
Okay, first on the list is:
AMAME. The Amiga version of Nicola Salmoria's MAME arcade emulator. This is one I want, so I can test it and bring it to you lot. If you have it then EMail me ( and attach it to the message. FOUND

DREAM. This one I no idea about, but it was requested by Simon Goodwin, yep the author of those loverly Emulator pages in Amiga Format.FOUND

Okay, I now have a copy of this one too. It's a Dragon emulator. Simon wanted the email address of the author, which I have found, phew....
Try this out :
If that doesn't work add : _subnode.soc
to the end of the email address and try again.... I haven't tested this yet.

Okay, now I have to come to you folks out there. I have provided the files here for your enjoyment and I thank the authors for writing these superb emulators, but some of them are shareware. If you use them please pay the fee. I have recently spoken to Ville Helin and he has received 4 shareware payments for Wzonka-lad. This, from who knows how many people use the program quite regularly. It's only US $15, or 70Fim, around $23 AUS, not that much, so come on folks support shareware authors and cough up the fee. If any Aussies would like to "bulk" pay then I would be quite happy to forward the fee on for no extra cost (I work in a bank). Just email me and let me know.

Leslie Ayling has asked if anyone has any information on the "Ohio Superboard II" computer could they please email her with the information please. This is to be her next emulator after she finishes her TRS80 emulator, which is coming along rather nicely.

If anyone can help with these requests then please send me some information.... Or mail the people directly.
