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The Amiga Web Directory is a free service of the Champaign-Urbana Computer Users Group and AdvanceNet. If you know of any other interesting Amiga-oriented Web pages tell us about them! Just fill out our handy Suggest a Link Form or e-mail your submissions to cucug@cucug.org and we'll check them out.

The Amiga Informer: one year for only 15 bucks!

The Amiga Web Directory
Magazines, Online and Otherwise

  • AAUGmentor Online - Online newsletter of the Arizona Amiga User Group includes articles, news and other info.
  • A CUCUG Contributing Vendor! Amazing Computing - The world's first monthly Amiga magazine as well as the longest running. Amazing is a top resource for Amiga users in North America.
  • Amiga Agora - Spanish Amiga magazine home page.
  • Amiga Aktuell - Monthly Amiga news magazine written in German.
  • Amiga Blast - The first Italian WWW magazine dedicated to Amiga. Full articles in Italian and English!
  • Amiga Computer Studio - Amiga print magazine in Poland. Site in Polish only.
  • Amiga Computing - General-interest Amiga magazine in the US and UK. Be sure to check out their cool chat page!
  • Amiga Format Magazine - Famous, glitzy Amiga magazine in the UK.
  • Amiga Game Zone Magazine - The magazine is out of print, but its web page keeps going and going and going!
  • The Amiga Magazines List - A guide to all Amiga-oriented, print-based magazines from all over the world. Maintained by Claude Mueller.
  • AMIGA-Magazin - German Amiga print magazine with topical online news, software downloads, links and info. German only.
  • Amiga Magazine - Italian Amiga magazine.
  • Amiga Master - Information about the only printed Amiga magazine in Slovenia.
  • Amiga Monitor - Monthly online magazine featuring news, product reviews and a spotlight on Amiga gaming. This CUCUG mirror includes a handy search feature for the Monitor as well. Published by Michael Webb. Here's a link to Mike's main USA site.
  • Amiga News - Non-official home page for AmigaNews, the French Amiga magazine. Contributors' addresses, table of contents and articles. Here's the French version.
  • Amiga News Australasia - Amiga print magazine for Australia and Asia published by J P Media.
  • Amiga North Online - Online newsletter sponsored by Randomize Computer Distribution of Tottenham, Ontario, Canada.
  • Amiga Nutta - Various installers and previews of new games. Xtreme Racing high-score table and more.
  •  *NEW* Amiga Nutta Games Magazine - All the latest Amiga games news. Various installers and previews of new games. Xtreme Racing high-score table and more.
  • Amiga On Line - Amiga related web-based magazine created by a group of Italian Amiga users. Written in Italian and English. By Massimiliano Gargani.
  • Amiga OnLine UK - Amiga news, views and info in fortnightly issues. By Peter Price.
  • Amiga Online Magazine - French Amiga news online magazine.
  • Amiga On Line - Italian Amiga games-oriented magazine.
  • AMIGAonly - Information about the Hungarian Amiga print magazine.
  • Amiga Plus - German Amiga print magazine. Site includes breaking news, the Sales Hit Parade, a listing of current, top-selling Amiga software, editorials, links and more.
  • Amiga Posten - The only Amiga magazine in Norway. Black & white, 24 pages with news and info about the Amiga. Printed in Norwegian. Published in February, May, September and December.
  • Amiga Report Magazine - The most popular, general-interest online Amiga magazine. With the Amiga Web Directory's custom interface you can read current and past issues online, download the AmigaGuide or .LHA archives, or search issues for specific topics and keywords.
  • Amiga Review - General interest Amiga print magazine in the Czech Republic.
  • Amiga User International - Monthly newsstand magazine for serious users. Recently discontinued.
  • Amiga Update - Online newsletter provides Amiga news and clearly labeled, entertaining rumors on a timely basis.
  • Der AmZeiger - German online magazine for the Amiga.
  • Magazine Indexes - Nicely done indexes to articles and/or reviews which have appeared in Amiga magazines: AC's Tech, Algorithm, Amazing Computing, Amiga Computing (UK), Amiga Domaine Public (France), Amiga Info, Amiga News (France), Amiga World and Amiga World Tech Journal From the young monkey studios site.
  • Beyond The Frontier - UK disk magazine produced by Area 51 and issued approximately every three months.
  • CD32 Bits - Covering the CD32 game console (defunct).
  • Computer Gazette - The Italian version of Computer Graphics World covering multiple platforms including Amiga.
  • CU Amiga - One of the world's most popular Amiga print magazines.
  • Enigma Amiga Run - A monthly mag based in Italy.
  • Fat Agnus - One of the oldest Polish disk magazines, now (from issue #18) available on the WWW.
  • FLAK - Newsletter of the Gateway Amiga Club.
  • Fun Time - German online Amiga magazine with news, product tests, workshops and more.
  • Die Gadget - Articles from the German Freeware magazine AmigaGadget.
  • Generation Online - One of the oldest disk mags is now online. Including all articles and more.
  • InfoBox - The online version of the monthly club newsletter published by Amiga1. In German.
  • A CUCUG Contributing Vendor! The Informer - Bi-monthly, printed Amiga journal. Samples of content from the magazine posted on line.
  • Amiga Legacy - Video magazine produced by Amiga Report's Jason Compton. Amiga Legacy is published five times per year.
  • LightWavin' Magazine - Magazine for LightWave animators.
  • The Wonderful World of Miggybyte - FREE UK disk magazine is published bi-monthly and contains latest Amiga news and information as well as other topics.
  • Web-NAJ - Northwest Amiga Group's monthly newsletter.
  • NewTekniques - Amiga desktop video print magazine headed by former Video Toaster User editor, Joe Tracy.
  •  *NEW* The Point - Long-running (1993-1997) Amiga disk magazine.
  • R.A.W. - The leading Amiga scene e-zine.
  • Run AMUC - The online newsletter of the Amiga Users of Calgary.
  • The Status Register - Super-informative monthly newsletter from CUCUG in HTML format.
  • Revelation - Newsletter for Convergence International, The "Other Than WIntel" web-based user group. Usually includes many Amiga stories as well as other alternative platforms.
  • Svenska Amigamagazin - SAMbench, home page of Svenska Amigamagazin, a Swedish Amiga magazine.
  • Totally Amiga - USA Amiga peridical published by Neo-Media Publications.
  • Video Toaster Flyer & LightWave 3D Online Magazine - Free, online magazine for the video enthusiast sponsored by Visual Inspirations.
  • WARP Magazine - The first Amiga printed magazine in Croatia.
  • The Workbench - Newsletter of the Amiga Atlanta User Group.
  • The Word - Free, UK-based disk magazine produced by Carnage with contributions from people all over the Amiga scene.

© 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997 Champaign-Urbana Computer Users Group / cucug@cucug.org