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  North Alabama Society of Amiga Users (NASAU)

This web site, is the concerted effort of the North Alabama Society of Amiga Users (NASAU) to present a common place for information, links, and resources about the Amiga® line of personal computers. Amiga is the copyrighted trademark of Amiga International.

The North Alabama Society of Amiga Users itself is a non-profit organization dedicated to help Amiga users understand and harness the power of the greatest multimedia machine in history. We are in no way, technically or otherwise affiliated with Amiga International or Gateway 2000 (it's parent company).

Questions and Answers

Q. You post news stories, what is your policy regarding posting news?

A. Please reference our current news policy.

Q. So why are we "AMIGA.ORG"?

A. Simply put, in January of 1994, we registered the AMIGA.ORG domain through the Internet's "InterNIC" agency in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Internet. Since AMIGA.ORG had not been reserved by anyone, it was given to us.

Q. What is the purpose of

A. Our original (and current) intent is to offer a central link to any and all Internet resources surrounding the Amiga® line of personal computers. Rather than our small club spending many, many hours trying to keep up with the ever-changing news and products, we plan to offer you the most up-to-date links to resources upkept by literally hundreds of Amiga enthusiasts, developers, and companies worldwide.

Q. Is this site commercially sponsored?

A. Partially. Contact Wayne Hunt for more details.

Q. As holder of the "" domain, would you allow me/us to set our club's page up as a subdomain? (example;

A. We are currently looking into the issues surrounding "subdomaining" and see no real problem other than the technical issues of getting your ISP to provide the appropriate routing. To discuss these options, please leave feedback.

Amiga Web Network
Member of the Amiga Web Network.