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The Amiga Web Directory is a free service of the Champaign-Urbana Computer Users Group and AdvanceNet. If you know of any other interesting Amiga-oriented Web pages tell us about them! Just fill out our handy Suggest a Link Form or e-mail your submissions to cucug@cucug.org and we'll check them out.

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The Amiga Web Directory
Programming/Developer Tools

  • ACE - Freeware Amiga BASIC compiler which produces 68000 assembly source code.
  •  *NEW* Agima and Compiuteck - Support page for stormamiga.lib, Gurus97 and other programms. By Matthias Henze.
  • Amiga Lisp - The Amiga LISP Mail List and Archive servers.
  • Amiga Mesa - A port of Brian Paul's Mesa to Amiga. Mesa is a free OpenGL-like 3-D graphics library package. Port by Stefan Zivkovic.
  • ARexxGuide - Complete ARexx reference with tutorials and dozens of ready-to-use examples.
  • Asm-One - Integrated assembly language development package for the Amiga.
  • BGUI Mirror Homepage - A mirror of the official BGUI homepage (Sweden). By Peter Bornhall.
  • The Other BGUI Home Page - Comprehensive support site for BGUI hosted in the UK by Nick Christie.
  • CadOS - CadOS is a small operating system for AGA demo programmers to use. It will allow them to write safer, more compatible, memory-efficient demos.
  • Cyclone - Object-oriented Modula-2 compiler by Marcel Timmermans.
  • DBServ - The all-purpose background DBMS (Database Management System) for use by programmers written by Rob van der Veer.
  • E - E compiler by Wouter van Oortmerssen.
  • Dr. Ice's E Page - Modules, info and helpful source for downloading.
  • EFE - Support page of the Amiga E front-end program. By Sebastian Archut.
  • Amiga E Encyclopedia - All about the E programming language by Csaba Toth.
  • EasyRCS - Useful program for anyone who deals with different revisions of the same files. Written by Yann Muller.
  • Randy Finch - A collection of programs (C, CanDo, Helm, etc.) related mostly to Randy's articles which have appeared in Amazing Computing.
  • FrexxWare - Featuring FrexxEd, an advanced, customizable, programmable text editor and FPL, a scripting utility.
  • FoxGui - Fast, friendly, flexible, FREE Amiga programmer's GUI. Recently updated new release.
  • The Games Master System - Games Programming Interface (GPI) and library functions (games.library) that provides a universal access layer to direct-hardware routines for games programming. By Paul Manias.
  • GoldED - Powerful text editor designed for programmers with many advanced features.
  • John Haubrich - Featuring a small collection of tools for developers including AppTemp, an Amiga code generator like Microsoft's AppWizard.
  • House of GRAAL - Official home page of the Graphic Adventure Authoring Language. Includes news about GRAAL, GRAAL adventures and a hot GRAAL tip of the week. By Per Thulin.
  • Gui4Cli - Program for the easy creation of script-based, visually editable, resizable, font-sensitive GadTools GUIs. By Dimitris C. Keletsekis.
  • Jörg-Cyril Höhle - Author of Amiga-CLISP, an implementation of Common Lisp, maintainer of FIFO:, a DOS handler for interactive use and maintainer of the ADE List of Bugs.
  • Kaffe Patches - Amiga patch files needed to compile Kaffe, a free Java interpreter.
  •  *NEW* Steve Krueger's SAS/C Compiler Support Page - This page contains patches to the SAS/C 6.50 compiler, the latest experimental C++ compiler and news items.
  • HTML Class for MUI - MUI class that will allow you to display a subset of HTML in MUI applications. By Dirk Holtwick.
  • Magic User Interface (MUI) - Object oriented system to create and maintain graphical user interfaces. MUI is required by many other Amiga applications and is another must-have utility. By Stefan Stuntz.
  • MCC Mailtext - The Mailtext MUI custom class package is especially designed to display electronic messages. It is currently used in the applications IntuiNews and GoodNews (both UMS newsreaders) and MUIReaderX (Xenolink reader). By Olaf Peters.
  • MUIExtend - Support site for muiextend.library. (Extensions for muimaster.library.) By Robin Cloutman.
  • MUI Help Zone - Unofficial MUI programming support page hosted by Stephen Vermeulen.
  • Oberon and Amiga - About the Oberon programming language and operating system maintained by Ralf Degner.
  • Massimiliano Origgi - Featuring Localizer a helpful utility to assist with translations and locale files.
  • Dirk D�sterberg - Featuring Amiga Tools for Pic Microcontroller.
  • REBOL - Compact, portable, easy-to-use, powerful language for creating graphical, audio, multimedia, network, and control applications. Written by AmigaOS pioneer Carl Sassenrath.
  • RexxLocalDates.library - Extends the support for localization of ARexx scripts. Written by Anders Wegge Jakobsen.
  • Stefan Ruppert - HyperText-DataType-System (HTDS) with AmigaGuide-compatible DT, HTDS allows embedding of other DTObjects, multiple fonts and more. Other Datatypes, Cross-reference system XRef V1.1. By Stefan Ruppert.
  • The Triton GUI Creation System - Stefan Zeiger's official support page for his Triton GUI Creation System. Triton is an object-oriented, easy-to-use GUI system that is smaller than most others.
  •  *NEW* Ubiqx Software Modules - A small, but growing, collection of software modules released under LGPL. By Christopher R. Hertel.
  • XeSuite - Full suite of file/disk archiving tools to allow better integration and easier use of the archiver itself. By Massimiliano Origgi.

© 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997 Champaign-Urbana Computer Users Group / cucug@cucug.org