
Aminet Series

Aminet is the world's largest collection of freely distributable Amiga software available. A wide variety of programs is included; applications, games, demos, pictures, mods, animations, developer material, network software and much more. User friendly access software makes the Aminet CDs a pleasure to use. Bi-monthly releases include selected portions of the Aminet files.

Aminet CD 19, dated June 1997, contains more than 1 gigabyte (uncompressed) of software in thousands of archives. Since the release of Aminet CD 18 more than 1000 MB new software has appeared. The current edition includes the full version of Innovatronic's CanDo 2.5 as well as the full version of AmiAtlas Pro 1.3.

Contents of Aminet 19
Directory    Size            Files         Contents 

biz           30 MB          102           Business software
comm          36 MB          231           Communications
demo         142 MB           87           Graphics & sound demo
dev           19 MB           87           Development software
disk           7 MB           33           Disk & HD tools
docs          27 MB           78           Documents
game         115 MB          251           Games
gfx           70 MB          124           Graphics software
hard           3 MB           25           Hardware related
misc          25 MB           74           Miscellaneous
mods         149 MB          447           Music modules
mus           14 MB           65           Music software
pix          239 MB          257           Pictures
text          14 MB           62           Text software
util          30 MB          283           Utilities

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