Go on ask. What the hell is an MSX. Most people would have heard of them atleast. I can say that I have never seen one in real life :) Using a Z80 processor @ 3.5Mhz this machine was released in 1983 as a cheap home computer. MSX actually stands for MicroSoft EXtended. Why, well it was released as a "standard" computer (like the IBM compatibles nowdays) with minumum configurations for the different MSX-1 & MSX-2, then later MSX-2+ / MSX Turbo-R, on which early versions of MS-DOS and MS Basic ran. Like IBM Clones (PC's) these machines were not made by just one manufacturer (eg Apple Mac, Commodore Amiga), they were made by many. Check out the Docs for FMSX for a lot more information on these cool computers.

FMSX V1.4 Freeware.
This is new Amiga port of a Unix MSX emulator of the same name. This emulator supports all MSX 1 features and some more of the MSX 2 commands, as such a number of the MSX 2 games will run. Written/ported by Hans Guijt (whose "voice" is often "heard" in several Amiga news groups) from Marat Fayzullin's sources this is a very complete and fast emulator. It ran all the (limited number of) roms that I tested on it.
Being a Marat Fayzullin port you could almost guarantee that all the MSX-1 games you test will run, although it has now been almost completely rewritten in 68020 asm by Hans.
This new version now supports a lot more MSX-2 games, multiple MSX-2 fonts (including the Japanese Kanji font/rom), and SCC sound support included whilst playing PSG sound. Check the archives for complete enhancements !
Apologies to Hans here, the program works fine if you delete the old prefs file from envarc. The problems I had were with AHI crashing my machine.... Now to hassle Martin Blom :)
Compatible: 68020-68060, OS2.0+


SCC Sound Demo.lzx Required to make the SCC+ PSG sound mode work.

AmiMSX V2.3 Shareware : $20 US
Written by that other emulator genius, Juan Antonio Gomez this MSX emulator claims to run MSX-2 software. Written in 68020 asm it's damn fast, mostly due to the fact that it kills the OS and hits the hardware directly. Not a good way to write software, but it does work. He is currently developing 2 other emulators and according to the docs is devoting less time to AmiMSX, but is intending on adding FM sound, complete 68060 compatibility and more gfx modes, but this is in the future.
Compatible: 68020-68060, AGA only.