amiga poster
AI formally announces their new "Back for the Future" poster.
09 Oct 97
Amiga International
Amiga Kickstart 3.1 copyright information
Amiga International posted information regarding its' copyright of the 3.1 ROM kits. Very similar to the earlier posted copyright for AmigaOS 3.1.
08 Oct 97
Amiga News Central
HiSoft C++ Lite
Amiga News Central reports that HiSOFT has released an ANSI C and AT&T 3.0 C++ compliant compiler for the Amiga which has an integrated development environment and drag-and-drop features...
08 Oct 97
Amiga News Central
Amiga ICQ Efforts
Efforts are now underway to get Mirabilis to port their highly popular ICQ program for the Amiga. ICQ is currently a Mac/Win/Unix applet which provides a lot of little neat features such as chat, one-to-one messaging file requests, and more. Show your support for this effort by visiting their page and registering!
07 Oct 97
Amiga International
Cloanto to publish an official software emulation of the AMIGA
Cloanto, publisher of leading AMIGA graphics and productivity packages such as Personal Paint, The Kara Collection, and the Personal Suite, was granted by AMIGA International, Inc. certain rights to publish an official software emulation of the AMIGA Computer, including original AMIGA OS software, AMIGA/PC networking software, and various other programs. The package, code-named "AMIGA FOREVER" and scheduled for release this November, will carry the "powered by Amiga" logo. The product is to incorporate a number of exciting and surprising features which will be announced shortly before the release.
07 Oct 97
Haage & Partner
Haage & Partner - Official Response
I know a lot of you may be sick of the arguing and bickering going on between Phase 5 and Haage & Partner but here's H&P's official (albeit long) response. Some good points are made and what appears to be a complete version of "their side" of the story is told.
06 Oct 97
More Price Cuts from Schatztruhe!
Last month, Schatztruhe announced a series of price cuts on popular Amiga titles. Well they've come back with even more! These include Aminet Set 3, Magic Publisher, Tele-Info Vol. 2, Turbo Calc 4.0, Turbo Calc 4.0 Update, Wordworth 6, and Wordworth 6 Office
06 Oct 97
Amiga Flame
Diversia Screen Shots
Also from Amiga Flame are these screen shots of the new ABlaze Entertainment game, Diversia. Looks really good AND it's PPC-compatible!
06 Oct 97
Amiga Flame
Amiga Flame's new site and address
Amiga Flame, a good UK site for news and info on Amiga news and games has undergone a re-birth and redesign at a new URL address
06 Oct 97
Distant Suns
Winnipeg, MB - Power Solutions has reached agreement with Chaocity to acquire world wide distribution rights for Distant Suns.
06 Oct 97
Amiga News Central
Round 3: Phase5 vs. Haage & Partner
Sam Jordan, one of the developers of the now infamous WarpUP system posts this article regarding the uproar. In it, he invites users to judge the results and decide for themselves on its' merits.
06 Oct 97
MoveToMirror 2.5
Another Aminet release, MoveToMirror 2.5 allows you to to move the files you have in your download directory to a local Aminet mirror on your harddisk. The program uses the *.readme files and the "Type:" field to determine where to put the files. If drawer(s) of the Type: field don't exists MTM will create them when needed. It also uses the Short: field (which is required in Aminet readme files) as filecomment for the main archive.
06 Oct 97
Geek Gadgets CVS Info
Here's some information from the Usenet regarding the Geek Gadgets CVS repository.
06 Oct 97
Callman 1.2 released
CallMan 1.2 has been released to the Aminet. CallMan is a MUI integrated phone dialer, logfile analyzer, cost calculator and small address manager.
03 Oct 97
Phase 5
Round 2: Phase 5 vs. Haage & Partner
In the latest round, Phase 5 leads off with this document, posted to their website which calls the Haage & Partner efforts a "Hacker Kernel".
02 Oct 97
National Amiga
National Amiga Update
The guys at National Amiga have posted their October price list and tidbits.
02 Oct 97
SASG International Announces MagicWB 2.1p Released for Free Download
Following popular demand, MagicWB 2 (which was previously only available through prior registration) is now for the first time publicly available as fully installable shareware version. Get it if you still have the old and outdated MagicWB 1.2p running on your system or if you haven't yet installed MagicWB...
02 Oct 97
NewIcons 4.0 released
Team NewIcons is proud to announce the latest release of their revolutionary GUI icon enhancement system, NewIcons version 4.0. The NewIcons system transparently allows up to 256 color icons on the Amiga Workbench, and is supported by several Workbench enhancements such as Scalos and Directory Opus Magellan. Included with this release is a stunning new set of 32 color icons, as well as remarkable improvements in NewIcons' speed and functionality.
01 Oct 97
NewTek Expo Registration Deadline Extended
The NewTek Expo advanced registration deadline has been extended...
01 Oct 97
Ted Wallingford
Internet Development Seminar
Pantheon Systems Co. and the Amiga Informer to Co-sponsor Internet Development Seminar at the Midwest Amiga Exposition '97
01 Oct 97
Amiga News Central
SAS/C for PPC Amiga
Amiga News Central reports that SAS/C will be coming out for the PPC Amiga. It won't be a SAS product, but it seems to have their blessing...
01 Oct 97
Fletcher Haug
Amiga Informer #10
Amiga Informer has gone to press! Expected Shipdate October 17th

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