
Aminet Set 5

Aminet is the world's largest collection of freely distributable Amiga software. Up to 20,000 users access the vast archives every day, and countless programmers release their software directly on Aminet. More than 4 years after its inception, Aminet now holds the equivalent of 9000 floppy disks.

Aminet Set 5 offers you everything that was added to the archive since Aminet Set 4 was made, plus the latest and unrestricted version of Octamed Sound Studio and some other commercial software. Aminet Set 5 is also featuring nearly 1 GB of data which will not appear on the regular Aminet CD-ROM Series.

Aminet Set 5, dated June 1997, consists of approximately 4 gigabytes of software in 7,400 archives. Since the release of Aminet 19 more than 510 MB of new software have appeared.

Although you own this disc, you do not own all the programs contained on it. Many of the included programs are shareware, and you are encouraged to register.


Directory    Size            Files         Contents

biz           84 MB          212           Business software
dev          115 MB          292           Development software
disk          19 MB           84           Disk & HD tools
docs          88 MB          216           Documents
hard           9 MB           54           Hardware related
misc          59 MB          158           Miscellaneous
text          46 MB          137           Text software
util          75 MB          722           Utilities
gfx          151 MB          287           Graphics software
pix          941 MB         1228           Pictures
demo         813 MB          401           Graphics & sound demo
game         273 MB          613           Games
comm         100 MB          578           Communications
mods         801 MB         2275           Music modules
mus           43 MB          143           Music software

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