Amiga Developer CD V1.1
Amiga Developer CD V1.1 is now available. This CD contains almost all of the material you need
to start developing software for the Amiga. Included is:
- The CD developer package. In addition to the original five disk set
distribution, you will find the "Build CD" CD writer package.
- Packages contributed by 3rd parties:
- The WBPath and ActionFSSM packages, courtesy of Ralph Babel
- The Envoy v2.0 developer kit, courtesy of IAM, Inc.
- The INet 225 developer kit, version 2, courtesy of Interworks, Inc.
- The Kiskometer package, courtesy of Angela Schmidt
- The Enforcer v37.64, courtesy of Mike Sinz
- Information in support of forthcoming operating system developments
- Additional developer material:
- BOOPSI gadget and image classes
- The AmigaOS 2.04 example code, as part of the original
2.04 Native Developer Kit
- The RKM 2.04 code examples
- The complete set of registered IFF forms
- IFF example and stress test files
- All IFF packages released by Commodore-Amiga, Inc.,
covering 1986 through 1992
- The camd v37.1 MIDI developer kit
- The SANA-II standard package and developer kit
- The Installer v43.1 package
- International support material:
- Sample text using the full ISO-8859-1 character set
- Translation guidelines
- The updated 3.1 Native Developer Kit:
- `C' and assembly language header files, linker and runtime libraries
- System documentation and tutorial texts
- Example code covering the AmigaOS 3.0 and 3.1 features
- The NewIFF v39 package
- The AmigaGuide and DataTypes documentation and example code
- Reference material:
- The collection of AmigaMail Volume 1 articles,
covering Spring 1987 through January/February 1989
- The complete AmigaMail Volume 2 articles in AmigaGuide
format, covering January/February 1990 through March/April
1993; also included are the printable issues in PostScript
and PageStream format.
- Hardware related articles
- The Includes and Autodocs in AmigaGuide format.
Please note that you will still need a `C' compiler or assembler, etc. to
develop software for Amiga computers, none of which is included on this CD.
SPECIAL NOTE - An advanced C compiler is available on the
GeekGadgets CD-ROM.
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