
Cronus Product Summary

Our current product line is listed below. To place an order, simply click on the box to the right of the product. When you have selected all of the products that you want to order, select "Continue with Order" at the bottom of the page.

Description Price Add to Order
Amy Resource U.S. Edition - Vol. 1 - shareware, demos, graphics, mods & registered programs

Amiga Developer CD V1.1 - Almost everything you need to develop software for Amiga computers.
Aminet - the biggest archive of Aminet software, on CD-ROM!
Vol 18 $14.95
Vol 19 $14.95

Vol 20 $14.95

Vol 21 $17.95
Aminet Set 5
Amiga Repair Kit - Useful utilities to fix problems with your hard drive.
FantaSeas - Go scuba diving, without leaving your chair!
Geek Gadgets - Amiga Version 2 - Latest tools plus developer's version of pOS!.
Geek Gadgets - BeOS Version 1 Geek Gadgets for BeOS.
Geek Gadgets - BeOS Snapshot (CD-R) - development snapshot on recordable CD.
Geek Gadgets - BeOS Subscription (4 CD's)
Guru-ROM - make your GVP Series-II SCSI controller faster and more reliable!
Regular Version
A2091 Version
Mods Anthology - More than 18,000 mods!
OctaMED SoundStudio V1 - The next generation of this popular music editor.
p.OS PreRelease - A prerelease of this exciting new operating system for Amigas.

Potluck Pak 1 - Goodie grab bag of 4 CDs! Selections of your favorite Fish CDs and other titles!

Potluck Pak 2 - Goodie grab bag of 10 CDs! Selections of your favorite Fish CDs and other titles!

TurboCalc - This powerful and easy-to-use spreadsheet is now even better!
V4 upgrade from V3.5
V4 full version

Geek Gadgets, GoldFish, FrozenFish and FantaSeas are trademarks of CRONUS.
