Emulators Unlimited

This page is entirely dedicated to the Amiga. It may seem rather strange to some, but here I hope to provide the most up to date versions of Emulators for the Amigas.....

It will include all possible emulators for the Amigas (I hope). I've endeavoured to search for as many emulators as possible and many could possibly be found on Aminet, but who really wants to search Aminet for them all ?! Especially when they can be found HERE !

Please note that all the emulators have been tested on a decent machine... :) So you'll have no worries about them not working for you. If you cannot get one of the emulators to work then contact the authors ! BTW my machine, what is it ? It's an A1200T (Tower) 060/50, 16 Meg Fast, 1.08Gig HD, 4X CD-Rom, Zip, Motorola 28.8 Modem. Okay all the extra stuff makes little difference to the system, but it's the Apollo A1260 that really makes the system cook ! Here's the picture.... Pretty Crowded desk Huh ? :)

picture of my Amiga setup

There is going to be a number of changes to the page. Due to a lack of space on my WWW server I simply cannot keep all the files online here. So I will be moving a number of the links to Aminet sites both here and in America. Only Australian users will be able to use the Aust Aminet link (a limit of Livewire in Queensland, too keep costs down). I hope this does not inconvenience people. I will keep a number of files online here though. I should have the WWW counter on the page up and running, it's somewhere down at the bottom of the page (hopefully) :)
Some programs will not run on 060's and I'll let you know which programs these are... No sense in you downloading a whole heap of stuff (like I usually do) only to find that it won't work.....
You will also have to "Shift-Click" on local files to download them. Sorry, but until I can get my ISP to change some things this is the way it will have to be. Any inconvenience is just tough ! :)

Now on with the show........

Here you will find a number of different Nintendo emulators for the Amiga. Mostly they are just different versions of Gameboy Emulators. With a few NES emulators thrown in for good measure. Keep 'em coming.

Who could forget the classic Commodore 64 ? Most of us Amiga users upgraded from one of these. Mine still works, but is packed reasonably nicely away in the cupboard. Doesn't get used much, then again, what for ? An emulator will do the job just as well.
Commodore 64/Vic 20

There are currently several different Sega Emulators floating around. Some are fast, some are death slow, even on my 060... I've included as many as possible. Enjoy. But don't blame me about the speed. Write to the authors !
Sega Master System/Game Gear

There are a few new IBM emulators available now. Things Just keep on getting better. I now have a copy of PCx and will be doing some tests. Hopefully I will be able to get PC-Task soon, but my "local" Amiga supplier seems to have gone out of business. You'll be missed Mark. =(
IBM Compatibles

What can I say about Apple. Several emulators ranging from the old ][e's upto the Macs. I will be doing some more tests on Fusion soon too . Aaaarrrrgggghhh.

There are several MSX emulators about & I've hopefully found all of them. I will have the new demo of AmiMSX up soon. Unfortunately the registered archive that Juan sent me was corrupted, so no new news yet !

Anyone remember these ? How could you not ! Created by Sir Clive Sinclair way back when, they were the big rival of the Commodore 64. Although not nearly as good as the C64 in my opinion. Take a look here and judge for yourselves.

Here you'll find various Emulators that really aren't worthy of their own page. Just hit the link for more info..... Including AMAME, and lots more.
Various Emulators

Here you'll find links to various sites.
Including the NEW RSA-RC5 Amiga cracking TEAM link !


Here you'll find the news and rumour mill. Anything that I "hear" will be placed in this section.... This is also the place to see what has been added to the page.


Requests page. Here you can EMail me & I'll put the request for either an obscure emulator or a new upcoming one, and we'll see how we go...

Wow a comps page ! Here I will have prizes for those competitions I have setup with the authors of the various emulators. So far I have one... Look out for more hopefully...

SwitchBoard is here. The page has been a little slow with updates, and this is due why. I've spent the time coding this little gem. It's an emulator launcher along the same lines as LaunchPad (on the PC)...
SwitchBoard !

Number of Hits since 8/6/97

Email me at rodneyn@aic.net.au for more information, or if you'd like to help me with the page. If you are an author of an emulator then please email me, I'd be happy to help in any way......

Rodney Norton. 6.10.97 (Yay, another update) =)

This page is ALWAYS under construction.....