SwitchBoard V0.18 Public

Hiya folks. Well after a few weeks of intense coding I can say I have finally finished SwitchBoard... My room is a mess, there are books, disks, scraps of paper and CD's everywhere. All containing things that I used to create SwitchBoard. Mums' been hassling me to clean "That bloody messy room up", but I've fobbed her off until I've finished....
So what does it do ?
It is a Launch Pad type program for (currently) 4 emulators: As it says above, SwitchBoard now supports Wzonka-Lad. I have added GameGenie support for AmigaVGB. I am quite happy with the way SwitchBoard has turned out and now development will slow down, there are few bugs in it, but none that prevent the program from running. I may fix these in the near future, but most of my time is now being spent writing my new programs.

New in this version is Locale support, with English & German Catalogs so far. I'm hoping to have Finnish and maybe some others soon...

The following people are my �eta testers. Only they have the right to use and test the �eta releases of SwitchBoard. How can you tell if you have the (P)ublic or (�)eta release ? Well the �eta has a "�" on the end of the archive and the Public has a "P". Easy huh ?! And if you're still confused the �eta has the bloody great requester that tells you so when first run.

SwitchBoard V0.18P NOW ONLINE

This program is also available from Aminet sites all around the world. If you have trouble downloading the file from this site then check your local Aminet site. Okay !?
