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The Amiga Web Directory is a free service of the Champaign-Urbana Computer Users Group and AdvanceNet. If you know of any other interesting Amiga-oriented Web pages tell us about them! Just fill out our handy Suggest a Link Form or e-mail your submissions to cucug@cucug.org and we'll check them out.

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The Amiga Web Directory
Sound and Music Tools

  • AlgoMusic - Algorithmic song creation utility which produces groovy tunes. Uses MUI for configuration and external sample files for great variety of sounds. Giftware by Thomas Schuerger.
  • APlayer / Enhance Your Amiga - APlayer is a MOD musing module player for the Amiga. Site also includes "Enhance your Amiga". By Jakob Langgaard.
  • D.A.S. ModulePlayer - Advanced MOD player from Pauli Porkka.
  • DigiBoosterPro Support Page - Support for the Amiga music editor written by Tomasz & Waldemar Piasta. Also includes a selection of 16-bit modules for DigiBoosterPro. Site by Claus Morell.
  • Dissidents - Amiga sound editing and midi sampler software including Sample Wrench, SpeakerSim and SXVirtual.
  • Hippopotamus Design - Utilities, games and modules. And the home of HippoPlayer the multi-format module player by K-P Koljonen.
  • MikMod - Amiga port of the Unix tracker program MikMod. It has support for MODS, S3M, XM, etc. with drivers included for 14-bit sound on standard Amigas. By Tony Bybell.
  • Modern Plumbing - Support site for old Blue Ribbon Soundworks products like Bars & Pipes Pro, Patchmeister, and SuperJam!
  • MP3 on the Amiga - Collection of MPEG layer 3 audio utilities and sites for the Amiga. MP3 allows CD-quality sound to be encoded/decoded to/from very compressed files.
  • Musicline - Powerful Tracker-style music program with many special features. By John Carehag.
  • Mikko Lahtinen - Support site for Pentagram-Player, techno MOD player.
  • Play 16 - Versatile sound playing program by Thomas Wenzel.
  • Sid4Amiga - C64 SID music player for the Amiga. By Paul Heams.
  • Sonic Dreams Software - Includes MIDIPro, a MIDI-file player for GM instruments and GMPlay, a stand-alone MIDI file player for Amiga.
  • SoundFX - Impressive sample editor for Amiga. Written by Stefan Kost.
  • FREE Symphonie Support Page - Symphonie is a 256 Channel/DSP/16 Bit advanced MOD tracker by Patrick Meng/RealTime Software.
  • Janne Syvdniemi - Featuring his MidiPlay program.
  • Syx Amiga MIDI System Exclusive Dump Utility - SyX is an Amiga program that records and transmits MIDI System Exclusive messages. By Thijs van der Vossen.
  •  *NEW* THX Sound System - A Protracker-like module editor/composer.
  • TMidi - Newest version and related information about TMidi MIDI editor by Oliver Heyme.
  • Tracks & Fields - MIDI-tracker for the Amiga.
  • WaveBeast - Software synthesizer simulates an analogue synthesizer by using state-of-the-art DSP algorhythms. Written by Marco Thrush and Jan Krutisch.

© 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997 Champaign-Urbana Computer Users Group / cucug@cucug.org