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Recent Changes in the Web Site

  • 28-Oct-1997: A number of small corrections.

  • 16-Oct-1997:
    Major overhaul of the whole site, adding pages about the MAGNA models, interactive order pages, and more.

  • 14-Oct-1997:
    PIOS has moved! The new address is now Daimlerring 37, neither the other parts of the address nor telephone or fax have changed.

  • 24-Sep-1997:
    Update of the FAQ page for the PIOS ONE.
    Additions to the Magna 5 announcement on the home page.

  • 23-Sep-1997: Statement by Motorola on the future of the PowerPC.

  • 12-Sep-1997: Some more additions to Newsletter #9/97

  • 08-Sep-1997: Some additions to Newsletter #9/97

  • 05-Sep-1997: Newsletter #9/97 is here!

  • 02-Sep-1997: PIOS searches staff for German headquarter (in German).

  • 27-Aug-1997:
    BeOS "Preview Release" (DR9) is now shipping and also distributed via some computer magazines.
    A comment from the German Börse Online stock exchange online report.

  • 21-Aug-1997: Shares FAQ List extended.

  • 20-Aug-1997:
    Entry page extended.
    Organisation of this page changed.

  • 18-Aug-1997: Preferred Stock already sold out.

  • 15-Aug-1997: Shares FAQ List now also in English.

  • 14-Aug-1997: FAQ List (german) added to the Shares pages.

  • 11-Aug-1997: PIOS Goes Public.

The older history of this Web site is listed below.

How far can the PowerPC go? A long way, according to Motorola documents

According to Motorola internal memos recently acquired by Rumors, the sky is the limit for future versions of the PowerPC processor. The documents state that the G3 series -- now comprised of the PPC 740 and 750 chips -- should reach 500 MHz or more in the coming two years. The G4s, a new generation of PowerPC processors utilizing multiple CPUs on a single chip and expected to begin shipping in mid-to-late 1998, may easily exceed 1 Gigahertz (1,000 MHz) before the millennium is out.

According to a reliable source, Motorola already has conceptual plans reaching up to sixth and seventh generations of the PowerPC; imagine, a G7! Don't count either Motorola or IBM out of the PowerPC market any time soon.


PIOS in the Press

  • In the online discussion forum of Börse Online (German language), the Publishers of Börse Online have written the following article on 21-Aug-97 (directly quoted and translated by PIOS from German):

    Some words first to avoid misunderstandings:
    In BO 35 on page 6 we generally warned against doing IPOs via the Internet. With the exception that one does lay out the advertising pages like PIOS did it (http://www.pios.de). All important information only one click away, added the prospectus signed and sealed - exemplary and recommended!

    What does speak for PIOS:

    1. Compatibility with all important operating systems
    2. The open architecture ensures simple and inexpensive upgrades
    3. PIOS can be called a very innovative enterprise. This is not only shown by the successful IPO via Internet, but also by the long-term strategy to handle advertising, offers, support, and orders via the medium of the future, WWW.

    What you should keep as an afterthought:

    WinTel has gained such a dominance in the meantime, that many people begin worrying, justifiedly.
    The $150 million shares of Apple have demonstrated again, how the "small" can become the playing object of WinTel: 1. Billy-Boy exits again, as soon as the worries for the DOJ are gone and rakes in a fine profit.
    2. Apple innovations don't have to be copied anymore and Microsoft products become familiar on the Apple PCs, thus weakening the good reputation of the Macs in longer terms.

    Though the fighting has just begun:

    Oracle launches VES against ASF
    Sun threatens Microsoft to withdraw the Java license, if there are no JFCs bundled with Windows platforms.

  • Financial News Network, 12-Aug-97 (German)
    PIOS Computer AG: Aktienemission im Internet!

  • Focus 13/97 (German)
    "Heimcomputer-Renaissance in der Garage"

    Dave does what Dave does best...

  • MacUP 5/97 (German)
    "PowerPC inside"

  • MacWeek, 28-Feb-1997
    "PIOS clones pack Mac, Be, Amiga OSes": http://www.macweek.com/mw_1109/nw_pios.html

  • Amiga Blast 5/96
    "Interview with Dave Haynie": http://www.intercom.it/~fsoft/AmigaBlast/Issue5/PIOS_E.html

Older History of this Web Site

  • 05-Aug-1997: Just a few minor corrections on the home page.

  • 22-Jul-1997: Announcement of new computers on the home page.

  • 18-Jul-1997:
    Some small updates on the Keenya page.
    Repeated update of the PIOS ONE status on the home page.

  • 1-Jul-1997: Added address of PIOS UK on contacts page.

  • 30-Jun-1997: Added PIOS ONE status bulletin on home page.

  • 18-Jun-1997:
    Reviving of the German pages.
    Diverse small corrections, updates, cosmetics.

  • 10-Jun-1997: Added Site Map as an overview of all PIOS Web pages.

  • 06-Jun-1997:
    Added Newsflash about German Be Developer Meeting.
    Added independent FAQ list.

  • 04-Jun-1997:
    Just fixed some few bugs and feature omissions on the Hardware, transAM, and Maxxtrem pages.

  • 24-Apr-1997:
    Just in case you haven't noticed: our site has been redesigned and entirely overhauled. Like it? If not, flame webmaster@pios.de!

  • 15-Apr-1997 Newsletter #3/97 is here!

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Last change: 28-Oct-1997 - - - - - Site Map
©1997 PIOS, info@pios.de