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The Amiga Web Directory is a free service of the Champaign-Urbana Computer Users Group and AdvanceNet. If you know of any other interesting Amiga-oriented Web pages tell us about them! Just fill out our handy Suggest a Link Form or e-mail your submissions to cucug@cucug.org and we'll check them out.

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The Amiga Web Directory
Games and Entertainment

  • Amigotchi - Tamagotchi-like game for the Amiga. By Fernando Amaral.
  • AmiZoft - Featuring The Battles Of The World. By Andreas Magnusson.
  • AmyPlanets - Space strategy game inspired by VGA-Planets. By Marko H. Tamminen.
  • Apex Designs - Featuring Frontal Assault, Tracers, Fire Power and 6 Tris. By James Daniels.
  • Argus - Vertically scrolling shoot-em-up game featuring well done graphics, sound effects and game play. By Philip Mulholland.
  • Alex Aris - Featuring Coin Mania a puzzle game with level editor. Originally sold as Licenseware, but is now available for free download.
  • ASokoban - Famous warehouse keeper game for the Amiga by Lorens Younes.
  • ASP Design - Game developers. Site currently features Monty The Wolf. By Anthony Sherratt.
  •  *NEW* Backyard Brothers - Amiga shareware game team in Turkey. They have currently three titles NSX (Nibbler Super eXtra), Geenie and Delarith. By Mehmet Ali Sahin.
  • Battle! - Latest info, custom maps and previews of the upcoming BattleIsle-type clone. By Marco Frischkorn.
  • BattleDuel - Artillery clone with support for ECS, AGA and graphics cards, and playable over Parnet, modem, and the Internet. By Jochen Terstiege, Michael David and Marco Seine.
  • Barca Furada Design - Featuring a currently unnamed scrolling fighting game. By Erico Patricio Monteiro.
  • Bearsoft - Featuring War-Blood, a Cannon Fodder clone. By Bj�rn Persson.
  • BetaSoft - Spacelander.
  • Bermuda - Homepage of the Designers from Bermuda, a graphic adventure like Myst, Secret of the Luxor. By Michael Ulbrich.
  • Bitmap Brothers - Legendary software house of many Amiga classics including Speedball 1&2, Gods and The Chaos Engine.
  • Peter de Boer - Includes Battlecraft (Warcraft-clone) and Marathon.
  • BOTSS - The Battle of the Solar System - These games are for any Amiga with 2Megs of free RAM, but require AMOSPro. By Stephen "The Scarf" Sweeney (Parallel Realites).
  • Paul "Shoecake" Burkey - Peg-It, Jelly Othelly, Shroom Gammon, Piles'o'Tiles, Sneech and Foundation. Also see the Foundation Preview from Sadeness Software.
  • Dave's Dark Castle MUD page - Getting started in the Dark Castle MUD (multi-user dungeon/domain). MUDs are text-only adventure games made very rich by the fact that many players interact with each other.
  • Dark City Productions - Software coding group features a look at some of their creations like Force of Temera and Claim Jumpers. Also includes a collection of MOD music files.
  •  *NEW* Diamond Productions - Shareware games for the Amiga like Diamond Caves I + II, ManiacBall and Master Blaster. By Peter Elzner.
  • Peter Elzner - Featuring Diamond Caves, the ultimate Emerald Mine clone, Diamond Caves II, Emerald Mine: the next generation and ManiacBall, a multiplayer Breakout game.
  • F1GP-Ed - Editor and enhancer for MicroProse Formula One Grand Prix (aka World Circuit). By Oliver Roberts.
  • Fields of Battle - Exciting strategic warfare game, with the First World War as its starting point. From Bevelstone Production. A CUCUG Contributing Vendor!
  • GeoSync Media - Featuring Star Fighter D'Yammen's Reign, a space combat simulator for the AMIGA 1200. Includes fully rendered animations, direct-from-disk soundtracks and lots of tips for playing the game.
  • John Girvin - Gloomy Breed (Gloom Deluxe with copperscreen levels add-on), Turbo Tomato (cute, vegetable-oriented playfield scroller) and much, much more at this very well done site.
  • The Official Gloom Pages - Offers full support for Black Magic's GLOOM game series. Includes reviews, bug fixes, hints & tips, files and more. By Markus Castren.
  • Andrew Harrison - Featuring WAR!, a 2-4 player tank battle game for AGA FASTRAM Amigas.
  •  *NEW* Hexagons - Tetris-style game with hexagonal-shaped pieces. By Andreas Paul.
  • Holocaustic - Radical computer adventure game features blood, gore, guts. By Jyrki Sinivaara.
  • Hybrid Productions - Amiga coding group specializing in simple shareware games.
  • Hyperion - Swedish programming group responsible for Demons of Darkness, Space Escape, Monster Maze and others.
  • Invasion Force - Information about an Amiga wargame project. By Tony Belding.
  • Invasion Force Support - Additional information as well as artificially intelligent opponent modules for Belding's war game.
  • KidSTOP - Educational and entertainment system for children that combines animated images, sounds and an easy-to-use interface. By Brian Koetting.
  •  *NEW* Rick Keller - Euchre! for the Amiga.
  • KeyBang Software - KeyBang and ArtBang.
  • John Knight - Features full educational game Snowy plus useful Amiga E source code.
  • Asa Margetts - Nice Amiga page with links to author-written software such as Beasties II, Ingenuous, Vendetta and Emotional Conflict.
  • Mr. UFO - Gravity-style game by Joona Palaste.
  • MuzzaSoft - Software/shareware games producer for the Amiga with downloadables and information.
  • Net Hack - Single-player dungeon simulation for multiple platforms including the Amiga.
  • Frank Otto - Collection of Amiga (mostly) freeware games including Lost On Parrot Island, Trainer Maker and many more!
  • Chris Page/Digital Anrachy Software - Featuring Explorer2260, a first-person 3D simulator (like Frontier) and AB3D2-TKG Level Editor.
  • Phoenix - Unofficial page for the game Phoenix, a 3D combat game.
  • Stephan Preuss - Includes German card game DOPPELKOPF for all Amigas with WB 1.3 or higher.
  • Prolixity7 - Wheels on Fire downloadable demo with Internet competition racing support.
  • Q-Group - Featuring FUBAR, exclusively for the Amiga.
  • The RC5-56 Project - An attempt to break the RC5 encryption. The owner of the computer that finds the key gets $5,000US.
  •  *NEW* Realm of Sendai - Role-playing game. Absolutely free. By Joseph Hewitt.
  • Vaughn Roberts - Support page with download info for the game Aerial Racers and more.
  • RushHour - Freeware game based on an original C64 game called Traffic. You have to switch traffic-lights in order to prevent traffic jams. By Andreas Spreen.
  • Slayer Programs - An active game and program development site featuring LazerChess, Minefield, PlazGen, Super Concentration and The Hack Extension.
  • Space Battleship - Tactical war game of space combat for the Amiga computer. Free demo available for download. By Raymond Saltel.
  • SpaceHeat - Older, freeware SEUCK shoot-em-up game is fun to play. By Michael R�stad Ilsaas.
  • SpaceLander - Information, downloads and support for SpaceLander, the non-realtime, giftware strategy game by Mattias Karlsson.
  • Train Driver Simulator - Freeware train driver simulator with Class 87 locos from London Euston to Glasgow. By Paul Robins.
  • WBGames - Six simple games which can be played on any public screen: Tetris, Columns, 15, Minesweeper, Boxman, and Boulder. By Marat Fayzullin.
  • World Foundry - Merger of Digital Anarchy Software, Deimos Design and Imtuition Software. Concentrating on Amiga games like Explorer 2260 and Main & Mangle for 68K and PPC Amigas.

© 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997 Champaign-Urbana Computer Users Group / cucug@cucug.org