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The Amiga Web Directory is a free service of the Champaign-Urbana Computer Users Group and AdvanceNet. If you know of any other interesting Amiga-oriented Web pages tell us about them! Just fill out our handy Suggest a Link Form or e-mail your submissions to cucug@cucug.org and we'll check them out.

Visit Village Tronic, makers of the Picasso video card!

The Amiga Web Directory
Amiga Hardware Support

  • Ogge's A1200 Tower Guide - How to make your A1200 into a tower system. By Stefan Oggemar.
  • A3000 FAQ - Amiga information on the A3000 and Amigas in general. Amiga Who's Who. By Kjell Mesch.
  • Commodore A3640 and the A3000 - All about using Commodore's 25MHz 68040 board in a desktop A3000.
  •  *NEW* A3000 Hardware Technical Notes - Everything you ever wanted to know about A3000. Written and compiled by Calum Tsang.
  • A4000 Hardware Guide - Comprehensive hardware guide to the guts of the A4000 written by Warren Block. Contains useful, general Amiga hardware information, too.
  • Commodore A4091 SCSI Adaptor - A helpful reference to features, dipswitch settings, pin outs, firmware revisions, general questions and trouble shooting.
  • A-MAX Home Page - Support and extensive resources for the A-Max, a Macintosh System 6 and 7 emulator for your Amiga. By Reginal Cross.
  • Amiga Audio Card Page - A very well-done collection of information about various add-on Amiga audio cards which can increase your audio performance to even beyond CD-quality! Maintained by Pauli Porkka.
  • AGA Chipset - Documentation, explanation of features.
  • Amiga Technical Information - Very nice hardware-oriented info resource sponsored by National Amiga.
  • The AURA Soundcard Support Page - Information and list of applications that specifically support the AURA card. By Markus Castren.
  • Blizzard 2060 Turbo Board - Facts, information, tips and contacts with other users regarding this phase 5 accelerator for the Amiga 2000 family.
  • Bridgeboard FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions document covering the complete range of Commodore Bridgeboards. By Sebastien Boisvert.
  • The Unofficial Blizzard 1260 Page - A page where any user of the mighty Blizzard 1260 (68060 accelerator) card can find, submit and exchange information. By Dario Manzoni.
  • CDTV Technical Information - Lots of great info about Commodore's now-orphaned, CD-based machine. By Darren Ewaniuk.
  • The BridgeBoard - All about the PC-on-a-card that allows you to run Intel-based software on your Amiga.
  • Emplant (Peterson) - A Macintosh emulator card (Kane Peterson).
  • Ethernet on the Amiga - Examines the possibilities of outfitting each particular Amiga model for Ethernet connectivity.
  • Expanding and Modernizing the Amiga - Page with information, links and pictures of the many various hardware and software expansions available for the Amiga including graphics cards, audio cards, controller cards, emulation cards and others. Includes both new and discontinued hardware. By Dave Gentry.
  •  *NEW* Amiga Frame Grabber Project - A self-made Amiga video digitizer for use with the parallel port. It produces high quality images of single video frames with 768x575 pixels true color. Supports PAL. The page is mostly German, but includes a short English description, too. Download the software, hardware schematics and PCB layout. By Helge B�hme.
  • Graffiti Box Development Documentation - Unofficial developer's documentation for the Graffiti Graphics Box, an external graphics box that plugs into any Amiga RGB port giving 256-color, chunky-style graphics display.
  • Groupe Neuchatelois de Robotique - Hardware and robotics do-it-yourself group. Page in French with some English articles.
  • Hard Drive Support List - Here is CUCUG's mini guide to hard drive manufacturer support info. Links include FAQs, jumper settings, layout specs, etc. Let us know of any others we should be listing. Thanks to Matthew Manuel for the suggestion!
  • Hardware Book - The Internet's largest free collection of connector pinouts and cable descriptions--many Amiga and non-Amiga configurations are covered. Created and maintained by Joakim �gren.
  • IBM - Big Blue's PowerPC home page (yes, they actually mention the Amiga now).
  • InfraFace - Infrared remote control software and hardware extension. By Leon Woestenberg.
  • Iomega Zip Drive - Information about using the Iomega Zip Drive (see above) with the Amiga.
  • Iomega Zip Drive (German) - Information for German readers about the Zip Drive and the Amiga.
  • Irritating Frequently Asked Questions - Warren Block's somewhat tongue-in-cheek although still informative FAQ list of some hardware questions asked by Amiga beginners or advanced users who should really know better.
  • Motorola - Yes, they make the CPU for the Amiga.
  • Using a Newton and the Amiga - Some good info about pairing two, very cool machines togther. Provided by David Fong.
  • Paul Nolan - Author-maintained site contains in-depth information on the award-winning Siamese System which allows you to transparently integrate a PC with an Amiga. Also includes info on Photogenics, Almathera's highly acclaimed 24-bit image manipulation package.
  • Village Tronic's Picasso Board - Zorro II graphics card providing modes up to 1600x1200 and depths up to 24 bits.
  • Picasso Mailing List - Picasso-II mailing list support page (Q&A, drivers, software, etc).
  • PicassoIV/Picasso96 Frequently Asked Questions - FAQ, technical information, known bugs, help files and other important links about PicassoIV video card and Picasso96 software. By Jens Langner.
  • PowerPC - Motorola's official homepage for the PowerPC. (Note recent mention of the Amiga in the Library/Press Release section.)
  • Prelude Audio Codec - Zorro-II, 16-bit sound card.
  • Prelude Full-Duplex Soundcard - Full-duplex, Zorro II sound card for all Amiga computers. Includes mixer, separate speaker connection, AHI support and fully documented, shared library. By Thomas Wenzel.
  • FAQ on Progressive Peripherals & Software (PP&S) 040. - Information about using the 68040 accelerator card from PP&S.
  • SCSI Examples - A wealth of information about the Small Computer System Interface (SCSI). By Warren Block.
  • Supra - Modems and Amiga peripherals.
  • Syquest - SCSI peripherals that can be used by the Amiga.
  • Calum Tsang's Amiga Technical Notes - Includes a lot of great info, fixes and patches for the now infamous A2090 SCSI controller, tech notes on the A2620/2630 accelerator and Amiga A3000 as well as the A570 CD-ROM Frequently Asked Questions file.
  • Tom's Hack Page - Convert an A500 to a Tower Amiga, NTSC/PAL, A3000/2000/CDTV to A500 keyboard adaptor and more. Author also offers advice and assistance for newbie-hacks. By Thomas Weeks.
  • USRobotics Support for Amiga - Yes, an actual page from the USR site explaining modem set-up on the Amiga.
  • Unofficial Zappo CD-ROM Home Page - Support for the Archos or Zappo CD-ROM drive for the Amiga. Includes lists of compatible CD software and latest drivers.
  • VXL*30 FAQ - The VXL*30 FAQ answers common question about the MicroBotics VXL*30 68030 accelerator for the A500/A2000. Includes jumper settings, expansion, special applications, problem resolution. By Fredrik "FLu" Lundstr�m.

© 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997 Champaign-Urbana Computer Users Group / cucug@cucug.org