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p.OS PreRelease

Since its first introduction this new operating system, an innovation started on the Amiga platform, has gained tremendous interest from the Amiga community.

With this prerelease every user gets the opportunity to take a closer look into the philosophy of p.OS - the operating system which will soon be available for the Amiga and many other platforms.

The prerelease is a nearly complete operating system at a reduced introductory price! You may also upgrade this version to the final release without having to pay more than the difference in price.

For the price of $29.95 you'll obtain the p.OS PreRelease on CD-ROM. As a special introduction bonus you receive - for free - additional demos and tools, which demonstrate the abilities of this operating system. An online tutor introduces you comfortably and with the greatest of ease to all the technical innovations and allows you to become immediately familiar with this powerful operating system.

An excerpt of the features of the prerelease (CD ROM version):

Available now on CD-ROM for only $29.95

(The floppy disk version won't be available until September)

System requirements: Amiga with MC68020 or higher, 4MB RAM
CD ROM version: CD ROM drive / harddisk recommended
Disk version : Floppy drive (DD) and harddisk

p.OS PreRelease is a product of

proDAD Software GbR
Feldelestr. 24
D-78194 Immendingen
Phone: ++49-7462-91134
Fax: ++49-7462-74354
E-Mail adver@prodad.de
WWW http://www.prodad.de/

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