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  World-Wide Amiga Headlines!
World-Wide Amiga Online is a project of the North Alabama Society of Amiga Users in Huntsville, AL. Any comments, feedback, press releases, or news tips should be sent to :

28 March, 1997
ProDAD and Cronus announce joint effort. - Press Release

27 March, 1997
In what I consider to be the shock of the decade, Gateway 2000 (makers of Intel PC's) announced that their offer to purchase the Amiga Technology was accepted by Hembach - Press Release !!!!!!!!

26 March, 1997
Amiga Developer Network is now online. - Press Release

21 March, 1997
AmigaSoc announces an Amiga-only TV show in England. - Press Release

21 March, 1997
Almathera closed its' doors. - Press Release

20 March, 1997
Information on the upcoming WOA Developer's Conference, Hammersmith - Press Release

18 March, 1997
Notes of what transpired at the Developers Conference at the Amiga '97 show in St. Louis. - Press Release

17 March, 1997
Subscription Information for Legacy, the new Video Magazine coming soon from Jason Compton, Editor of Amiga Report. - Web Page

17 March, 1997
Joe Tracy, Editor in Chief of NewTekniques magazine, has announced the release of his first book for Video Toaster Flyer owners called the "Flyer Mastery Guide". - Press Release

17 March, 1997
Here's an update from Joe Tracy on the status of the new NewTekniques magazine. - Press Release

17 March, 1997
Nova Design, Makers of ImageFX and Aladdin 4D announce a great new way for groups to sponsor their own ImageFX seminars and training classes. - Press Release

17 March, 1997
Carl Sassenrath releases the first part of his REBOL Programming Language. - Press Release

13 March, 1997
AmiCrawler releases the results of their Amiga Browser poll. - Press Release

11 March, 1997
Amiga '97 goes Interactive with online IRC during the show - Press Release

11 March, 1997
A perfect report of NASAU's efforts at the Huntsville 1997 IEEE Show - Press Release

11 March, 1997
Petro Tyschtschenko, President of Amiga Technologies, relates his thoughts on the future of the Amiga - Press Release

08 March, 1997
Softwood announces Final Writer '97 - Home Page

07 March, 1997
Toysoft announces AirMail 4.2 - Home Page

05 March, 1997
Carl Sassenrath announces a new name (and attitude) for his upcoming programming language - Press Release

01 March, 1997
Phase 5 News Updates
- Cyberstorm PowerPC accelerators for the 3000(T) and 4000(T)
- Blizzard 603e Power PC Board Accelerator for Amiga 1200
- An open letter to the Amiga community by Wolf Dietrich concerning vendor cooperation and related issues
- A statement concerning CyberGraphX V3 support of PicassoIV boards and the Picasso96 software

February 1997 Amiga News

Internet Roundhouse discussion at Amiga '97.
3Com and US Robotics in 6.6 Billion dollar merger
Special deal on Drawstudio for Subscribers
Amiga Informer #6 is now available
Zipperware closes it's doors forever
Amiga Enforcer 37.70 available
National Amiga sale
Power PC convention, in Montreal.
PIOS One computer specs
PIOS Computer AG and Motorola to share booth at CeBit '97
PIOS Computer One computer embraces EIDE (not SCSI) Technology.
Special deal on Imagine 5.0 for the Amiga
Steuer Profi 96 is available!
Aminet 17 CD-ROM Released
Cloanto's Personal Paint 7 Breaks the Amiga Chip RAM Barrier
Amiga Coding Excellence Scheme (ACES)
PIOS backs out of the Be Box market
NovaDesign announces a slight delay for Aladdin 4D
AmigaTech '97 in Stockholm, Sweden
SBase4Pro v1.30n Upgrade Offer
Oberon V4 for the Amiga released
Topolino, lets you use a PC mouse on your Amiga
VoyagerNG (Next Generation), available in prerelease form.
Quikpak Submits final bid for the Amiga Technology

January 1997 Amiga News

IAM finds more Boing Balls
ImageFX and Aladdin 4D demo tapes
Schatztruhe price cuts
Aminet CD Set #4
NewTek News
NovaDesign moves into new office
IAM cuts prices
AmigaZone goes WWW
NASAU at 1997 IEEE Fair
PIOS and ProDAD team up
NewTekniques Subscription Info.
QuikPak 4040L, 4060L, 5050T

Amiga News Stories of 1996
World-Wide Amiga Online's News Policy

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