Index of all Fields and Methods
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Index of all Fields and Methods


_cache. Variable in class jclass.contrib.JCRetrieve
This local cache is used to minimize the number of times the cgi-bin script is accessed.


above. Static variable in class jclass.contrib.JCRelativeLayout
aboveLeft. Static variable in class jclass.contrib.JCRelativeLayout
aboveRight. Static variable in class jclass.contrib.JCRelativeLayout
action(Event, Object). Method in class jclass.chart.JCAboutBox
actionPerformed(ActionEvent). Method in class jclass.chart.AxisSelector
actionPerformed(JCActionEvent). Method in class jclass.chart.DataSourceEditor
add(Component). Method in class jclass.contrib.ContribDialog
Adds the specified component to this dialog in the "Center" position.
add(Component). Method in class jclass.contrib.ContribFrame
Adds the specified component to this frame in the "Center" position.
add(int). Method in class jclass.util.JCString
Adds an element.
add(int, Object). Method in class jclass.util.JCString
Adds an attribute and value.
add(Object). Method in class jclass.util.JCString
Adds an object.
add(Object). Method in class jclass.util.JCVector
Adds the specified object as the last element of the vector, if it is not already a member.
add(String, String). Method in class jclass.util.JCTitleLayout
Creates a Label and adds it to the JCTitleLayout at the specified location.
ADD_COLUMN. Static variable in class jclass.chart.ChartDataModelUpdate
Enum value indicated a column of data values has been added.
ADD_ROW. Static variable in class jclass.chart.ChartDataModelUpdate
Enum value indicated a row of data values has been added.
ADD_VALUE. Static variable in class jclass.chart.ChartDataModelUpdate
Enum value indicated a single data value has been added.
addChartLabel(JCChartLabel). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChart
addChartListener(JCChartListener). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChart
addCheckbox(Checkbox). Method in class jclass.contrib.ContribCheckboxGroup
Adds a specified checkbox to the list of managed checkbox.
addDataView(int). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChart
Creates a new data view and added it to the chart at the specified index.
addImage(Applet, String). Method in class jclass.util.JCString
Creates and adds an image, using a name relative to the applet through Applet.getDocumentBase().
addImage(Applet, String, String). Method in class jclass.util.JCString
Creates and adds an image, using the URL.
addLayoutComponent(String, Component). Method in class jclass.contrib.JCRelativeLayout
addLayoutComponent(String, Component). Method in class jclass.contrib.JCRowColLayout
An empty method that must appear (it is part of the LayoutManager interface).
addLayoutComponent(String, Component). Method in class jclass.util.JCTitleLayout
Adds the component to the JCTitleLayout as the specified location.
addNotify(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChart
addNotify(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartLabel
Send addNotify() to superclass and recalculate values
addPickListener(JCPickListener). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChart
addSeries(ChartDataViewSeries). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartDataView
Adds a ChartDataViewSeries to the view at the end of the list.
addSeries(int). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartDataView
Adds a data series to the Series property at the specified index.
addSeries(int). Method in class jclass.chart.DirectChartDataView
Adds a data series to the Series property at the specified index.
addTimerListener(TimerListener). Method in class jclass.chart.Timer
addToCache(Object, Object). Method in class jclass.util.JCCache
This adds a key or item pair to the cache.
addTrigger(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChart
Adds a new event trigger to the Triggers property.
addValueLabel(JCValueLabel). Method in class jclass.chart.JCAxis
Adds the provided value label to the list of value labels.
AdjustEditor(). Constructor for class jclass.chart.AdjustEditor
adjustPlotRect(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCAxis
Adjusts the plot area of the parent ChartArea to account for this axis.
ALIGN_CENTER. Static variable in class jclass.util.JCString
ALIGN_LEFT. Static variable in class jclass.util.JCString
ALIGN_RIGHT. Static variable in class jclass.util.JCString
AnchorEditor(). Constructor for class jclass.chart.AnchorEditor
AngleUnitEditor(). Constructor for class jclass.chart.AngleUnitEditor
AnnotationMethodEditor(). Constructor for class jclass.chart.AnnotationMethodEditor
AnnotationRotationEditor(). Constructor for class jclass.chart.AnnotationRotationEditor
AppletDataSource(Applet). Constructor for class jclass.chart.AppletDataSource
applyButton. Variable in class jclass.contrib.JCDialog
Apply button.
AREA. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCChart
ARRAY. Static variable in interface jclass.chart.Chartable
Enum value indicating that the source data is interpreted as array-style data.
ASCENDING. Static variable in class jclass.util.JCqsort
ASCENDING_ORDER. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCPieChartFormat
ATTACH_COORD. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCChartLabel
ATTACH_DATACOORD. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCChartLabel
ATTACH_DATAINDEX. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCChartLabel
ATTACH_NONE. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCChartLabel
AUTO. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCChartLabel
AUTOMATIC. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCAxis
AUTOMATIC. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
AxisSelector(). Constructor for class jclass.chart.AxisSelector


BAR. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCChart
BarPoint(). Constructor for class jclass.chart.BarPoint
BOTTOM. Static variable in class jclass.util.JCString
BOTTOM. Static variable in class jclass.util.JCTitleLayout
BOX. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCSymbolStyle
browser. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCChart
BROWSER_APPLETVIEWER. Static variable in class jclass.util.JCEnvironment
BROWSER_EXPLORER. Static variable in class jclass.util.JCEnvironment
BROWSER_INTERPRETER. Static variable in class jclass.util.JCEnvironment
BROWSER_NETSCAPE. Static variable in class jclass.util.JCEnvironment
BROWSER_OTHER. Static variable in class jclass.util.JCEnvironment
BROWSER_UNKNOWN. Static variable in class jclass.util.JCEnvironment
buttonArea. Variable in class jclass.contrib.JCDialog
TButton panel.
buttonCB(JCDialog, Button). Method in class jclass.contrib.JCDialog
Default implementation of the button callback.
buttonCB(JCDialog, Button). Method in interface jclass.contrib.JCDialogCB
The button callback member.


calcTransientData(). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartDataView
cancel(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChart
Performs a cancel on the chart.
cancelButton. Variable in class jclass.contrib.JCDialog
Cancel button.
CANDLE. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCChart
CENTER. Static variable in class jclass.chart.ChartText
CENTER. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCChartLabel
CENTER. Static variable in class jclass.util.JCString
CENTER. Static variable in class jclass.util.JCTitleLayout
CHANGE_COLUMN. Static variable in class jclass.chart.ChartDataModelUpdate
Enum value indicated a column of data values has changed.
CHANGE_POINT_LABEL. Static variable in class jclass.chart.ChartDataModelUpdate
Enum value indicating that a point label has changed.
CHANGE_ROW. Static variable in class jclass.chart.ChartDataModelUpdate
Enum value indicated a row of data values has changed.
CHANGE_SERIES_LABEL. Static variable in class jclass.chart.ChartDataModelUpdate
Enum value indicating that a series label has changed.
CHANGE_SERIES_NAME. Static variable in class jclass.chart.ChartDataModelUpdate
Enum value indicating that a series name has changed.
CHANGE_VALUE. Static variable in class jclass.chart.ChartDataModelUpdate
Enum value indicated a single data value has changed.
changeChart(JCChartEvent). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartAdapter
changeChart(JCChartEvent). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartLabel
If the chart has been translated or otherwise updated, recalculate the location of this label.
changeChart(JCChartEvent). Method in interface jclass.chart.JCChartListener
Method called whenever chart has been modified in some way.
changed. Variable in class jclass.chart.TrackChange
Boolean representing the value of the Changed property
ChartCanvasBeanInfo(). Constructor for class jclass.chart.ChartCanvasBeanInfo
ChartDataModel(). Constructor for class jclass.chart.ChartDataModel
Default constructor for ChartDataModel.
ChartDataModelUpdate(int, int, int). Constructor for class jclass.chart.ChartDataModelUpdate
Constructor used by ChartDataModel subclasses to inform views of data changes.
ChartDataView(). Constructor for class jclass.chart.ChartDataView
ChartDataViewBeanInfo(). Constructor for class jclass.chart.ChartDataViewBeanInfo
ChartDataViewEditor(). Constructor for class jclass.chart.ChartDataViewEditor
ChartDataViewSeries(). Constructor for class jclass.chart.ChartDataViewSeries
ChartDataViewSeriesBeanInfo(). Constructor for class jclass.chart.ChartDataViewSeriesBeanInfo
ChartRegion(). Constructor for class jclass.chart.ChartRegion
Default constructor for chart region
ChartRegion(ChartCanvas). Constructor for class jclass.chart.ChartRegion
Constructor that connects the ChartRegion to a parent ChartCanvas.
ChartRegionBeanInfo(). Constructor for class jclass.chart.ChartRegionBeanInfo
ChartText(). Constructor for class jclass.chart.ChartText
Public constructor for ChartText.
ChartText(ChartCanvas, JCString). Constructor for class jclass.chart.ChartText
ChartText(ChartCanvas, String, boolean). Constructor for class jclass.chart.ChartText
A smart ChartText constructor; it knows how to deal with JCString, String and ChartText objects passed in.
ChartTextBeanInfo(). Constructor for class jclass.chart.ChartTextBeanInfo
ChartTypeEditor(). Constructor for class jclass.chart.ChartTypeEditor
checkEnum(int, String, int[]). Static method in class jclass.util.JCUtilConverter
Checks the validity of an enum.
CIRCLE. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCSymbolStyle
clear(). Method in class jclass.contrib.JCDialog
Default implementation of a member to clear the dialog.
clear(). Method in class jclass.util.JCImageCreator
Clears the data.
close(Event). Method in class jclass.contrib.ContribFrame
Closes the window.
colorIndex(Color). Static method in class jclass.contrib.JCColorUtil
When provided with an instance of an AWT Color object, this returns the index in the colors array that matches the color.
colorMap. Variable in class jclass.util.JCImageCreator
colors. Static variable in class jclass.contrib.JCColorUtil
An array of default colors.
colorStrings. Static variable in class jclass.contrib.JCColorUtil
An array of color strings matching the default colors.
colorToString(Color). Static method in class jclass.contrib.JCColorUtil
When provided with an instance of an AWT Color object, this returns a string representation of the object.
column. Variable in class jclass.chart.ChartDataModelUpdate
Column impacted by message (if applicable).
comp. Variable in class jclass.util.JCImageCreator
compare(Object, Object). Method in interface jclass.util.JCSortInterface
Called by JCqsort during sorting.
CompTimeUnitEditor(). Constructor for class jclass.chart.CompTimeUnitEditor
ContribCheckbox(String, CheckboxGroup, int). Constructor for class jclass.contrib.ContribCheckbox
This is the constructor.
ContribCheckboxGroup(). Constructor for class jclass.contrib.ContribCheckboxGroup
ContribDialog(Frame, boolean). Constructor for class jclass.contrib.ContribDialog
Constructs an initially invisible Dialog.
ContribDialog(Frame, String, boolean). Constructor for class jclass.contrib.ContribDialog
Constructs an initially invisible Dialog with a title.
ContribFrame(). Constructor for class jclass.contrib.ContribFrame
Creates a frame.
ContribFrame(String). Constructor for class jclass.contrib.ContribFrame
Creates a Frame with the specified title.
conv. Static variable in class jclass.util.JCUtilConverter
ConvertUtil(). Constructor for class jclass.util.ConvertUtil
coordToDataCoord(int, int). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartDataView
Same as map().
coordToDataIndex(int, int, int). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartDataView
Similar to pick() for a specific data view.
copyFrom(Object[]). Method in class jclass.util.JCVector
Sets the vector to the elements of the array.
countTokens(). Method in class jclass.util.JCCSVTokenizer
This returns the next number of tokens in the string.
countTokens(char). Method in class jclass.util.JCStringTokenizer
Returns the next number of tokens in the String using the specified delimiter.
create(). Method in class jclass.util.JCImageCreator
Creates an image using the data previously set using setPixels.
create(int, int). Static method in class jclass.contrib.JCSpreadLabel
Create a row or column-style spreadsheet label.
create(MenuContainer, String[]). Static method in class jclass.contrib.JCMenu
Creates a menu based on the label information provided by the items parameter.
create(String[]). Method in class jclass.util.JCImageCreator
Creates an image using the specified string array.
createURL(Applet, String). Static method in class jclass.util.JCFile
Returns an URL from the file
CROSS. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCSymbolStyle
CROSS_HATCHED. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCFillStyle
ctor(InputStream). Method in class jclass.chart.InputStreamDataSource
current. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCChart
curRow. Variable in class jclass.util.JCImageCreator


DASH_DOT. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCLineStyle
DATA_ORDER. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCPieChartFormat
dataCoordToCoord(double, double). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartDataView
Same as unmap().
dataIndexToCoord(JCDataIndex). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartDataView
Similar to unpick() for a specific data view.
DataSourceEditor(). Constructor for class jclass.chart.DataSourceEditor
dateToValue(Date). Method in class jclass.chart.JCAxis
DAYS. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCAxis
DAYS. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
DEFAULT_COLOR. Static variable in class jclass.util.JCString
DEFAULT_FONT. Static variable in class jclass.util.JCString
DEG_0. Static variable in class jclass.chart.ChartText
DEG_180. Static variable in class jclass.chart.ChartText
DEG_180. Static variable in class jclass.chart.RotateFilter
DEG_270. Static variable in class jclass.chart.ChartText
DEG_270. Static variable in class jclass.chart.RotateFilter
DEG_90. Static variable in class jclass.chart.ChartText
DEG_90. Static variable in class jclass.chart.RotateFilter
DEPTH. Static variable in class jclass.chart.EventTrigger
DESCENDING. Static variable in class jclass.util.JCqsort
DESCENDING_ORDER. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCPieChartFormat
destroy(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartApplet
Must be implemented.
DIAG_HATCHED. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCFillStyle
DIAMOND. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCSymbolStyle
Diamond(). Constructor for class jclass.chart.Diamond
Default constructor (required)
DirectChartDataView(). Constructor for class jclass.chart.DirectChartDataView
DirectChartDataViewSeries(). Constructor for class jclass.chart.DirectChartDataViewSeries
DOT. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCSymbolStyle
DoubleCoord(double, double). Constructor for class jclass.chart.DoubleCoord
Constructs a DoubleCoord object with the provided x and y values
draw(Component, Graphics, Rectangle, int). Method in class jclass.util.JCString
Draws the JCString.
draw(Graphics). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartRegion
Draws the chart region.
draw(Graphics). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartText
Renders the chart label using the provided graphics context.
draw(Graphics). Method in class jclass.chart.JCAxis
Overrides ChartRegion.draw() to ensure that a border is not drawn around the axis.
draw(Graphics, int, int). Method in class jclass.chart.JCShape
Draws the point at the specified coordinates
draw(Graphics, int, int). Method in class jclass.chart.JCSymbolStyle
Draws a symbol at the specified location, using the properties of the JCSymbolStyle instance.
draw(Graphics, int, int, int). Method in class jclass.chart.JCSymbolStyle
Draws a symbol at the specified location, using the properties of the JCSymbolStyle instance.
draw(Graphics, int, int, int, int). Method in class jclass.chart.JCLineStyle
Draws a line between two points according to the properties of the JCLineStyle instance.
draw(Graphics, int, int, int, int, Color, Color). Method in class jclass.chart.JCBorderStyle
Draws the specified border style.
drawArea. Variable in class jclass.contrib.JCDialog
Main draw area, which is the body of the dialog.
drawArea. Variable in class jclass.contrib.JCTitlePanel
The panel that should be used by users for drawing.


EAST. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
EAST. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCChartLabel
EAST. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCLegend
EASTWEST_MASK. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCLegend
EDIT. Static variable in class jclass.chart.EventTrigger
editPoint(int, double). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartDataViewSeries
Used to change the y-value of some point in the series.
editPoint(int, double). Method in class jclass.chart.DirectChartDataViewSeries
Used to change the y-value of some point in the series.
END_HREF. Static variable in class jclass.util.JCString
END_STRIKETHROUGH. Static variable in class jclass.util.JCString
END_UNDERLINE. Static variable in class jclass.util.JCString
equals(JCVector). Method in class jclass.util.JCVector
Checks to see if two vectors are equal.
equals(Object). Method in class jclass.chart.JCDataIndex
error(String). Static method in class jclass.util.JCUtilConverter
Writes a parse error message to stdout.
error(String, String). Static method in class jclass.util.JCUtilConverter
Writes a parse error message to stdout.
EventObject(Object). Constructor for class jclass.chart.EventObject
Constructs a prototypical Event.
EventTrigger(int, int). Constructor for class jclass.chart.EventTrigger
A public constructor that creates a mapping from a series of modifiers to a Chart action.
expired(). Static method in class jclass.chart.JCChart
expiry. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCChart


FileDataSource(File). Constructor for class jclass.chart.FileDataSource
FileDataSource(String). Constructor for class jclass.chart.FileDataSource
fillArc(Graphics, int, int, int, int, int, int). Method in class jclass.chart.JCFillStyle
Performs the requested fill given the values of the properties of the JCFillStyle instance.
fillArcShadow(Graphics, int, int, int, int, int, int). Method in class jclass.chart.JCFillStyle
Performs the requested fill in a color darker than that specified in the JCFillStyle instance.
FILLED_RADAR. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCChart
fillImageRect(Graphics, int, int, int, int, boolean, boolean). Method in class jclass.chart.JCFillStyle
Performs the requested fill with an image given the values of the properties of the JCFillStyle instance.
fillOutlinePolygon(Graphics, Polygon, Color). Method in class jclass.chart.JCFillStyle
Performs the requested fill with a drawn outline given the values of the properties of the JCFillStyle instance.
fillOutlinePolygonHighlight(Graphics, Polygon). Method in class jclass.chart.JCFillStyle
Performs the requested fill in a color brighter than that specified in the JCFillStyle instance, including a drawn outline.
fillOutlinePolygonHighlight(Graphics, Polygon, Color). Method in class jclass.chart.JCFillStyle
Performs the requested fill in a color brighter than that specified in the JCFillStyle instance, including a drawn outline.
fillOutlinePolygonHighlight(Graphics, Polygon, Color, int). Method in class jclass.chart.JCFillStyle
Performs the requested fill in a color brighter than that specified in the JCFillStyle instance, including a drawn outline for the specified sides.
fillOutlinePolygonShadow(Graphics, Polygon). Method in class jclass.chart.JCFillStyle
Performs the requested fill in a color darker than that specified in the JCFillStyle instance, including a drawn outline.
fillOutlinePolygonShadow(Graphics, Polygon, Color). Method in class jclass.chart.JCFillStyle
Performs the requested fill in a color darker than that specified in the JCFillStyle instance, including a drawn outline.
fillOutlinePolygonShadow(Graphics, Polygon, Color, int). Method in class jclass.chart.JCFillStyle
Performs the requested fill in a color darker than that specified in the JCFillStyle instance, including a drawn outline for the specified sides.
fillOutlineRect(Graphics, int, int, int, int). Method in class jclass.chart.JCFillStyle
Performs the requested fill with a drawn outline given the values of the properties of the JCFillStyle instance.
fillOutlineRect(Graphics, int, int, int, int, Color). Method in class jclass.chart.JCFillStyle
Performs the requested fill with a drawn outline given the values of the properties of the JCFillStyle instance.
FillPatternEditor(). Constructor for class jclass.chart.FillPatternEditor
fillPolygon(Graphics, Polygon). Method in class jclass.chart.JCFillStyle
Performs the requested fill given the values of the properties of the JCFillStyle instance.
fillPolygonHighlight(Graphics, Polygon). Method in class jclass.chart.JCFillStyle
Performs the requested fill in a color brighter than that specified in the JCFillStyle instance.
fillPolygonShadow(Graphics, Polygon). Method in class jclass.chart.JCFillStyle
Performs the requested fill in a color darker than that specified in the JCFillStyle instance.
fillRect(Graphics, int, int, int, int). Method in class jclass.chart.JCFillStyle
Performs the requested fill given the values of the properties of the JCFillStyle instance.
findDataView(String). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChart
Method used to find a data view given its name
findSubMenu(Menu, String). Static method in class jclass.contrib.JCMenu
Returns a submenu with a particular title.
formula. Variable in class jclass.chart.JCAxis
fromEnum(int, String, String, String[][], int[][], String). Static method in class jclass.util.JCUtilConverter
Converts an enum to a string.
fromEnum(int, String[], int[]). Static method in class jclass.util.JCUtilConverter
Converts an enum to a string.
fromNewLine(String). Static method in class jclass.util.JCUtilConverter
Converts all occurrences of char '\n' to string "\n"
front. Variable in class jclass.chart.BarPoint
Extents of the bar front (on the chart area)


GENERAL. Static variable in interface jclass.chart.Chartable
Enum value indicating that the source data is interpreted as general-style data.
get100Percent(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCBarChartFormat
Gets the value of the 100Percent property.
getAbout(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChart
Gets the value of the About property The About property displays contact information for KL group in the bean box.
getAction(). Method in class jclass.chart.EventTrigger
Gets the value of the Action property for this EventTrigger instance.
getAdjust(). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartText
Gets the Adjust property, which determines how text is justified (positioned) in the label.
getAdjust(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCTitle
Gets the value of the Adjust property.
getAllowUserChanges(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChart
Gets the value of the AllowUserChanges property, which determines whether the user viewing the graph can modify graph values.
getAnchor(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartLabel
Gets the Anchor property.
getAnchor(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCLegend
Gets the Anchor property, which determines the position of the legend relative to the ChartArea.
getAngleUnit(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartArea
Gets the value of the AngleUnit property.
getAnnotationMethod(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCAxis
Gets the value of the AnnotationMethod property.
getAnnotationRotation(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCAxis
Gets the AnnotationRotation property of the JCAxis.
getApplet(Component). Static method in class jclass.util.JCEnvironment
Follows the component's parents until a parent applet is found.
getApplet(Component). Static method in class jclass.util.JCString
Given an AWT component, follows the component's parents until a parent applet is found.
getAppletContext(Applet). Static method in class jclass.util.JCEnvironment
Gets the component's applet's context.
getAppletInfo(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartApplet
String describing JCChartApplet.
getArrayCopy(). Method in class jclass.util.JCVector
Returns a copy of the internal array.
getAsText(). Method in class jclass.chart.TimeUnitEditor
getAttachMethod(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartLabel
Get the Attachment Method of the label.
getAxis(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCMarker
Gets the value of the Axis property.
getAxisBoundingBox(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartArea
Gets the value of the AxisBoundingBox property.
getAxisBoundingBox(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Gets the value of the AxisBoundingBox property.
getBackground(). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartRegion
Gets the value of the Background property.
getBackground(). Method in class jclass.chart.PlotArea
Gets the value of the Background property.
getBarChartFormat(). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartDataView
Gets the value of the BarChartFormat property for the ChartDataView instance.
getBeanDescriptor(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponentBeanInfo
getBorderType(). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartCanvas
Gets the BorderType property of the ChartCanvas.
getBorderType(). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartRegion
Gets the BorderType property of the ChartRegion.
getBorderWidth(). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartCanvas
Gets the BorderWidth property of the ChartCanvas.
getBorderWidth(). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartRegion
Gets the BorderWidth property of the ChartRegion.
getBottom(). Method in class jclass.chart.PlotArea
Gets the value of the Bottom property.
getBottomIsDefault(). Method in class jclass.chart.PlotArea
Gets the value of the BottomIsDefault property.
getBottomMargin(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChart
Gets the BottomMargin property.
getBrowser(Component). Static method in class jclass.util.JCEnvironment
Returns an int corresponding to the "java.vendor" System property:
BROWSER_UNKNOWN		   If the component's peer is null
BROWSER_EXPLORER        MS Internet Explorer
BROWSER_INTERPRETER     Running as a mainline
BROWSER_NETSCAPE        Netscape Navigator
BROWSER_OTHER           Other
getCancelKey(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChart
Gets the value of the CancelKey property.
getChanged(). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartCanvas
Gets the value of the Changed property.
getChanged(). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartDataView
getChanged(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChart
Gets the value of the Changed property, which determines whether the chart requires a recalculation.
getChanged(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartArea
Gets the value of the Changed property.
getChanged(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCLegend
Gets the value of the Changed property.
getChanged(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCTitle
Gets the value of the Changed property.
getChanged(). Method in class jclass.chart.TrackChange
Gets the value of the Changed property.
getChart(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartLabel
Get the chart associated with this label
getChartArea(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChart
Gets the value of the ChartArea property.
getChartStyle(). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartDataView
Gets the value of the ChartStyle property.
getChartStyle(int). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartDataView
Gets the value of the ChartStyle property.
getChartText(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCValueLabel
Retrieves the ChartText associated with this JCValueLabel
getChartType(). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartDataView
Gets the ChartType property of the ChartData, which determines how the chart data is plotted.
getCheckbox(int). Method in class jclass.contrib.ContribCheckboxGroup
Retrieves the checkbox at the specified index.
getClusterOverlap(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCBarChartFormat
Gets the ClusterOverlap property, which specifies the overlap between bars.
getClusterWidth(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCBarChartFormat
Gets the ClusterWidth property, which determines the percentage of available space to be occupied by the bars.
getColor(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCFillStyle
Gets the Color property of JCFillStyle, which determines the color used to paint the fill region.
getColor(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCLineStyle
Gets the Color property of JCLineStyle, which determines the color used to draw the line.
getColor(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCSymbolStyle
Gets the Color property of JCSymbolStyle, which determines the color used to paint the symbols.
getConstant(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCAxisFormula
Gets the Constant property of the JCAxisFormula, which specified the "c" value in the relationship y = mx + c.
getCoord(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartLabel
Get the coordinates to which the label is attached.
getCurrentJC(). Method in class jclass.contrib.ContribCheckboxGroup
Retrieves the currently-selected ContribCheckbox.
getCustomShape(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCSymbolStyle
Gets the value of the CustomShape property.
getData(Object). Method in class jclass.contrib.JCRetrieve
Retrieves the value for "key".
getDataCoord(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartLabel
Get the data coordinates to which the label is attached.
getDataIndex(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartLabel
Get the data item to which the label is attached.
getDataInterpretation(). Method in interface jclass.chart.Chartable
getDataInterpretation(). Method in class jclass.chart.InputStreamDataSource
getDataItem(int, int). Method in interface jclass.chart.Chartable
Retrieves a data item from the data source.
getDataItem(int, int). Method in class jclass.chart.InputStreamDataSource
getDataSource(). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartDataView
Gets the DataSource property for ChartDataView.
getDataSources(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Gets the value of the DataSources property.
getDataView(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChart
Gets the value of the DataView property.
getDataView(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartLabel
Get the view to which the label is attached.
getDataView(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCDataIndex
Gets the value of the DataView property for the JCDataIndex instance.
getDataView(int). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChart
Gets the value of the Data property.
getDataView1(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Gets the value of the DataView1 property The DataView1 property controls the file or URL used for the first set of data in chart.
getDataView1ChartType(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Gets the value of the DataView1ChartType property.
getDataView2(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Gets the value of the DataView2 property The DataView2 property controls the file or URL used for the first set of data in chart.
getDataView2ChartType(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Gets the value of the DataView2ChartType property.
getDataViewIsInverted(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Gets the value of the DataViewIsInverted property.
getDepth(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartArea
Gets the Depth property, which controls the apparent depth of a graph.
getDepth(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Gets the value of the Depth property.
getDirection(). Method in class jclass.util.JCqsort
Gets the current sorting direction
getDistance(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCDataIndex
Gets the value of the Distance property for the JCDataIndex instance.
getDoubleBuffer(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChart
Gets the value of the DoubleBuffer property
getDrawingOrder(). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartDataView
Gets the DrawingOrder property.
getDrawingOrder(). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartDataViewSeries
Gets the value of the DrawingOrder property.
getDwellDelay(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartLabel
Get the amount of time to wait before displaying this (dwell) label.
getElevation(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartArea
Gets the Elevation property, which controls distance from the x axis.
getElevation(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Gets the value of the Elevation property.
getExitOnClose(). Method in class jclass.contrib.ContribFrame
Gets the ExitOnClose value.
getExplodeList(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCPieChartFormat
Gets the ExplodeList property, which specifies a list of exploded pie slice in the pie charts..
getExplodeOffset(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCPieChartFormat
Gets the ExplodeOffset property, which specifies the distance a slice is exploded from the center of a pie chart.
getFastAction(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartArea
Gets the value of the FastAction property.
getFastAction(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Gets the value of the FastAction property.
getFileList(Applet, String). Static method in class jclass.util.JCURLDirectory
Gets a list of files that can be accessed from an URL.
getFillColor(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartStyle
Gets the value of the FillColor property.
getFillImage(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartStyle
Gets the value of the FillImage property.
getFillPattern(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartStyle
Gets the value of the FillPattern property.
getFillStyle(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartStyle
Gets the JCFillStyle property, which controls how fills are drawn.
getFirst(). Method in class jclass.util.JCVector
Returns the first element of the sequence, or null if the vector is empty.
getFirstChild(). Method in class jclass.contrib.ContribDialog
Returns the first child which can accept keyboard focus.
getFirstChild(). Method in class jclass.contrib.ContribFrame
Returns the first child which can accept keyboard focus.
getFirstLast(). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartDataView
Calculates the set of points to be covered by a bar chart by finding the largest FirstPoint value and the smallest LastPoint value.
getFirstPoint(). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartDataViewSeries
Retrieves the index of the first point in the specified series.
getFont(). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartRegion
Gets the value of the Font property.
getFooter(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChart
Sets the Footer property.
getFooterIsShowing(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Gets the value of the FooterIsShowing property.
getFooterText(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Gets the value of the FooterText property The FooterText property holds the text that is displayed in the footer.
getForeground(). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartRegion
Gets the value of the Foreground property.
getForeground(). Method in class jclass.chart.PlotArea
Gets the value of the Foreground property.
getFormula(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCAxis
Retrieves the JCAxisFormula object, which specifies a relationship between this JCAxis object and another JCAxis object.
getFromCache(Object). Method in class jclass.util.JCCache
This retrieves the item associated with the key from the cache.
getGap(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCAxis
Gets the value of the Gap property.
getGridIsShowing(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCAxis
Gets the value of the GridIsShowing property.
getGridSpacing(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCAxis
Gets the GridSpacing property.
getGridSpacingIsDefault(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCAxis
Gets the GridSpacingIsDefault property of JCAxisBounds.
getGridStyle(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCAxis
Gets the GridStyle property.
getHeader(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChart
Gets the Header property.
getHeaderIsShowing(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Gets the value of the HeaderIsShowing property.
getHeaderText(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Gets the value of the HeaderText property The HeaderText property holds the text that is displayed in the header.
getHeight(). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartCanvas
Gets the value of the Height property.
getHeight(). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartRegion
Gets the value of the Height property.
getHeight(Component, Font). Method in class jclass.util.JCString
Returns the height.
getHeightIsDefault(). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartCanvas
Gets the value of the HeightIsDefault property.
getHeightIsDefault(). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartRegion
Gets the value of the HeightIsDefault property.
getHoleValue(). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartDataView
Returns the hole value for the chart data.
getHorizActionAxis(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartArea
Gets the value of the HorizActionAxis property.
getIcon(int). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponentBeanInfo
Gets the specified icon image
getImage(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCFillStyle
Gets the Image property.
getImage(). Method in class jclass.util.JCString
Gets the first image.
getIsBatched(). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartDataView
Gets the IsBatched property.
getIsBatched(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChart
Gets the value of the IsBatched property.
getIsDwellLabel(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartLabel
Get the value indicating if this is a dwell label or not.
getIsEditable(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCAxis
Gets the IsEditable property.
getIsIncluded(). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartDataViewSeries
Gets the value of the IsIncluded property.
getIsInverted(). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartDataView
Sets the IsInverted property of the data view.
getIsLogarithmic(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCAxis
Gets the IsLogarithmic property of JCAxis, which determines whether the axis will be logarithmic (true) or linear (false).
getIsReversed(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCAxis
Gets the IsReversed property of JCAxis, which determines if the axis order is reversed.
getIsShowing(). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartCanvas
Gets the value of the IsShowing property, which determines whether the ChartCanvas will appear on screen.
getIsShowing(). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartDataViewSeries
Gets the value of the IsShowing property.
getIsShowing(). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartRegion
Gets the value of the IsShowing property The IsShowing property determines whether the associated ChartRegion is currently visible.
getIsShowingInLegend(). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartDataView
Gets the IsShowingInLegend property.
getIsShowingInLegend(). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartDataViewSeries
Gets the IsShowingInLegend property.
getIsVertical(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCAxis
Gets the value of the IsVertical property.
getJavaInitializationString(). Method in class jclass.chart.DataSourceEditor
getJavaInitializationString(). Method in class jclass.chart.TimeUnitEditor
getJavaVersion(). Static method in class jclass.util.JCEnvironment
Returns an int corresponding to the "java.version" System property:
JDK 1.0.2   102
JDK 1.1.0   110
getLabel(). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartDataViewSeries
Gets the Label property of the data series.
getLabel(). Method in class jclass.chart.DirectChartDataViewSeries
Gets the Label property of the data series.
getLabel(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCTitle
Gets the label that appears inside JCTitle.
getLabelGenerator(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCAxis
Gets the value of the LabelGenerator property.
getLast(). Method in class jclass.util.JCVector
Returns the last element of the sequence, or null if the vector is empty.
getLastPoint(). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartDataViewSeries
Retrieves the index of the last point in the specified series.
getLastPointIsDefault(). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartDataViewSeries
getLeft(). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartCanvas
Gets the value of the Left property.
getLeft(). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartRegion
Gets the value of the Left property.
getLeft(). Method in class jclass.chart.PlotArea
Gets the value of the Left property.
getLeftIsDefault(). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartCanvas
Gets the value of the LeftIsDefault property.
getLeftIsDefault(). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartRegion
Gets the value of the LeftIsDefault property.
getLeftIsDefault(). Method in class jclass.chart.PlotArea
Gets the value of the LeftIsDefault property.
getLeftMargin(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChart
Gets the LeftMargin property.
getLegend(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChart
Gets the Legend property The Legend property controls the object that controls the display of the legend.
getLegendAnchor(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Gets the value of the LegendAnchor property.
getLegendIsShowing(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Gets the value of the LegendIsShowing property.
getLegendOrientation(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Gets the value of the LegendOrientation property.
getLineColor(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartStyle
Gets the value of the LineColor property.
getLinePattern(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartStyle
Gets the value of the LinePattern property.
getLineSize(Component, Font, int, Dimension). Method in class jclass.util.JCString
Calculates the size of a particular line in a JCString.
getLineStyle(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartStyle
Gets the JCLineStyle property, which controls how lines are drawn.
getLineWidth(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartStyle
Gets the value of the LineWidth property.
getMarker(int). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartArea
Gets a single value from the Markers property.
getMarkers(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartArea
Gets the value of the Markers property.
getMax(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCAxis
Gets the Max property of the JCAxis, which controls the maximum value shown on the axis.
getMaxIsDefault(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCAxis
Gets the MaxIsDefault property.
getMin(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCAxis
Gets the Min property of the JCAxis, which controls the minimum value shown on the axis.
getMinIsDefault(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCAxis
Gets the MinIsDefault property.
getMinSlices(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCPieChartFormat
Gets the MinSlices property, which represents the minimum number of pie slices that Chart will try to display before grouping slices into the other slice.
getModifiedAxis(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartEvent
getModifiers(). Method in class jclass.chart.EventTrigger
Gets the value of the Modifiers property for this EventTrigger instance.
getMultiplier(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCAxisFormula
Gets the Multiplier property of the JCAxisFormula, which specifies the "m" value in the relationship y = mx + c.
getName(). Method in interface jclass.chart.Chartable
Gets the value of the Name property.
getName(). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartDataView
Gets the Name property of the ChartData object.
getName(). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartDataViewSeries
Gets the value of the Name property.
getName(). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartRegion
Gets the value of the Name property.
getName(). Method in class jclass.chart.DirectChartDataView
Gets the Name property of the ChartData object.
getName(). Method in class jclass.chart.DirectChartDataViewSeries
Gets the value of the Name property.
getName(). Method in class jclass.chart.InputStreamDataSource
getNumData(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChart
Gets the value of the NumData property.
getNumPointLabels(). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartDataView
getNumRows(). Method in interface jclass.chart.Chartable
Gets the NumRows property of the data source, which specifies the number of rows of data available.
getNumRows(). Method in class jclass.chart.InputStreamDataSource
getNumSeries(). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartDataView
Gets the value of the NumSeries parameter, which determines how many data series there are in a ChartDataView.
getNumSpacing(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCAxis
Gets the NumSpacing property of the Axis, which controls the interval between axis labels.
getNumSpacingIsDefault(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCAxis
Gets the NumSpacingIsDefault property of JCAxis.
getNumTriggers(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChart
Gets the NumTriggers property, which indicates how many event triggers have been specified.
getObject(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCDataIndex
Gets the value of the Obj property for the JCDataIndex instance.
getOffset(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartLabel
Get the adjustment to the location of the label relative to the position determined by the attachMethod.
getOrientation(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCLegend
Gets the Orientation property, which determines how the legend information is laid out.
getOrigin(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCAxis
Gets the Origin property of the Axis, which controls the location of the origin along the axis.
getOriginator(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCAxisFormula
Gets the Originator property of the JCAxisFormula, which is an object representing the axis that is related to the current axis by the formula y = mx + c.
getOriginIsDefault(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCAxis
Gets the OriginIsDefault property.
getOriginPlacement(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCAxis
Gets the OriginPlacement property of the JCAxis, which specifies where the origin is placed.
getOriginPlacementIsDefault(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCAxis
Gets the OriginPlacementIsDefault property.
getOS(). Static method in class jclass.util.JCEnvironment
Returns an int corresponding to the "" System property: OS_UNIX or OS_OTHER
getOtherLabel(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCPieChartFormat
Gets the OtherLabel property, which represents the label used on the "other" pie slice.
getOtherStyle(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCPieChartFormat
Gets the OtherStyle property, which specifies the style used to render the "other" pie slice.
getParam(Applet, Component, String). Static method in class jclass.util.JCUtilConverter
Gets a parameter value from the applet or source.
getParam(Applet, Component, String, String). Method in class jclass.util.JCConverter
Gets a parameter of the applet in the following precedence:
getParam(Applet, Component, String, String). Static method in class jclass.util.JCUtilConverter
Gets a parameter of the applet in the following precedence:
getParameters(). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartCanvas
Reads the parameter values from the HTML page using the component's applet.
getParameters(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChart
To read the property/parameter values from the HTML file
getParent(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCAboutBox
getParentFrame(). Method in class jclass.contrib.JCDialog
Gets the parent frame.
getPattern(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCFillStyle
Gets the Pattern property of JCFillStyle, which controls the pattern used to fill the specified region.
getPattern(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCLineStyle
Gets the Pattern property, which dictates the pattern used to draw a line.
getPickFocus(). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartDataView
Gets the PickFocus property of the data view.
getPickResult(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCPickEvent
Gets the result of a pick event, a JCDataIndex object.
getPieChartFormat(). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartDataView
Gets the value of the PieChartFormat property for the ChartDataView instance.
getPlacement(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCAxis
Gets the Placement property of the JCAxis, which controls where the axis is placed.
getPlacement(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCAxisTitle
Gets the Placement property of the JCTitleAxis.
getPlacementAxis(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCAxis
Gets the PlacementAxis property of the axis.
getPlacementIsDefault(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCAxis
Gets the PlacementIsDefault property.
getPlacementIsDefault(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCAxisTitle
Gets the value of the PlacementIsDefault property.
getPlacementLocation(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCAxis
Gets the value of the PlacementLocation property.
getPlotArea(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartArea
Gets the value of the PlotArea property.
getPoint(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCDataIndex
Gets the value of the Point property for the JCDataIndex instance.
getPoint(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCMarker
Gets the value of the Point property for the JCMarker.
getPointLabel(int). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartDataView
Gets a particular PointLabel from the PointLabels property.
getPointLabel(int). Method in class jclass.chart.DirectChartDataView
Gets a particular PointLabel from the PointLabels property.
getPointLabels(). Method in interface jclass.chart.Chartable
Gets the value of the PointLabels property.
getPointLabels(). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartDataView
Gets the PointLabels property for the ChartDataView object.
getPointLabels(). Method in class jclass.chart.DirectChartDataView
Gets the PointLabels property for the ChartDataView object.
getPointLabels(). Method in class jclass.chart.InputStreamDataSource
getPosition(). Method in class jclass.util.JCCSVTokenizer
This returns the current scan position within the string.
getPosition(). Method in class jclass.util.JCStringTokenizer
Returns the current scan position within the string.
getPrecision(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCAxis
Gets the Precision property of the Axis, which controls the number of zeros that appear after the decimal place in the axis label.
getPrecisionIsDefault(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCAxis
Gets the PrecisionIsDefault property of JCAxis.
getReentrance(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartArea
getResetKey(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChart
Gets the value of the ResetKey property.
getRight(). Method in class jclass.chart.PlotArea
Gets the value of the Right property.
getRightIsDefault(). Method in class jclass.chart.PlotArea
Gets the value of the RightIsDefault property.
getRightMargin(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChart
Gets the RightMargin property.
getRotation(). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartText
Gets the value of the Rotation property, which controls the rotation of the label.
getRotation(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartArea
Gets the Rotation property, which controls the position of the eye relative to the y axis.
getRotation(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Gets the value of the Rotation property.
getRow(int). Method in interface jclass.chart.Chartable
Retrieves an entire row of data items.
getRow(int). Method in class jclass.chart.InputStreamDataSource
getSeries(). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartDataView
Gets the value of the Series property for this ChartDataView instance.
getSeries(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCDataIndex
Gets the value of the Series property for the JCDataIndex instance.
getSeries(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCMarker
Gets the value of the Series property for the JCMarker instance.
getSeries(int). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartDataView
Gets the value of the Series property at a particular index.
getSeriesIndex(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCDataIndex
Gets the value of the SeriesIndex property for the JCDataIndex instance.
getSeriesIndex(ChartDataViewSeries). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartDataView
A convenience method to retrieve a data series index given data series itself.
getSeriesIndex(String). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartDataView
A convenience method to retrieve a data series index given the name of the data series.
getSeriesLabel(int). Method in interface jclass.chart.Chartable
Gets the value of the SeriesLabel property.
getSeriesLabel(int). Method in class jclass.chart.InputStreamDataSource
getSeriesName(int). Method in interface jclass.chart.Chartable
Gets the value of the SeriesName property.
getSeriesName(int). Method in class jclass.chart.InputStreamDataSource
getShape(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCSymbolStyle
Gets the Shape property.
getSize(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCSymbolStyle
Gets the Size property.
getSize(Component, Font). Method in class jclass.util.JCString
Returns the size of the JCString.
getSortOrder(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCPieChartFormat
Gets the SortOrder property, which is used to determine the order in which pie slices will be displayed.
getSource(). Method in class jclass.chart.EventObject
Gets the event's source.
getString(). Method in class jclass.util.JCString
Concatenates all string items.
getStyle(). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartDataViewSeries
Gets the Style property for this ChartDataViewSeries, which defines the rendering style for the data series.
getStyle(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCMarker
Gets the value of the Style property.
getSymbolColor(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartStyle
Gets the value of the SymbolColor property The SymbolColor property determines color used to paint the symbol.
getSymbolCustomShape(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartStyle
Gets the value of the SymbolCustomShape property.
getSymbolShape(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartStyle
Gets the value of the SymbolShape property.
getSymbolSize(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartStyle
Gets the value of the SymbolSize property.
getSymbolStyle(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartStyle
Gets the SymbolStyle property The SymbolStyle property controls the symbol that represents an individual point.
getTags(). Method in class jclass.chart.TimeUnitEditor
getText(). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartText
Gets the value of the Text property.
getText(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCTitle
Gets the value of the Text property.
getText(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCValueLabel
Gets the value of the Text property.
getThresholdMethod(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCPieChartFormat
Gets the ThresholdMethod property of the PieChartStyle.
getThresholdValue(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCPieChartFormat
Gets the ThresholdValue property, which is a percentage value (ie between 0.0 and 100.0).
getTickSpacing(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCAxis
Gets the TickSpacing property, which controls the interval between tick lines on the axis.
getTickSpacingIsDefault(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCAxis
Gets the TickSpacingIsDefault property of JCAxis.
getTimeBase(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCAxis
Gets the value of the TimeBase property.
getTimeFormat(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCAxis
Gets the value of the TimeFormat property The TimeFormat property controls the format used to generate time labels for time labelled axes.
getTimeFormatIsDefault(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCAxis
Gets the value of the TimeFormatIsDefault property.
getTimeUnit(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCAxis
Gets the value of the TimeUnit property.
getTitle(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCAxis
Retrieves the JCAxisTitle object, which controls the appearance of the axis title.
getTop(). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartCanvas
Gets the value of the Top property.
getTop(). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartRegion
Gets the value of the Top property.
getTop(). Method in class jclass.chart.PlotArea
Gets the value of the Top property.
getTopIsDefault(). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartCanvas
Gets the value of the TopIsDefault property.
getTopIsDefault(). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartRegion
Gets the value of the TopIsDefault property.
getTopIsDefault(). Method in class jclass.chart.PlotArea
Gets the value of the TopIsDefault property.
getTopMargin(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChart
Gets the TopMargin property.
getTrigger(int). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChart
Gets a single trigger from the Triggers property of JCChart.
getType(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCBorderStyle
Gets the Type property of JCBorderStyle, which determines how the border is drawn.
getURL(Applet, Object, int, int). Static method in class jclass.util.JCString
Checks whether the point is within an URL stored in a JCString within the active cell.
getURL(int, int). Method in class jclass.util.JCString
Determines whether the point is within the HREF's URL.
getValue(). Method in class jclass.contrib.JCChoice
Returns the value corresponding to the current choice.
getValue(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCMarker
Gets the Value property of the JCMarker object.
getValue(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCValueLabel
Gets the value of the Value property.
getValueLabel(double). Method in class jclass.chart.JCAxis
Retrieves the value label for the specified value.
getValueLabels(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCAxis
Gets the value of the ValueLabels property.
getValueLabels(int). Method in class jclass.chart.JCAxis
getVersionString(). Static method in class jclass.chart.JCVersion
getVersionString(). Static method in class jclass.util.JCVersion
getVertActionAxis(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartArea
Gets the value of the VertActionAxis property.
getVisibleDataSeries(). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartDataView
getWidth(). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartCanvas
Gets the value of the Width property.
getWidth(). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartRegion
Gets the value of the Width property.
getWidth(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCBorderStyle
Gets the Width property of JCBorderStyle, which determines the width of the border.
getWidth(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCLineStyle
Gets the Width property, which controls line width.
getWidth(Component, Font). Method in class jclass.util.JCString
Returns the width.
getWidthIsDefault(). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartCanvas
Gets the value of the WidthIsDefault property.
getWidthIsDefault(). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartRegion
Gets the value of the WidthIsDefault property.
getX(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCDataCoord
Gets the value of the X property, which represents a data value along a particular axis.
getX(double). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartDataViewSeries
Returns the index that contains the value closest to the specified value
getX(int). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartDataViewSeries
Returns the X value at the specified index
getX(int). Method in class jclass.chart.DirectChartDataViewSeries
Returns the X value at the specified index
getX1AxisAnnotationMethod(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Gets the value of the X1AxisAnnotationMethod property.
getX1AxisAnnotationRotation(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Gets the value of the X1AxisAnnotationRotation property.
getX1AxisGridIsShowing(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Gets the value of the X1AxisGridIsShowing property.
getX1AxisGridSpacing(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Gets the value of the X1AxisGridSpacing property.
getX1AxisGridSpacingIsDefault(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Gets the value of the X1AxisGridSpacingIsDefault property.
getX1AxisIsLogarithmic(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Gets the value of the X1AxisIsLogarithmic property.
getX1AxisIsReversed(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Gets the value of the X1AxisIsReversed property.
getX1AxisIsShowing(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Gets the value of the X1AxisIsShowing property.
getX1AxisMax(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Gets the value of the X1AxisMax property.
getX1AxisMaxIsDefault(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Gets the value of the X1AxisMaxIsDefault property.
getX1AxisMin(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Gets the value of the X1AxisMin property.
getX1AxisMinIsDefault(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Gets the value of the X1AxisMinIsDefault property.
getX1AxisNumSpacing(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Gets the value of the X1AxisNumSpacing property.
getX1AxisNumSpacingIsDefault(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Gets the value of the X1AxisNumSpacingIsDefault property.
getX1AxisOrigin(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Gets the value of the X1AxisOrigin property.
getX1AxisOriginIsDefault(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Gets the value of the X1AxisOriginIsDefault property The X1AxisOriginIsDefault property determines whether Chart is responsible for positioning the axis origin.
getX1AxisOriginPlacement(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Gets the value of the X1AxisOriginPlacement property.
getX1AxisPlacement(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Gets the value of the X1AxisPlacement property.
getX1AxisPrecision(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Gets the value of the X1AxisPrecision property.
getX1AxisPrecisionIsDefault(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Gets the value of the X1AxisPrecisionIsDefault property.p The X1AxisPrecisionIsDefault determines whether Chart is responsible for calculating the numbering precision.
getX1AxisTickSpacing(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Gets the value of the X1AxisTickSpacing property.
getX1AxisTickSpacingIsDefault(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Gets the value of the X1AxisTickSpacingIsDefault property.
getX1AxisTimeFormat(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Gets the value of the X1AxisTimeFormat property.
getX1AxisTimeFormatIsDefault(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Gets the value of the X1AxisTimeFormatIsDefault property.
getX1AxisTimeUnit(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Gets the value of the X1AxisTimeUnit property.
getX1AxisTitleIsShowing(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Gets the value of the X1AxisTitleIsShowing property.
getX1AxisTitlePlacement(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Gets the value of the X1AxisTitlePlacement property The X1AxisTitlePlacement property controls where the JCAxis title is placed relative to the "opposing" axis.
getX1AxisTitlePlacementIsDefault(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Gets the value of the X1AxisTitlePlacemementIsDefault property The X1AxisTitlePlacementIsDefault property determines whether Chart is responsible for calculating a reasonable default placement for the axis title.
getX1AxisTitleText(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Gets the value of the X1AxisTitleText property.
getXAxis(). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartDataView
Gets the value of the XAxis property.
getXAxis(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartArea
Gets the value of the XAxis property.
getXAxis(int). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartArea
Gets the value of the XAxis property at a specified index.
getXLimits(). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartDataView
getY(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCDataCoord
Gets the value of the Y property, which represents a data value along a particular axis.
getY(double). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartDataViewSeries
Returns the index that contains the value closest to the specified value
getY(int). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartDataViewSeries
Returns the Y value at the specified index.
getY(int). Method in class jclass.chart.DirectChartDataViewSeries
Returns the Y value at the specified index.
getY1AxisAnnotationMethod(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Gets the value of the Y1AxisAnnotationMethod property.
getY1AxisAnnotationRotation(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Gets the value of the Y1AxisAnnotationRotation property.
getY1AxisGridIsShowing(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Gets the value of the Y1AxisGridIsShowing property.
getY1AxisGridSpacing(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Gets the value of the Y1AxisGridSpacing property.
getY1AxisGridSpacingIsDefault(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Gets the value of the Y1AxisGridSpacingIsDefault property.
getY1AxisIsLogarithmic(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Gets the value of the Y1AxisIsLogarithmic property.
getY1AxisIsReversed(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Gets the value of the Y1AxisIsReversed property.
getY1AxisIsShowing(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Gets the value of the Y1AxisIsShowing property.
getY1AxisMax(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Gets the value of the Y1AxisMax property.
getY1AxisMaxIsDefault(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Gets the value of the Y1AxisMaxIsDefault property.
getY1AxisMin(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Gets the value of the Y1AxisMin property.
getY1AxisMinIsDefault(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Gets the value of the Y1AxisMinIsDefault property.
getY1AxisNumSpacing(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Gets the value of the Y1AxisNumSpacing property.
getY1AxisNumSpacingIsDefault(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Gets the value of the Y1AxisNumSpacingIsDefault property.
getY1AxisOrigin(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Gets the value of the Y1AxisOrigin property.
getY1AxisOriginIsDefault(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Gets the value of the Y1AxisOriginIsDefault property The Y1AxisOriginIsDefault property determines whether Chart is responsible for positioning the axis origin.
getY1AxisOriginPlacement(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Gets the value of the Y1AxisOriginPlacement property.
getY1AxisPlacement(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Gets the value of the Y1AxisPlacement property.
getY1AxisPrecision(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Gets the value of the Y1AxisPrecision property.
getY1AxisPrecisionIsDefault(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Gets the value of the Y1AxisPrecisionIsDefault property.p The Y1AxisPrecisionIsDefault determines whether Chart is responsible for calculating the numbering precision.
getY1AxisTickSpacing(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Gets the value of the Y1AxisTickSpacing property.
getY1AxisTickSpacingIsDefault(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Gets the value of the Y1AxisTickSpacingIsDefault property.
getY1AxisTimeFormat(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Gets the value of the Y1AxisTimeFormat property.
getY1AxisTimeFormatIsDefault(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Gets the value of the Y1AxisTimeFormatIsDefault property.
getY1AxisTimeUnit(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Gets the value of the Y1AxisTimeUnit property.
getY1AxisTitleIsShowing(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Gets the value of the Y1AxisTitleIsShowing property.
getY1AxisTitlePlacement(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Gets the value of the Y1AxisTitlePlacement property The Y1AxisTitlePlacement property controls where the JCAxis title is placed relative to the "opposing" axis.
getY1AxisTitlePlacementIsDefault(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Gets the value of the Y1AxisTitlePlacemementIsDefault property The Y1AxisTitlePlacementIsDefault property determines whether Chart is responsible for calculating a reasonable default placement for the axis title.
getY1AxisTitleText(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Gets the value of the Y1AxisTitleText property.
getYAxis(). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartDataView
Gets the value of the YAxis property.
getYAxis(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartArea
Gets the value of the YAxis property.
getYAxis(int). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartArea
Gets the value of the YAxis property at a specified index.
getYLimits(). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartDataView
gt(Object, Object, JCSortInterface). Static method in class jclass.util.JCqsort
Returns true if o1 > o2, using String, Number or Date comparisons as appropriate.


handleCustomEditor(PropertyEditor, PropertyDescriptor). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartDataViewEditor
handleCustomEditor(PropertyEditor, PropertyDescriptor). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartAreaEditor
handleEvent(Event). Method in class jclass.contrib.ContribDialog
Calls hide if a WINDOW_DESTROY event is passed.
handleEvent(Event). Method in class jclass.contrib.ContribFrame
Calls close if a WINDOW_DESTROY event is passed.
handleEvent(Event). Method in class jclass.chart.JCAboutBox
handleEvent(Event). Method in class jclass.contrib.JCDialog
Local event handler.
hasMoreTokens(). Method in class jclass.util.JCCSVTokenizer
This returns true if more tokens exist.
hasMoreTokens(). Method in class jclass.util.JCStringTokenizer
Returns true if more tokens exist.
head. Variable in class jclass.util.JCRectList
height. Variable in class jclass.util.JCImageCreator
HILO. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCChart
HILO_OPEN_CLOSE. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCChart
HORIZ_LINE. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCSymbolStyle
HORIZ_SPACE. Static variable in class jclass.util.JCString
HORIZ_STRIPE. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCFillStyle
HORIZONTAL. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
HORIZONTAL. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCLegend
HOURS. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCAxis
HOURS. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
HREF. Static variable in class jclass.util.JCString


imageComplete(int). Method in class jclass.chart.RotateFilter
inBrowser(Component). Static method in class jclass.util.JCEnvironment
Returns true if the component is in an applet in a browser (ie its AppletContext is not null).
init(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartApplet
Init method for JCChartApplet, creates and names the JCChart instance.
InputStreamDataSource(). Constructor for class jclass.chart.InputStreamDataSource
InputStreamDataSource(InputStream). Constructor for class jclass.chart.InputStreamDataSource
insets(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChart
Returns the chart margins.
insets(). Method in class jclass.contrib.JCOutlinePanel
Modifies the default insets to account for the line drawn around the Panel.
insideBottom. Static variable in class jclass.contrib.JCRelativeLayout
insideLeft. Static variable in class jclass.contrib.JCRelativeLayout
insideLowerLeft. Static variable in class jclass.contrib.JCRelativeLayout
insideLowerRight. Static variable in class jclass.contrib.JCRelativeLayout
insideRight. Static variable in class jclass.contrib.JCRelativeLayout
insideTop. Static variable in class jclass.contrib.JCRelativeLayout
insideUpperLeft. Static variable in class jclass.contrib.JCRelativeLayout
insideUpperRight. Static variable in class jclass.contrib.JCRelativeLayout
isChanged(). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartCanvas
Gets the value of the Changed property.
isChanged(). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartDataView
isChanged(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChart
Gets the value of the Changed property, which determines whether the chart requires a recalculation.
isChanged(). Method in class jclass.chart.TrackChange
Gets the value of the Changed property.
isDirty(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartArea
Determines if the data is "dirty" (ie the data has changed since the last redisplay).
isRunning(). Method in class jclass.chart.Timer
itemStateChanged(JCItemEvent). Method in class jclass.chart.DataSourceEditor


JCAboutBox(Frame, Applet). Constructor for class jclass.chart.JCAboutBox
JCAxis(). Constructor for class jclass.chart.JCAxis
Default constructor
JCAxis(JCChartArea, boolean, int). Constructor for class jclass.chart.JCAxis
Constructs a JCAxis object given the parent JCChartArea and a boolean indicating whether the axis is vertical or horizontal.
JCAxisBeanInfo(). Constructor for class jclass.chart.JCAxisBeanInfo
JCAxisTitle(). Constructor for class jclass.chart.JCAxisTitle
Default constructor for JCAxisTitle.
JCAxisTitle(String). Constructor for class jclass.chart.JCAxisTitle
Constructor for JCAxisTitle that sets the contents of the title as a convenience.
JCAxisTitle(String, boolean). Constructor for class jclass.chart.JCAxisTitle
Constructor for JCAxisTitle that sets the contents of the title, optionally specifying that the string contents should be interpreted as a JCString.
JCAxisTitleBeanInfo(). Constructor for class jclass.chart.JCAxisTitleBeanInfo
JCBarChartFormat(). Constructor for class jclass.chart.JCBarChartFormat
JCBarChartFormat(Changeable). Constructor for class jclass.chart.JCBarChartFormat
JCBorderStyle(). Constructor for class jclass.chart.JCBorderStyle
JCCache(int, int). Constructor for class jclass.util.JCCache
This is the constructor for JCCache.
JCChart(). Constructor for class jclass.chart.JCChart
Default constructor, required by Java Beans
JCChart(Applet, String). Constructor for class jclass.chart.JCChart
Constructor so that we can get property values from the HTML file
JCChart(int). Constructor for class jclass.chart.JCChart
Constructor that creates a JCChart of a particular type.
JCChartAdapter(). Constructor for class jclass.chart.JCChartAdapter
JCChartApplet(). Constructor for class jclass.chart.JCChartApplet
JCChartArea(). Constructor for class jclass.chart.JCChartArea
Constructs a chart area for the provided chart.
JCChartAreaBeanInfo(). Constructor for class jclass.chart.JCChartAreaBeanInfo
JCChartAreaEditor(). Constructor for class jclass.chart.JCChartAreaEditor
JCChartBeanInfo(). Constructor for class jclass.chart.JCChartBeanInfo
JCChartComponent(). Constructor for class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
JCChartComponentBeanInfo(). Constructor for class jclass.chart.JCChartComponentBeanInfo
JCChartLabel(). Constructor for class jclass.chart.JCChartLabel
Default constructor for JCChartLabel, required by Java Beans
JCChartLabel(String, boolean). Constructor for class jclass.chart.JCChartLabel
Constructor for JCChartLabel.
JCChartLabelBeanInfo(). Constructor for class jclass.chart.JCChartLabelBeanInfo
JCChartStyle(). Constructor for class jclass.chart.JCChartStyle
Default constructor for chart style objects.
JCChartStyle(JCLineStyle, JCFillStyle, JCSymbolStyle). Constructor for class jclass.chart.JCChartStyle
Constructor for chart style objects
JCChartStyleBeanInfo(). Constructor for class jclass.chart.JCChartStyleBeanInfo
JCChartTimeUtil(). Constructor for class jclass.chart.JCChartTimeUtil
JCChoice(). Constructor for class jclass.contrib.JCChoice
Constructs an empty Component.
JCChoice(String[], int[]). Constructor for class jclass.contrib.JCChoice
This constructor takes an array of strings for the individual items and an array of values to associate with the strings.
JCColorUtil(). Constructor for class jclass.contrib.JCColorUtil
JCConverter(). Constructor for class jclass.util.JCConverter
JCCSVTokenizer(String). Constructor for class jclass.util.JCCSVTokenizer
JCDataCoord(double, double). Constructor for class jclass.chart.JCDataCoord
Simple constructor for JCDataCoord.
JCDataIndex(ChartDataView, ChartDataViewSeries, int, int). Constructor for class jclass.chart.JCDataIndex
JCDataIndex(int, ChartDataViewSeries). Constructor for class jclass.chart.JCDataIndex
JCDialog(Component, String). Constructor for class jclass.contrib.JCDialog
Constructs a JCDialog instance for the OK and Cancel buttons.
JCDialog(Component, String, boolean). Constructor for class jclass.contrib.JCDialog
Constructs a JCDialog instance for the OK, Apply, and Cancel buttons.
JCEnvironment(). Constructor for class jclass.util.JCEnvironment
JCFile(). Constructor for class jclass.util.JCFile
JCFillStyle(Color, int). Constructor for class jclass.chart.JCFillStyle
Constructor for fill style objects
JCImageCreator(Component). Constructor for class jclass.util.JCImageCreator
Creates an empty instance using the specified component.
JCImageCreator(Component, int, int). Constructor for class jclass.util.JCImageCreator
Creates an empty instance using the specified component.
JCLegend(). Constructor for class jclass.chart.JCLegend
Internal constructor for legend
JCLegendBeanInfo(). Constructor for class jclass.chart.JCLegendBeanInfo
JCLineStyle(int, Color, int). Constructor for class jclass.chart.JCLineStyle
Constructor for line style objects.
JCMenu(). Constructor for class jclass.contrib.JCMenu
JCOutlinePanel(). Constructor for class jclass.contrib.JCOutlinePanel
The default constructor.
JCPieChartFormat(). Constructor for class jclass.chart.JCPieChartFormat
JCPieChartFormat(Changeable). Constructor for class jclass.chart.JCPieChartFormat
JCqsort(Vector, JCSortInterface). Constructor for class jclass.util.JCqsort
Constructs the JCqsort object.
JCRectList(). Constructor for class jclass.util.JCRectList
JCRectUtil(). Constructor for class jclass.util.JCRectUtil
JCRelativeLayout(Dimension). Constructor for class jclass.contrib.JCRelativeLayout
JCRetrieve(String, String). Constructor for class jclass.contrib.JCRetrieve
The constructor.
JCRowColLayout(int, int). Constructor for class jclass.contrib.JCRowColLayout
A simple constructor with no "gap" information.
JCRowColLayout(int, int, int, int). Constructor for class jclass.contrib.JCRowColLayout
A constructor that includes "gap" information.
JCShape(). Constructor for class jclass.chart.JCShape
JCSpreadLabel(). Constructor for class jclass.contrib.JCSpreadLabel
JCString(). Constructor for class jclass.util.JCString
Constructs an empty JCString with a 10-element capacity.
JCString(int). Constructor for class jclass.util.JCString
Constructs a JCString with an initial capacity.
JCString(String). Constructor for class jclass.util.JCString
Constructs a JCString with an initial String.
JCString(String, Image, int). Constructor for class jclass.util.JCString
Constructs a JCString from a String and an Image.
JCStringTokenizer(String). Constructor for class jclass.util.JCStringTokenizer
Creates a tokenizer based on the specified string.
JCStyle(). Constructor for class jclass.chart.JCStyle
JCSymbolStyle(int, Color, int). Constructor for class jclass.chart.JCSymbolStyle
Constructor for symbol style objects
JCTitle(). Constructor for class jclass.chart.JCTitle
Simple JCTitle object constructor.
JCTitleLayout(). Constructor for class jclass.util.JCTitleLayout
A simple constructor.
JCTitlePanel(String, String). Constructor for class jclass.contrib.JCTitlePanel
This is the constructor.
JCURLDirectory(). Constructor for class jclass.util.JCURLDirectory
JCUtilConverter(). Constructor for class jclass.util.JCUtilConverter
JCValueLabel(). Constructor for class jclass.chart.JCValueLabel
Default constructor required for beans
JCValueLabel(double, String). Constructor for class jclass.chart.JCValueLabel
Internal constructor that creates a value label given a value and a string.
JCValueLabel(double, String, boolean). Constructor for class jclass.chart.JCValueLabel
A smart constructor that creates a ChartText from a generic object.
JCVector(). Constructor for class jclass.util.JCVector
Default constructor, constructs a vector with initial capacity of 1 and a growth increment of 10.
JCVector(int). Constructor for class jclass.util.JCVector
Constructs a vector with a particular initial size
JCVector(Object[]). Constructor for class jclass.util.JCVector
Creates a JCVector using an array of objects.
JCVector(Vector). Constructor for class jclass.util.JCVector
Creates an instance from a Vector.
JCVersion(). Constructor for class jclass.chart.JCVersion
JCVersion(). Constructor for class jclass.util.JCVersion


keyDown(Event, int). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChart
keyDown() provides default JDK 1.0.2 functionality Called by keyPressed() under JDK 1.1.1
keyDown(Event, int). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartArea
ChartArea processes key events in order to reset the view when "r" is hit.
keyPressed(KeyEvent). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChart
keyReleased(KeyEvent). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChart
keyTyped(KeyEvent). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChart
kill(). Method in class jclass.chart.Timer


largest_rect(JCRectList). Static method in class jclass.util.JCRectUtil
Determine the largest rectangle in the space represented by a list of non-overlapping rectangles..
LAST. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCSymbolStyle
layout(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChart
JCChart layout method.
layoutChartArea(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartArea
Positions axes and calculates the true plot area size based on the position of the axes.
layoutContainer(Container). Method in class jclass.contrib.JCRelativeLayout
layoutContainer(Container). Method in class jclass.contrib.JCRowColLayout
Performs the layout of the children.
layoutContainer(Container). Method in class jclass.util.JCTitleLayout
This performs the layout calculation.
LEFT. Static variable in class jclass.chart.ChartText
left. Static variable in class jclass.contrib.JCRelativeLayout
LEFT. Static variable in class jclass.util.JCString
LEFT. Static variable in class jclass.util.JCTitleLayout
leftBottom. Static variable in class jclass.contrib.JCRelativeLayout
leftTop. Static variable in class jclass.contrib.JCRelativeLayout
LEFTTORIGHT. Static variable in class jclass.util.JCRectUtil
LinePatternEditor(). Constructor for class jclass.chart.LinePatternEditor
locate(int, int). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChart
LONG_DASH. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCLineStyle
lowerLeftCorner. Static variable in class jclass.contrib.JCRelativeLayout
lowerRightCorner. Static variable in class jclass.contrib.JCRelativeLayout
LSL_DASH. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCLineStyle
lt(Object, Object, JCSortInterface). Static method in class jclass.util.JCqsort
Returns true if o1 < o2, using String, Number or Date comparisons as appropriate.


main(String[]). Static method in class jclass.chart.JCVersion
main(String[]). Static method in class jclass.util.JCVersion
major. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCVersion
major. Static variable in class jclass.util.JCVersion
makeCollection(Panel, String[], int[]). Static method in class jclass.contrib.ContribCheckbox
This static function creates a grouping of independent checkboxes with associated values for each of the checkboxes
makeDefault(JCChart). Static method in class jclass.chart.JCChartStyle
Creates a default chart style
makeDefault(JCChart). Static method in class jclass.chart.JCFillStyle
Creates a default fill style
makeDefault(JCChart). Static method in class jclass.chart.JCLineStyle
Creates a default line style
makeDefault(JCChart). Static method in class jclass.chart.JCSymbolStyle
Creates a default symbol style
makeGroup(Panel, String[], int[]). Static method in class jclass.contrib.ContribCheckbox
This static function creates a group of radio buttons when given an array of labels and an array of values.
makeKLImage(Component). Static method in class jclass.chart.JCAboutBox
Creates the KL logo.
makeLabel(double, int). Method in interface jclass.chart.JCLabelGenerator
Callback called by chart whenever a label is required.
makeTitlePanel(Panel, String, boolean). Static method in class jclass.contrib.JCTitlePanel
A convenience function for creating a title panel that is either laid out vertically or horizontally.
map(int, int). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartDataView
Performs a map operation by mapping the provided screen pixel information to data values along the x and y axes of the ChartDataView instance.
MAX. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCAxis
MAX. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
MAX_YEAR. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCChartTimeUtil
message. Variable in class jclass.chart.ChartDataModelUpdate
Message send from the data to Chart.
MIDDLE. Static variable in class jclass.util.JCString
MIN. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCAxis
MIN. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
MIN_YEAR. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCChartTimeUtil
minimumLayoutSize(Container). Method in class jclass.contrib.JCRelativeLayout
minimumLayoutSize(Container). Method in class jclass.contrib.JCRowColLayout
Calculates the minimum size for this layout.
minimumLayoutSize(Container). Method in class jclass.util.JCTitleLayout
Returns the minimum size required by the JCTitleLayout.
minimumSize(). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartCanvas
Returns the minimum size for this object.
minimumSize(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChart
Calculates and returns the minimum size of the chart component.
minimumSize(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartArea
Returns the minimum size for the chart area.
minor. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCVersion
minor. Static variable in class jclass.util.JCVersion
MINUTES. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCAxis
MINUTES. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
MONTHS. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCAxis
MONTHS. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
mouseClicked(MouseEvent). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChart
mouseDown(Event, int, int). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChart
If currently over an URL anchor, returns.
mouseDown(Event, int, int). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartArea
ChartArea processes mouseDown events by creating the appropriate handler based on the modifier, then calling the handler's start method
mouseDrag(Event, int, int). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChart
mouseDrag() provides default JDK 1.0.2 functionality Called by mouseDragged() under JDK 1.1.1
mouseDrag(Event, int, int). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartArea
ChartArea processes mouseDrag events in order to show a rubber band rectangle around a possible zoom area.
mouseDragged(MouseEvent). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChart
mouseEntered(MouseEvent). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChart
mouseExit(Event, int, int). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChart
mouseExit() provides default JDK 1.0.2 functionality Called by mouseExited() under JDK 1.1.1
mouseExited(MouseEvent). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChart
mouseMove(Event, int, int). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChart
mouseMoved(MouseEvent). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChart
mousePressed(MouseEvent). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChart
mouseReleased(MouseEvent). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChart
mouseUp(Event, int, int). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChart
If currently over an URL anchor, display it.
mouseUp(Event, int, int). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartArea
ChartArea processes mouseUp events by calling the end method in the current action handler.
move(int, int). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartRegion
Moves the chart region to the provided position relative to the chart canvas.


NEWLINE. Static variable in class jclass.util.JCString
nextToken(). Method in class jclass.util.JCCSVTokenizer
This gets the next token from the string.
nextToken(). Method in class jclass.util.JCStringTokenizer
Gets the next whitespace-delimited token.
nextToken(char). Method in class jclass.util.JCStringTokenizer
Gets the next token from delimited string.

The delimeter can be "escaped" by a backslash character.

To include a backslash character, precede it by another backslash character.

NONE. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCChart
NONE. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCFillStyle
NONE. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCLineStyle
NONE. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCSymbolStyle
NORTH. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
NORTH. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCChartLabel
NORTH. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCLegend
NORTHEAST. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
NORTHEAST. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCChartLabel
NORTHEAST. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCLegend
NORTHSOUTH_MASK. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCLegend
NORTHWEST. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
NORTHWEST. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCChartLabel
NORTHWEST. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCLegend
NOVALUE. Static variable in class jclass.util.JCTitleLayout
Sets an offset to this value to indicate that it is not set.
numCheckboxes(). Method in class jclass.contrib.ContribCheckboxGroup
Returns the number of Checkbox instances that have been stored.


objects. Variable in class jclass.chart.AxisSelector
okButton. Variable in class jclass.contrib.JCDialog
OK button.
OrientationEditor(). Constructor for class jclass.chart.OrientationEditor
ORIGIN. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCAxis
ORIGIN. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
OriginPlacementEditor(). Constructor for class jclass.chart.OriginPlacementEditor
os. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCChart
OS_OTHER. Static variable in class jclass.util.JCEnvironment
OS_UNIX. Static variable in class jclass.util.JCEnvironment
OTHER. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCSymbolStyle
OTHER_SLICE. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCPieChartFormat
Used to specify the other slice of a pie chart.
outliner. Variable in class jclass.chart.AxisSelector


paint(Graphics). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChart
The top-level paint routine in JCChart.
paint(Graphics). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartLabel
Recalculate the label and repaint using the provided graphics context
paint(Graphics). Method in class jclass.contrib.JCOutlinePanel
Draws the line.
paintChart(JCChart). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartAdapter
paintChart(JCChart). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartLabel
No action required if the chart paints itself
paintChart(JCChart). Method in interface jclass.chart.JCChartListener
paintComponent(Graphics). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartCanvas
Rendering method for ChartCanvas
paintComponent(Graphics). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartArea
Responsible for rendering the JCChartArea contents.
paintComponent(Graphics). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartLabel
Recalculate the label and repaint the component using the provided graphics context
paintComponent(Graphics). Method in class jclass.chart.JCLegend
Paint method for the legend.
paintComponent(Graphics). Method in class jclass.chart.JCTitle
Local paint method for JCTitle.
param_source. Static variable in class jclass.util.JCUtilConverter
Hash table of alternate parameter sources.
parse(Component, String). Static method in class jclass.util.JCString
parseReturnData(Vector). Method in class jclass.contrib.JCRetrieve
parseReturnData() uses the array of text lines to fill up the cache.
PER_25. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCFillStyle
PER_50. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCFillStyle
PER_75. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCFillStyle
PICK. Static variable in class jclass.chart.EventTrigger
pick(JCPickEvent). Method in interface jclass.chart.JCPickListener
Method called whenever chart has been picked.
pick(Point, ChartDataView). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChart
Given a screen position in pixels, returns a JCDataIndex object which represents the closest point in a data series in the specified ChartDataView instance.
PICK_FOCUS_LOCAL. Static variable in class jclass.chart.ChartDataView
PICK_FOCUS_X. Static variable in class jclass.chart.ChartDataView
PICK_FOCUS_XY. Static variable in class jclass.chart.ChartDataView
PICK_FOCUS_Y. Static variable in class jclass.chart.ChartDataView
PIE. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCChart
PIE_PERCENTILE. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCPieChartFormat
pixels. Variable in class jclass.util.JCImageCreator
PlacementEditor(). Constructor for class jclass.chart.PlacementEditor
PLOT. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCChart
PlotArea(ChartCanvas). Constructor for class jclass.chart.PlotArea
Constructor that connects the PlotArea to a parent ChartCanvas.
PlotPoint(). Constructor for class jclass.chart.PlotPoint
POINT_LABELS. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCAxis
POINT_LABELS. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
POLAR. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCChart
preferredHeight(). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartCanvas
Gets the subclass' preferred height (default: 100).
preferredLayoutSize(Container). Method in class jclass.contrib.JCRelativeLayout
preferredLayoutSize(Container). Method in class jclass.contrib.JCRowColLayout
Calculates the preferred size for this layout.
preferredLayoutSize(Container). Method in class jclass.util.JCTitleLayout
Returns the preferred size for the JCTitleLayout.
preferredSize(). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartCanvas
Returns the preferred size for this object.
preferredSize(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChart
Calculates and returns the preferred size of the chart component.
preferredSize(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartArea
Returns the preferred size for the chart area.
preferredSize(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCLegend
Calculates and returns the preferred size for the legend.
preferredSize(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCTitle
Returns the preferred size for the JCTitle instance.
preferredWidth(). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartCanvas
Gets the subclass' preferred width (default: 100).
print(Graphics). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChart
printAll(Graphics). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChart
Disables double-buffering, and calls Container.printAll
processMouseEvent(MouseEvent). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartCanvas
processMouseEvent(MouseEvent). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChart
px. Variable in class jclass.chart.PlotPoint
X pixel value
py. Variable in class jclass.chart.PlotPoint
Y pixel value


RADAR. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCChart
read(Applet, String). Static method in class jclass.util.JCFile
Reads data from a file and returns it as a String.
read(Component, String, char, boolean). Static method in class jclass.util.JCFile
Reads the data from a file, parses it based on the provided delimiter, then converts it into cell values and returns it in a JCVector of JCVectors.
readCSV(Component, String). Static method in class jclass.util.JCFile
Reads the data from a file and parses it as a comma-separated value file.
readLines(Applet, String). Static method in class jclass.util.JCFile
Reads data from a file and returns it as a Vector of Strings.
readLines(Applet, String, int, int). Static method in class jclass.util.JCFile
Reads data from a file and returns it as a Vector of Strings.
recalc(). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartCanvas
recalc(). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartRegion
Recalculates the contents of the chart region.
recalc(). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartText
Recalculates the extents of the label.
recalc(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCAxis
Recalculates the axis parameters.
recalc(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChart
If necessary, forces recalculation of the entire chart by calling the recalc() method for its components.
recalc(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartArea
If necessary, forces recalculation of the chart area.
recalc(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartLabel
Determine the correct location of the label and move there
recalc(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCLegend
Recalculates extents of the legend.
recalc(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCTitle
Recalculates the size and position of all elements inside the JCTitle instance.
recalc(). Method in class jclass.chart.TrackChange
Method used to recalculate extents of related objects.
release. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCVersion
release. Static variable in class jclass.util.JCVersion
remove(String). Method in class jclass.util.JCTitleLayout
Removes the component at the specified location.
REMOVE_COLUMN. Static variable in class jclass.chart.ChartDataModelUpdate
Enum value indicated a column of data values has been removed.
REMOVE_ROW. Static variable in class jclass.chart.ChartDataModelUpdate
Enum value indicated a row of data values has been removed.
REMOVE_VALUE. Static variable in class jclass.chart.ChartDataModelUpdate
Enum value indicated a single data value has been removed.
removeChartLabel(JCChartLabel). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChart
removeChartListener(JCChartListener). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChart
removeDataView(int). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChart
Removes a ChartDataView from the index specified.
removeElementsAt(int, int). Method in class jclass.util.JCVector
Deletes a block starting at the specified index.
removeEscape(String). Static method in class jclass.util.JCUtilConverter
Removes "escape" characters (backslashes) from the string.
removeLayoutComponent(Component). Method in class jclass.contrib.JCRelativeLayout
removeLayoutComponent(Component). Method in class jclass.contrib.JCRowColLayout
An empty method that must appear (it is part of the LayoutManager interface).
removeLayoutComponent(Component). Method in class jclass.util.JCTitleLayout
Removes the component if it is present.
removePickListener(JCPickListener). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChart
removeSeries(int). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartDataView
Removes a single data series from the Series property of the ChartDataView instance.
removeTrigger(int). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChart
Removes the event trigger at the specified index.
repaint(). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartCanvas
Overridden repaint() method.
repaint(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartArea
Need to avoid repaint if super.reshape() called.
RESET. Static variable in class jclass.chart.ChartDataModelUpdate
Enum value indicating that the data has changed significantly.
RESET. Static variable in class jclass.util.JCString
reset(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChart
Performs a reset on the chart.
resetDefaults(). Static method in class jclass.chart.JCChartStyle
Internal method to reset the default color indices for chart style objects.
reshape(int, int, int, int). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartCanvas
Reshapes the Component to the specified bounding box.
reshape(int, int, int, int). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartRegion
Reshapes (ie resizes and moves) the chart region according to the provided parameters.
reshape(int, int, int, int). Method in class jclass.chart.JCAxis
Overridden reshape() method that makes sure the scale and shift values are recalculated when the axis size or position changes.
reshape(int, int, int, int). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartArea
An overridden reshape() method, which makes sure that the Changed property is set and that a recalc occurs as a result of the reshape.
resize(int). Method in class jclass.chart.Diamond
Overrides JCShape.resize().
resize(int). Method in class jclass.chart.JCShape
Method used for populating the x[] and y[] arrays based on the provided size.
resize(int). Method in class jclass.chart.Triangle
Overrides JCShape.resize().
resize(int, int). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartRegion
Resizes the chart region to the provided width and height.
RIGHT. Static variable in class jclass.chart.ChartText
right. Static variable in class jclass.contrib.JCRelativeLayout
RIGHT. Static variable in class jclass.util.JCString
RIGHT. Static variable in class jclass.util.JCTitleLayout
rightBottom. Static variable in class jclass.contrib.JCRelativeLayout
rightTop. Static variable in class jclass.contrib.JCRelativeLayout
rl_init(Rectangle, JCRectList). Static method in class jclass.util.JCRectUtil
Initialize this rectangle list.
rl_remove(Rectangle, JCRectList, JCRectList). Static method in class jclass.util.JCRectUtil
Remove rectangle r from rectlist rl1, storing the result in rl2.
ROTATE. Static variable in class jclass.chart.EventTrigger
rotate(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChart
A call to rotate a graph to the specified locations.
ROTATE_180. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCAxis
ROTATE_270. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCAxis
ROTATE_270. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
ROTATE_90. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCAxis
ROTATE_90. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
ROTATE_NONE. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCAxis
ROTATE_NONE. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
rotateEnd(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChart
A call to signify the end of a rotate event.
RotateFilter(int). Constructor for class jclass.chart.RotateFilter
rotateStart(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChart
A call to signify the beginning of a rotate event.
RotationEditor(). Constructor for class jclass.chart.RotationEditor
roundTime(Date, long, boolean). Static method in class jclass.chart.JCChartTimeUtil
Round the time down/up to the given unit.
row. Variable in class jclass.chart.ChartDataModelUpdate
Row impacted by message (if applicable).
run(). Method in class jclass.chart.Timer


SBarVal(). Constructor for class jclass.chart.SBarVal
Default constructor
scale(double, JCAxis, boolean). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChart
Performs a scale operation.
SCATTER_PLOT. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCChart
SECONDS. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCAxis
SECONDS. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
series. Variable in class jclass.chart.ChartDataView
set(int[], int). Method in class jclass.contrib.ContribCheckboxGroup
Sets the currently-selected checkbox to that containing the value "val".
set100Percent(boolean). Method in class jclass.chart.JCBarChartFormat
Sets the value of the 100Percent property.
setAbout(String). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChart
Sets the value of the About property The About property displays contact information for KL group in the bean box.
setAction(int). Method in class jclass.chart.EventTrigger
Sets the value of the action property for this EventTrigger instance.
setAdjust(int). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartText
Sets the Adjust property, which determines how text is justified (positioned) in the label.
setAdjust(int). Method in class jclass.chart.JCTitle
Sets the value of the Adjust property.
setAllowUserChanges(boolean). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChart
Sets the value of the AllowUserChanges property, which determines whether the user viewing the graph can modify graph values.
setAnchor(int). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartLabel
Sets the Anchor property.
setAnchor(int). Method in class jclass.chart.JCLegend
Sets the Anchor property, which determines the position of the legend relative to the ChartArea.
setAngleUnit(int). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartArea
Sets the value of the AngleUnit property.
setAnnotationMethod(int). Method in class jclass.chart.JCAxis
Sets the value of the AnnotationMethod property.
setAnnotationRotation(int). Method in class jclass.chart.JCAxis
Sets the AnnotationRotation property of the JCAxis.
setAsText(String). Method in class jclass.chart.TimeUnitEditor
setAttachMethod(int). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartLabel
Set the Attachment Method of the label.
setAxes(JCVector). Method in class jclass.chart.AxisSelector
setAxis(JCAxis). Method in class jclass.chart.JCMarker
Sets the value of the Axis property.
setAxisBoundingBox(boolean). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartArea
Sets the value of the AxisBoundingBox property.
setAxisBoundingBox(boolean). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Sets the value of the AxisBoundingBox property.
setBackground(Color). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartCanvas
Sets the background color of the component.

HTML param name/value: "Background"/Color

setBackground(Color). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartRegion
Sets the value of the Background property.
setBackground(Color). Method in class jclass.chart.PlotArea
Sets the value of the Background property.
setBorderType(int). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartCanvas
Sets the BorderType property of the ChartCanvas.
setBorderType(int). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartRegion
Sets the BorderType property of the ChartRegion.
setBorderWidth(int). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartCanvas
Sets the BorderWidth property of the ChartCanvas.
setBorderWidth(int). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartRegion
Sets the BorderWidth property of the ChartRegion.
setBottom(int). Method in class jclass.chart.PlotArea
Sets the value of the Bottom property.
setBottomIsDefault(boolean). Method in class jclass.chart.PlotArea
Sets the value of the BottomIsDefault property.
setBottomMargin(int). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChart
Sets the BottomMargin property.
setButtonCB(JCDialogCB). Method in class jclass.contrib.JCDialog
Registers a callback recipient for the dialog.
setCancelKey(int). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChart
Sets the value of the CancelKey property.
setChanged(boolean). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartCanvas
Sets the value of the Changed property.
setChanged(boolean). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartDataView
Sets the value of the Changed property The Changed property manages whether the data view requires recalculation.
setChanged(boolean). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartRegion
Sets the value of the Changed property and updates the parent object.
setChanged(boolean). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChart
Sets the value of the Changed property, which determines whether the chart requires to be recalculated.
setChanged(boolean). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartArea
Sets the value of the Changed property.
setChanged(boolean). Method in class jclass.chart.JCTitle
Sets the value of the Changed property.
setChanged(boolean). Method in class jclass.chart.TrackChange
Sets the value of the Changed property and updates the parent object.
setChanged(boolean, boolean). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartCanvas
Sets the value of the Changed property.
setChanged(boolean, boolean). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartDataView
Sets the value of the Changed property, with option to prevent parent updating via the updateParent parameter.
setChanged(boolean, boolean). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChart
Sets the value of the Changed property, which determines whether the chart requires to be recalculated.
setChanged(boolean, boolean). Method in class jclass.chart.JCTitle
Sets the value of the Changed property.
setChanged(boolean, boolean). Method in class jclass.chart.TrackChange
Sets the value of the Changed property.
setChartArea(JCChartArea). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChart
Sets the value of the ChartArea property.
setChartStyle(int, JCChartStyle). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartDataView
Sets the value of the ChartStyle property.
setChartStyle(JCChartStyle[]). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartDataView
Sets the value of the ChartStyle property.
setChartType(int). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartDataView
Sets the ChartType property of the ChartData, which determines how the chart data is plotted.
setClusterOverlap(int). Method in class jclass.chart.JCBarChartFormat
Sets the ClusterOverlap property, which specifies the overlap between bars.
setClusterWidth(int). Method in class jclass.chart.JCBarChartFormat
Sets the ClusterWidth property, which determines the percentage of available space which will be occupied by the bars.
setColor(char, Color). Method in class jclass.util.JCImageCreator
Sets the color corresponding to a character.
setColor(char, int). Method in class jclass.util.JCImageCreator
Sets the color (as an rgb int) corresponding to a character.
setColor(Color). Method in class jclass.chart.JCFillStyle
Sets the Color property of JCFillStyle, which determines the color used to paint the fill region.
setColor(Color). Method in class jclass.chart.JCLineStyle
Sets the Color property of JCLineStyle, which determines the color used to draw the line.
setColor(Color). Method in class jclass.chart.JCSymbolStyle
Sets the Color property of JCSymbolStyle, which determines the color used to paint the symbols.
setColorModel(ColorModel). Method in class jclass.chart.RotateFilter
setConstant(double). Method in class jclass.chart.JCAxisFormula
Sets the Constant property of the JCAxisFormula, which specified the "c" value in the relationship y = mx + c.
setConstraint(Component, Component, char, int, int). Method in class jclass.contrib.JCRelativeLayout
setCoord(Point). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartLabel
Set the coordinates to which the label is attached.
setCustomShape(JCShape). Method in class jclass.chart.JCSymbolStyle
Sets the value of the CustomShape property.
setDataCoord(JCDataCoord). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartLabel
Set the data coordinates to which the label is attached.
setDataIndex(JCDataIndex). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartLabel
Set the data item to which the label is attached.
setDataItem(int, int, Object). Method in interface jclass.chart.EditableChartable
Sets a data item in the data source.
setDataSource(Chartable). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartDataView
Sets the DataSource property for ChartDataView.
setDataSource(Chartable). Method in class jclass.chart.DirectChartDataView
Sets the DataSource property for ChartDataView.
setDataSources(String[]). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Sets the value of the DataSources property.
setDataView(ChartDataView). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartLabel
Set the view to which the label is attached.
setDataView(ChartDataView[]). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChart
Sets the value of the DataView property.
setDataView(int, ChartDataView). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChart
Creates a new ChartDataView and adds it at the index specified.
setDataView1(String). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Sets the value of the DataView1 property The DataView1 property controls the file or URL used for the first set of data in chart.
setDataView1ChartType(int). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Sets the value of the DataView1ChartType property.
setDataView2(String). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Sets the value of the DataView2 property The DataView2 property controls the file or URL used for the first set of data in chart.
setDataView2ChartType(int). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Sets the value of the DataView2ChartType property.
setDataViewIsInverted(boolean). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Sets the value of the DataViewIsInverted property.
setDepth(int). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartArea
Sets the Depth property, which controls the apparent depth of a graph.
setDepth(int). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Sets the value of the Depth property.
setDimensions(int, int). Method in class jclass.chart.RotateFilter
setDoubleBuffer(boolean). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChart
Sets the DoubleBuffereproperty, which controls whether the chart rendering uses an off-screen image or renders directly to the screen.
setDrawingOrder(int). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartDataView
Gets the DrawingOrder property of the ChartDataView object.
setDrawingOrder(int). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartDataViewSeries
Sets the value of the DrawingOrder property.
setDwellDelay(int). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartLabel
Set the amount of time to wait before displaying this (dwell) label.
setElementAt(int, Object). Method in class jclass.util.JCVector
Sets the element at the specified index to be the specified object.
setElevation(int). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartArea
Sets the Elevation property, which controls distance from the x axis.
setElevation(int). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Sets the value of the Elevation property.
setExitOnClose(boolean). Method in class jclass.contrib.ContribFrame
Determines whether the application should exit when the user closes the frame or when close() is called (default: true).
setExplodeList(Point[]). Method in class jclass.chart.JCPieChartFormat
Sets the ExplodeList property, which specifies a list of exploded pie slice in the pie charts..
setExplodeOffset(int). Method in class jclass.chart.JCPieChartFormat
Sets the ExplodeOffset property, which specifies the distance a slice is exploded from the center of a pie chart.
setFastAction(boolean). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartArea
Sets the value of the FastAction property.
setFastAction(boolean). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Sets the value of the FastAction property.
setFillColor(Color). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartStyle
Sets the value of the FillColor property.
setFillImage(Image). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartStyle
Sets the value of the FillImage property.
setFillPattern(int). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartStyle
Sets the value of the FillPattern property.
setFillStyle(JCFillStyle). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartStyle
Sets the JCFillStyle property, which controls how fills are drawn.
setFirstPoint(int). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartDataViewSeries
Sets the index of the first point in the specified series.
setFont(Font). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartCanvas
Sets the font of the component.

HTML param name/value: "Font"/font

setFont(Font). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartRegion
Sets the value of the Font property.
setFooter(JCTitle). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChart
Sets the Footer property.
setFooterIsShowing(boolean). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Sets the value of the FooterIsShowing property.
setFooterText(String). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Sets the value of the FooterText property The FooterText property holds the text that is displayed in the footer.
setForeground(Color). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartCanvas
Sets the foreground color of the component.

HTML param name/value: "Foreground"/Color

setForeground(Color). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartRegion
Sets the value of the Foreground property.
setForeground(Color). Method in class jclass.chart.PlotArea
Sets the value of the Foreground property.
setGap(int). Method in class jclass.chart.JCAxis
Sets the value of the Gap property.
setGridIsShowing(boolean). Method in class jclass.chart.JCAxis
Sets the value of the GridIsShowing property.
setGridSpacing(double). Method in class jclass.chart.JCAxis
Gets the GridSpacing property.
setGridSpacingIsDefault(boolean). Method in class jclass.chart.JCAxis
Sets the GridSpacingIsDefault property of JCAxisBounds.
setGridStyle(JCChartStyle). Method in class jclass.chart.JCAxis
Sets the GridStyle property.
setHeader(JCTitle). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChart
Sets the Header property.
setHeaderIsShowing(boolean). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Sets the value of the HeaderIsShowing property.
setHeaderText(String). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Sets the value of the HeaderText property The HeaderText property holds the text that is displayed in the header.
setHeight(int). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartCanvas
Sets the value of the Height property.
setHeight(int). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartRegion
Sets the value of the Height property.
setHeightIsDefault(boolean). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartCanvas
Sets the value of the HeightIsDefault property.
setHeightIsDefault(boolean). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartRegion
Sets the value of the HeightIsDefault property.
setHints(int). Method in class jclass.chart.RotateFilter
setHoleValue(double). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartDataView
Sets the hole value for the chart data.
setHorizActionAxis(JCAxis). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartArea
Sets the value of the HorizActionAxis property.
setImage(Component, String). Method in class jclass.chart.JCFillStyle
Sets the Image property of JCFillStyle, which determines the image used to paint the fill region of bar charts.
setImage(Image). Method in class jclass.chart.JCFillStyle
Sets the Image property.
setIsBatched(boolean). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartDataView
Sets the IsBatched property.
setIsBatched(boolean). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChart
Sets the value of the IsBatched property, which controls whether chart updates are accumulated.
setIsDwellLabel(boolean). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartLabel
Set this label to only be displayed when the cursor is over the data to which the label is attached or displayed always.
setIsEditable(boolean). Method in class jclass.chart.JCAxis
Sets the IsEditable property.
setIsIncluded(boolean). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartDataViewSeries
Sets the value of the IsIncluded property.
setIsInverted(boolean). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartDataView
Sets the IsInverted property of the data view.
setIsLogarithmic(boolean). Method in class jclass.chart.JCAxis
Sets the IsLogarithmic property of JCAxis, which determines whether the axis will be logarithmic (true) or linear (false).
setIsReversed(boolean). Method in class jclass.chart.JCAxis
Sets the IsReversed property of JCAxis, which determines if the axis order is reversed.
setIsShowing(boolean). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartCanvas
Sets the value of the IsShowing property, which determines whether the ChartCanvas will appear on screen.
setIsShowing(boolean). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartDataViewSeries
Sets the value of the IsShowing property.
setIsShowing(boolean). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartRegion
Sets the value of the IsShowing property The IsShowing property determines whether the associated ChartRegion is currently visible.
setIsShowingInLegend(boolean). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartDataView
Sets the IsShowingInLegend property.
setIsShowingInLegend(boolean). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartDataViewSeries
Sets the IsShowingInLegend property.
setIsVertical(boolean). Method in class jclass.chart.JCAxis
Sets the value of the IsVertical property.
setLabel(String). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartDataViewSeries
Sets the Label property of the data series.
setLabel(String). Method in class jclass.chart.DirectChartDataViewSeries
Sets the Label property of the data series.
setLabelGenerator(JCLabelGenerator). Method in class jclass.chart.JCAxis
Sets the value of the LabelGenerator property.
setLastPoint(int). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartDataViewSeries
Sets the index of the last point in the specified series.
setLastPointIsDefault(boolean). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartDataViewSeries
setLeft(int). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartCanvas
Sets the value of the Left property.
setLeft(int). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartRegion
Sets the value of the Left property.
setLeft(int). Method in class jclass.chart.PlotArea
Sets the value of the Left property.
setLeftIsDefault(boolean). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartCanvas
Sets the value of the LeftIsDefault property.
setLeftIsDefault(boolean). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartRegion
Sets the value of the LeftIsDefault property.
setLeftIsDefault(boolean). Method in class jclass.chart.PlotArea
Sets the value of the LeftIsDefault property.
setLeftMargin(int). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChart
Sets the LeftMargin property.
setLegend(JCLegend). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChart
Sets the Legend property The Legend property controls the object that controls the display of the legend.
setLegendAnchor(int). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Sets the value of the LegendAnchor property.
setLegendIsShowing(boolean). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Sets the value of the LegendIsShowing property.
setLegendOrientation(int). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Sets the value of the LegendOrientation property.
setLineColor(Color). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartStyle
Sets the value of the LineColor property.
setLinePattern(int). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartStyle
Sets the value of the LinePattern property.
setLineStyle(JCLineStyle). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartStyle
Sets the JCLineStyle property, which controls how lines are drawn.
setLineWidth(int). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartStyle
Sets the value of the LineWidth property.
setMax(double). Method in class jclass.chart.JCAxis
Sets the Max property of the Axis, which controls the maximum value shown on the axis.
setMaxIsDefault(boolean). Method in class jclass.chart.JCAxis
Sets the MaxIsDefault property.
setMin(double). Method in class jclass.chart.JCAxis
Sets the Min property of the JCAxis, which controls the minimum value shown on the axis.
setMinIsDefault(boolean). Method in class jclass.chart.JCAxis
Sets the MinIsDefault property.
setMinSize(int). Method in class jclass.util.JCVector
Sets the minimum size of the vector.
setMinSlices(int). Method in class jclass.chart.JCPieChartFormat
Sets the MinSlices property, which represents the minimum number of pie slices that Chart will try to display before grouping slices into the other slice.
setModifiers(int). Method in class jclass.chart.EventTrigger
Sets the value of the modifiers property for this EventTrigger instance.
setMultiplier(double). Method in class jclass.chart.JCAxisFormula
Sets the Multiplier property of the JCAxisFormula, which specifies the "m" value in the relationship y = mx + c.
setName(). Method in class jclass.chart.DirectChartDataView
setName(String). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartDataView
Sets the Name property of the ChartData object.
setName(String). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartDataViewSeries
Gets the value of the Name property.
setName(String). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartRegion
Sets the value of the Name property.
setName(String). Method in class jclass.chart.DirectChartDataViewSeries
Gets the value of the Name property.
setNumSpacing(double). Method in class jclass.chart.JCAxis
Sets the NumSpacing property of the Axis, which controls the interval between axis labels.
setNumSpacingIsDefault(boolean). Method in class jclass.chart.JCAxis
Sets the NumSpacingIsDefault property of JCAxis.
setOffset(Point). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartLabel
Set the Offset to adjust the location of the label relative to the position determined by the attachMethod.
setOffsets(String, Insets). Method in class jclass.util.JCTitleLayout
Sets the offsets for a specified location.
setOrientation(int). Method in class jclass.chart.JCLegend
Sets the Orientation property, which determines how the legend information is laid out.
setOrigin(double). Method in class jclass.chart.JCAxis
Sets the Origin property of the Axis, which controls the location of the origin along the axis.
setOriginator(JCAxis). Method in class jclass.chart.JCAxisFormula
Sets the Originator property of the JCAxisFormula, which is an object representing the axis that is related to the current axis by the formula y = mx + c.
setOriginIsDefault(boolean). Method in class jclass.chart.JCAxis
Sets the OriginIsDefault property.
setOriginPlacement(int). Method in class jclass.chart.JCAxis
Sets the OriginPlacement property of the JCAxis, which specifies where the origin is placed.
setOriginPlacementIsDefault(boolean). Method in class jclass.chart.JCAxis
Sets the OriginPlacementIsDefault property.
setOtherLabel(String). Method in class jclass.chart.JCPieChartFormat
Sets the OtherLabel property, which represents the label used on the "other" pie slice.
setOtherStyle(JCChartStyle). Method in class jclass.chart.JCPieChartFormat
Sets the OtherStyle property, which specifies the style used to render the "other" pie slice.
setParamSource(Component, String). Static method in class jclass.util.JCUtilConverter
Sets the source from which getParam should read parameter values.
setParent(ChartCanvas). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartRegion
Connects the chart region to a ChartCanvas.
setParent(ChartCanvas). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartText
Connects the chart region to a ChartCanvas.
setParent(ChartCanvas). Method in class jclass.chart.JCAxis
Connects the chart region to a ChartCanvas.
setPattern(int). Method in class jclass.chart.JCFillStyle
Sets the Pattern property of JCFillStyle, which controls the pattern used to fill the specified region.
setPattern(int). Method in class jclass.chart.JCLineStyle
Sets the Pattern property, which dictates the pattern used to draw a line.
setPickFocus(int). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartDataView
Sets the PickFocus property of the data view, which specifies how distance is determined for pick operations.
setPixels(int, int, int, int, ColorModel, byte[], int, int). Method in class jclass.chart.RotateFilter
setPixels(int, int, int, int, ColorModel, int[], int, int). Method in class jclass.chart.RotateFilter
setPixels(int, String). Method in class jclass.util.JCImageCreator
Sets the pixel data at the specified row.
setPixels(String). Method in class jclass.util.JCImageCreator
Adds the pixel data to the end.
setPixels(String[]). Method in class jclass.util.JCImageCreator
Sets the pixel data for all rows.
setPlacement(int). Method in class jclass.chart.JCAxis
Sets the Placement property of the JCAxis, which controls where the axis is placed.
setPlacement(int). Method in class jclass.chart.JCAxisTitle
Sets the Placement property of the JCTitleAxis.
setPlacement(JCAxis). Method in class jclass.chart.JCAxis
Convenience method that sets the Placement property to ORIGIN, and sets the PlacementAxis property to the provided value
setPlacement(JCAxis, double). Method in class jclass.chart.JCAxis
Convenience method that sets the Placement property to VALUE_ANCHORED, the PlacementAxis property to the provided axis, and the PlacementLocation property to the provided floating- point value.
setPlacementAxis(JCAxis). Method in class jclass.chart.JCAxis
Sets the PlacementAxis property of the axis.
setPlacementIsDefault(boolean). Method in class jclass.chart.JCAxis
Sets the PlacementIsDefault property.
setPlacementIsDefault(boolean). Method in class jclass.chart.JCAxisTitle
Sets the value of the PlacementIsDefault property.
setPlacementLocation(double). Method in class jclass.chart.JCAxis
Sets the value of the PlacementLocation property.
setPoint(int). Method in class jclass.chart.JCMarker
Sets the value of the Point property for the JCMarker.
setPointLabel(int, String). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartDataView
Sets a particular PointLabel from the PointLabels property.
setPointLabel(int, String). Method in class jclass.chart.DirectChartDataView
Sets a particular PointLabel from the PointLabels property.
setPointLabels(String[]). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartDataView
Sets the PointLabels property for the ChartDataView object.
setPointLabels(String[]). Method in class jclass.chart.DirectChartDataView
Sets the PointLabels property for the ChartDataView object.
setPrecision(int). Method in class jclass.chart.JCAxis
Sets the Precision property of the Axis, which controls the number of zeros that appear after the decimal place in the axis label.
setPrecisionIsDefault(boolean). Method in class jclass.chart.JCAxis
Sets the PrecisionIsDefault property of JCAxis.
setProperties(Hashtable). Method in class jclass.chart.RotateFilter
setReentrance(boolean). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartArea
setResetKey(int). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChart
Sets the value of the ResetKey property.
setRight(int). Method in class jclass.chart.PlotArea
Sets the value of the Right property.
setRightIsDefault(boolean). Method in class jclass.chart.PlotArea
Sets the value of the RightIsDefault property.
setRightMargin(int). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChart
Sets the RightMargin property.
setRotation(int). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartText
Sets the Rotation property, which controls the rotation of the label.
setRotation(int). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartArea
Sets the Rotation property, which controls the position of the eye relative to the y axis.
setRotation(int). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Sets the value of the Rotation property.
setSeries(ChartDataViewSeries). Method in class jclass.chart.JCMarker
Sets the value of the Series property for the JCMarker instance.
setSeries(ChartDataViewSeries[]). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartDataView
Sets the value of the Series property for this ChartDataView instance.
setSeries(int, ChartDataViewSeries). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartDataView
Sets the value of the Series property at a particular index.
setShape(int). Method in class jclass.chart.JCSymbolStyle
Sets the Shape property.
setSize(int). Method in class jclass.chart.JCSymbolStyle
Sets the Size property of JCSymbolStyle, which determines the size of the symbols.
setSize(int, int). Method in class jclass.util.JCImageCreator
Sets the size of the image to be created.
setSortOrder(int). Method in class jclass.chart.JCPieChartFormat
Gets the SortOrder property, which is used to determine the order in which pie slices will be displayed.
setStyle(JCChartStyle). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartDataViewSeries
Sets the Style property for this ChartDataViewSeries, which defines the rendering style for the data series.
setSymbolColor(Color). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartStyle
Sets the value of the SymbolColor property The SymbolColor property determines color used to paint the symbol.
setSymbolCustomShape(JCShape). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartStyle
Sets the value of the SymbolCustomShape property.
setSymbolShape(int). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartStyle
Sets the value of the SymbolShape property.
setSymbolSize(int). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartStyle
Sets the value of the SymbolSize property.
setSymbolStyle(JCSymbolStyle). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartStyle
Gets the SymbolStyle property The SymbolStyle property controls the symbol that represents an individual point.
setText(String). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartText
Sets the Text property.
setText(String). Method in class jclass.chart.JCTitle
Sets the value of the Text property.
setText(String). Method in class jclass.chart.JCValueLabel
Sets the value of the Text property.
setText(String, boolean). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartText
Sets the Text property.
setThresholdMethod(int). Method in class jclass.chart.JCPieChartFormat
Sets the ThresholdMethod property of the PieChartStyle.
setThresholdValue(double). Method in class jclass.chart.JCPieChartFormat
Sets the ThresholdValue property, which is a percentage value (ie between 0.0 and 100.0).
setTickSpacing(double). Method in class jclass.chart.JCAxis
Sets the TickSpacing property, which controls the interval between tick lines on the axis.
setTickSpacingIsDefault(boolean). Method in class jclass.chart.JCAxis
Sets the TickSpacingIsDefault property of JCAxis.
setTime(int). Method in class jclass.chart.Timer
setTimeBase(Date). Method in class jclass.chart.JCAxis
Sets the value of the TimeBase property.
setTimeFormat(String). Method in class jclass.chart.JCAxis
Sets the value of the TimeFormat property The TimeFormat property controls the format used to generate time labels for time labelled axes.
setTimeFormatIsDefault(boolean). Method in class jclass.chart.JCAxis
Sets the value of the TimeFormatIsDefault property.
setTimeUnit(long). Method in class jclass.chart.JCAxis
Sets the value of the TimeUnit property.
setTitle(JCAxisTitle). Method in class jclass.chart.JCAxis
Sets the JCAxisTitle object associated with the JCAxis.
setTop(int). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartCanvas
Sets the value of the Top property.
setTop(int). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartRegion
Sets the value of the Top property.
setTop(int). Method in class jclass.chart.PlotArea
Sets the value of the Top property.
setTopIsDefault(boolean). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartCanvas
Sets the value of the TopIsDefault property.
setTopIsDefault(boolean). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartRegion
Sets the value of the TopIsDefault property.
setTopIsDefault(boolean). Method in class jclass.chart.PlotArea
Sets the value of the TopIsDefault property.
setTopMargin(int). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChart
Sets the TopMargin property.
setTrigger(int, EventTrigger). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChart
Sets the value of the Trigger property at a specified index.
setType(int). Method in class jclass.chart.JCBorderStyle
Sets the Type property of JCBorderStyle, which determines how the border is drawn.
setURL(String, String). Method in class jclass.contrib.JCRetrieve
Changes the host, port number and cgi-bin script according to the data provided.
setURLoffset(int, int). Method in class jclass.util.JCString
Sets the offset for URL rectangle tracking.
setValue(double). Method in class jclass.chart.JCMarker
Sets the Value property of the JCMarker object.
setValue(double). Method in class jclass.chart.JCValueLabel
Sets the value of the Value property.
setValue(int). Method in class jclass.contrib.JCChoice
When a JCChoice is created, it is given an array of values to associate with each choice string.
setValue(Object). Method in class jclass.chart.AxisSelector
setValueLabels(int, JCValueLabel). Method in class jclass.chart.JCAxis
setValueLabels(JCValueLabel[]). Method in class jclass.chart.JCAxis
Sets the value of the ValueLabels property.
setVertActionAxis(JCAxis). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartArea
Sets the value of the VertActionAxis property.
setWidth(int). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartCanvas
Sets the value of the Width property.
setWidth(int). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartRegion
Sets the value of the Width property.
setWidth(int). Method in class jclass.chart.JCBorderStyle
Sets the Width property of JCBorderStyle, which determines the width of the border.
setWidth(int). Method in class jclass.chart.JCLineStyle
Sets the Width property, which controls line width.
setWidthIsDefault(boolean). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartCanvas
Sets the value of the WidthIsDefault property.
setWidthIsDefault(boolean). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartRegion
Sets the value of the WidthIsDefault property.
setX1AxisAnnotationMethod(int). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Sets the value of the X1AxisAnnotationMethod property.
setX1AxisAnnotationRotation(int). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Sets the value of the X1AxisAnnotationRotation property.
setX1AxisGridIsShowing(boolean). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Sets the value of the X1AxisGridIsShowing property.
setX1AxisGridSpacing(String). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Sets the value of the X1AxisGridSpacing property.
setX1AxisGridSpacingIsDefault(boolean). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Sets the value of the X1AxisGridSpacingIsDefault property.
setX1AxisIsLogarithmic(boolean). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Sets the value of the X1AxisIsLogarithmic property.
setX1AxisIsReversed(boolean). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Sets the value of the X1AxisIsReversed property.
setX1AxisIsShowing(boolean). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Sets the value of the X1AxisIsShowing property.
setX1AxisMax(String). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Sets the value of the X1AxisMax property.
setX1AxisMaxIsDefault(boolean). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Sets the value of the X1AxisMaxIsDefault property.
setX1AxisMin(String). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Sets the value of the X1AxisMin property.
setX1AxisMinIsDefault(boolean). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Sets the value of the X1AxisMinIsDefault property.
setX1AxisNumSpacing(String). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Sets the value of the X1AxisNumSpacing property.
setX1AxisNumSpacingIsDefault(boolean). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Sets the value of the X1AxisNumSpacingIsDefault property.
setX1AxisOrigin(String). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Sets the value of the X1AxisOrigin property.
setX1AxisOriginIsDefault(boolean). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Sets the value of the X1AxisOriginIsDefault property The X1AxisOriginIsDefault property determines whether Chart is responsible for positioning the axis origin.
setX1AxisOriginPlacement(int). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Sets the value of the X1AxisOriginPlacement property.
setX1AxisPlacement(int). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Sets the value of the X1AxisPlacement property.
setX1AxisPrecision(int). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Sets the value of the X1AxisPrecision property.
setX1AxisPrecisionIsDefault(boolean). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Sets the value of the X1AxisPrecisionIsDefault property.p The X1AxisPrecisionIsDefault determines whether Chart is responsible for calculating the numbering precision.
setX1AxisTickSpacing(String). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Sets the value of the X1AxisTickSpacing property.
setX1AxisTickSpacingIsDefault(boolean). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Sets the value of the X1AxisTickSpacingIsDefault property.
setX1AxisTimeFormat(String). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Sets the value of the X1AxisTimeFormat property.
setX1AxisTimeFormatIsDefault(boolean). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Sets the value of the X1AxisTimeFormatIsDefault property.
setX1AxisTimeUnit(int). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Sets the value of the X1AxisTimeUnit property.
setX1AxisTitleIsShowing(boolean). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Sets the value of the X1AxisTitleIsShowing property.
setX1AxisTitlePlacement(int). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Sets the value of the X1AxisTitlePlacement property The X1AxisTitlePlacement property controls where the JCAxis title is placed relative to the "opposing" axis.
setX1AxisTitlePlacementIsDefault(boolean). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Sets the value of the X1AxisTitlePlacemementIsDefault property The X1AxisTitlePlacementIsDefault property determines whether Chart is responsible for calculating a reasonable default placement for the axis title.
setX1AxisTitleText(String). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Sets the value of the X1AxisTitleText property.
setXAxis(int, JCAxis). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartArea
Sets the value of the XAxis property at a specified index.
setXAxis(JCAxis). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartDataView
Sets the value of the XAxis property.
setXAxis(JCAxis[]). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartArea
Sets the value of the XAxis property.
setY1AxisAnnotationMethod(int). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Sets the value of the Y1AxisAnnotationMethod property.
setY1AxisAnnotationRotation(int). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Sets the value of the Y1AxisAnnotationRotation property.
setY1AxisGridIsShowing(boolean). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Sets the value of the Y1AxisGridIsShowing property.
setY1AxisGridSpacing(String). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Sets the value of the Y1AxisGridSpacing property.
setY1AxisGridSpacingIsDefault(boolean). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Sets the value of the Y1AxisGridSpacingIsDefault property.
setY1AxisIsLogarithmic(boolean). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Sets the value of the Y1AxisIsLogarithmic property.
setY1AxisIsReversed(boolean). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Sets the value of the Y1AxisIsReversed property.
setY1AxisIsShowing(boolean). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Sets the value of the Y1AxisIsShowing property.
setY1AxisMax(String). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Sets the value of the Y1AxisMax property.
setY1AxisMaxIsDefault(boolean). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Sets the value of the Y1AxisMaxIsDefault property.
setY1AxisMin(String). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Sets the value of the Y1AxisMin property.
setY1AxisMinIsDefault(boolean). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Sets the value of the Y1AxisMinIsDefault property.
setY1AxisNumSpacing(String). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Sets the value of the Y1AxisNumSpacing property.
setY1AxisNumSpacingIsDefault(boolean). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Sets the value of the Y1AxisNumSpacingIsDefault property.
setY1AxisOrigin(String). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Sets the value of the Y1AxisOrigin property.
setY1AxisOriginIsDefault(boolean). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Sets the value of the Y1AxisOriginIsDefault property The Y1AxisOriginIsDefault property determines whether Chart is responsible for positioning the axis origin.
setY1AxisOriginPlacement(int). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Sets the value of the Y1AxisOriginPlacement property.
setY1AxisPlacement(int). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Sets the value of the Y1AxisPlacement property.
setY1AxisPrecision(int). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Sets the value of the Y1AxisPrecision property.
setY1AxisPrecisionIsDefault(boolean). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Sets the value of the Y1AxisPrecisionIsDefault property.p The Y1AxisPrecisionIsDefault determines whether Chart is responsible for calculating the numbering precision.
setY1AxisTickSpacing(String). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Sets the value of the Y1AxisTickSpacing property.
setY1AxisTickSpacingIsDefault(boolean). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Sets the value of the Y1AxisTickSpacingIsDefault property.
setY1AxisTimeFormat(String). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Sets the value of the Y1AxisTimeFormat property.
setY1AxisTimeFormatIsDefault(boolean). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Sets the value of the Y1AxisTimeFormatIsDefault property.
setY1AxisTimeUnit(int). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Sets the value of the Y1AxisTimeUnit property.
setY1AxisTitleIsShowing(boolean). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Sets the value of the Y1AxisTitleIsShowing property.
setY1AxisTitlePlacement(int). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Sets the value of the Y1AxisTitlePlacement property The Y1AxisTitlePlacement property controls where the JCAxis title is placed relative to the "opposing" axis.
setY1AxisTitlePlacementIsDefault(boolean). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Sets the value of the Y1AxisTitlePlacemementIsDefault property The Y1AxisTitlePlacementIsDefault property determines whether Chart is responsible for calculating a reasonable default placement for the axis title.
setY1AxisTitleText(String). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
Sets the value of the Y1AxisTitleText property.
setYAxis(int, JCAxis). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartArea
Sets the value of the YAxis property at a specified index.
setYAxis(JCAxis). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartDataView
Sets the value of the YAxis property.
setYAxis(JCAxis[]). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartArea
Sets the value of the YAxis property.
SHORT_DASH. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCLineStyle
show(). Method in class jclass.contrib.ContribDialog
Sets the focus to the first child.
show(). Method in class jclass.contrib.ContribFrame
Sets the focus to the first child.
show(). Method in class jclass.contrib.JCDialog
The Overridden member.
showURL(String, AppletContext, Applet). Static method in class jclass.util.JCString
If a URL is present, displays it at the specified location.
side. Variable in class jclass.chart.BarPoint
Points that make up the side of a 3D bar (on the chart area)
size. Variable in class jclass.chart.JCShape
Size of the point.
sizeChanged(). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartCanvas
SLICE_CUTOFF. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCPieChartFormat
snapshot(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChart
SOLID. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCFillStyle
SOLID. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCLineStyle
sort(int). Method in class jclass.util.JCqsort
Initate ascending sort.
sort(int, int). Method in class jclass.util.JCqsort
Initates sort.
SOUTH. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
SOUTH. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCChartLabel
SOUTH. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCLegend
SOUTHEAST. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
SOUTHEAST. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCChartLabel
SOUTHEAST. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCLegend
SOUTHWEST. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
SOUTHWEST. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCChartLabel
SOUTHWEST. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCLegend
SQUARE. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCSymbolStyle
STACKING_BAR. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCChart
STAR. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCSymbolStyle
STRIKETHROUGH. Static variable in class jclass.util.JCString
STRING_BOTTOM. Static variable in class jclass.util.JCString
STRING_LEFT. Static variable in class jclass.util.JCString
STRING_RIGHT. Static variable in class jclass.util.JCString
STRING_TOP. Static variable in class jclass.util.JCString
strip(). Method in class jclass.util.JCVector
Trims null values from the end.
strip_esc. Variable in class jclass.util.JCStringTokenizer
STRIPE_135. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCFillStyle
STRIPE_45. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCFillStyle
SymbolShapeEditor(). Constructor for class jclass.chart.SymbolShapeEditor


tail. Variable in class jclass.util.JCRectList
TIME_LABELS. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCAxis
TIME_LABELS. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
timeLabel(String, Date). Static method in class jclass.chart.JCChartTimeUtil
Given a format string and an instance of Date, returns a formatted time label.
Timer(int). Constructor for class jclass.chart.Timer
timerExpired(Timer). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChart
Implement the TimerListener interface.
timerExpired(Timer). Method in interface jclass.chart.TimerListener
TimeUnitEditor(). Constructor for class jclass.chart.TimeUnitEditor
title. Variable in class jclass.chart.JCAxis
toBoolean(Applet, Component, String, String, boolean). Static method in class jclass.util.JCUtilConverter
Retrieves a parameter and converts its value to a boolean value.
toBoolean(String, boolean). Method in class jclass.util.JCConverter
Converts a string to a boolean.
toBoolean(String, boolean). Static method in class jclass.util.JCUtilConverter
Converts a string to a boolean.
toCellValue(Component, String, boolean). Static method in class jclass.util.ConvertUtil
Converts a token to a String or JCString.
toColor(String). Method in class jclass.util.JCConverter
Converts a string to an AWT Color.
toColor(String). Static method in class jclass.util.JCUtilConverter
Converts a string to a Color.
toColor(String, Color). Method in class jclass.util.JCConverter
Converts a string to an AWT Color.
toColor(String, Color). Static method in class jclass.util.JCUtilConverter
Converts a string to a Color.
toColorList(String). Static method in class jclass.util.JCUtilConverter
Converts a string to an array of Colors.
toColorList(String, Color[]). Method in class jclass.util.JCConverter
Converts a string to an array of Colors.
toColorList(String, Color[]). Static method in class jclass.util.JCUtilConverter
Converts a string to an array of Colors.
toData(int). Method in class jclass.chart.JCAxis
Converts a pixel value relative to the parent JCChartArea to a value in the data space.
toDate(String, Date). Method in class jclass.util.JCConverter
toDate(String, Date). Static method in class jclass.util.JCUtilConverter
Converts a String to a Date
toDimension(String, Dimension). Method in class jclass.util.JCConverter
Converts a string to a Dimension instance.
toDimension(String, Dimension). Static method in class jclass.util.JCUtilConverter
Converts a string to a Dimension instance.
toDouble(String, double). Method in class jclass.util.JCConverter
Converts a string to a double.
toDouble(String, double). Static method in class jclass.util.JCUtilConverter
Converts a string to an double.
toEnum(String, String, String, String[][], int[][], int). Static method in class jclass.util.JCUtilConverter
Converts a string to an enum.
toEnum(String, String, String[], int[], int). Method in class jclass.util.JCConverter
Converts a string to an enum.
toEnum(String, String, String[], int[], int). Static method in class jclass.util.JCUtilConverter
Converts a string to an enum.
toEnum(String, String, String[], long[], long). Method in class jclass.util.JCConverter
Converts a string to an enum.
toEnum(String, String, String[], long[], long). Static method in class jclass.util.JCUtilConverter
Converts a string to an enum.
toEnum(String, String[], int[], int). Static method in class jclass.util.JCUtilConverter
Converts a string to an enum.
toEnumList(String, String, String[], int[], int[]). Method in class jclass.util.JCConverter
Converts a string to a list of enums.
toEnumList(String, String, String[], int[], int[]). Static method in class jclass.util.JCUtilConverter
Converts a string to a list of enums.
toFont(String). Method in class jclass.util.JCConverter
Converts a font name to an AWT font instance.
toFont(String). Static method in class jclass.util.JCUtilConverter
Converts a font name to a font instance.
toFont(String, Font). Method in class jclass.util.JCConverter
Converts a font name to an AWT font instance.
toFont(String, Font). Static method in class jclass.util.JCUtilConverter
Converts a font name to a font instance.
toImage(Component, String). Method in class jclass.util.JCConverter
Returns an image which gets pixel data from the specified file.
toImage(Component, String). Static method in class jclass.util.JCUtilConverter
Returns an image which gets pixel data from the specified file.
toImage(Component, String, Image). Method in class jclass.util.JCConverter
Returns an image which gets pixel data from the specified file.
toImage(Component, String, Image). Static method in class jclass.util.JCUtilConverter
Returns an image which gets pixel data from the specified file.
toImageList(Component, String, Image[]). Method in class jclass.util.JCConverter
Returns an array of images which get pixel data from the specified file.
toImageList(Component, String, Image[]). Static method in class jclass.util.JCUtilConverter
Returns an array of images which get pixel data from the specified file.
toInsets(String, Insets). Method in class jclass.util.JCConverter
Converts a string to an Insets instance.
toInsets(String, Insets). Static method in class jclass.util.JCUtilConverter
Converts a string to an Insets instance.
toInt(String, int). Method in class jclass.util.JCConverter
Converts a string to an integer.
toInt(String, int). Static method in class jclass.util.JCUtilConverter
Converts a string to an integer.
toIntList(String, char). Static method in class jclass.util.JCUtilConverter
Converts a string to an array of integers based on the provided delimiter.
toIntList(String, char, int[]). Method in class jclass.util.JCConverter
Converts a string to an array of integers based on the provided delimiter.
toIntList(String, char, int[]). Static method in class jclass.util.JCUtilConverter
Converts a string to an array of integers based on the provided delimiter.
toJCString(Component, String, Object). Method in class jclass.util.JCConverter
Converts a string to a String or JCString.
toNewLine(String). Static method in class jclass.util.JCUtilConverter
Converts all occurrences of "\n" to newlines.
top. Variable in class jclass.chart.BarPoint
Points that make up the top of a 3D bar (on the chart area)
TOP. Static variable in class jclass.util.JCString
TOP. Static variable in class jclass.util.JCTitleLayout
toPixel(double). Method in class jclass.chart.JCAxis
Converts a data value along the axis to a pixel value.
toPoint(String, Point). Method in class jclass.util.JCConverter
Converts a string to a Point instance.
toPoint(String, Point). Static method in class jclass.util.JCUtilConverter
Converts a string to a Point instance.
TOPTOBOTTOM. Static variable in class jclass.util.JCRectUtil
toString(). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartDataView
Output routine used for debugging.
toString(). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartDataViewSeries
toString(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCAxis
String representation of the axis.
toString(). Method in class jclass.util.JCCache
This converts the cache contents to a large string.
toString(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChartEvent
toString(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCValueLabel
toString(Object). Static method in class jclass.util.JCUtilConverter
Converts an object to a string.
toStringList(String). Static method in class jclass.util.JCConverter
Converts a string to an array of Strings.
toStringList(String). Static method in class jclass.util.JCUtilConverter
Converts a string to an array of Strings.
toVector(Component, String, char, boolean). Static method in class jclass.util.ConvertUtil
Converts a delimited list of tokens to a JCVector containing Strings or JCStrings.
toVector(Component, String, char, boolean). Method in class jclass.util.JCConverter
Converts a delimited list of tokens to a JCVector containing Strings or JCStrings.
toVector(Component, String, char, boolean). Static method in class jclass.util.JCUtilConverter
Converts a delimited list of tokens to a JCVector.
toVector(Component, String, char, boolean, JCVector). Method in class jclass.util.JCConverter
Converts a delimited list of tokens to a JCVector containing Strings or JCStrings.
toVector(Component, String, char, boolean, JCVector). Static method in class jclass.util.JCUtilConverter
Converts a delimited list of tokens to a JCVector.
toVectorFromCSV(Component, String). Static method in class jclass.util.ConvertUtil
Converts a comma-separated list of tokens to a JCVector.
toVectorFromCSV(Component, String). Static method in class jclass.util.JCUtilConverter
Converts a string using comma-separated value format.
toVectorFromCSV(Component, String, JCVector). Static method in class jclass.util.JCUtilConverter
Converts a string using comma-separated value format.
TrackChange(). Constructor for class jclass.chart.TrackChange
transitional. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCVersion
transitional. Static variable in class jclass.util.JCVersion
TRANSLATE. Static variable in class jclass.chart.EventTrigger
translate(double, JCAxis, boolean). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChart
A call to perform a translation of a specified amount along the specified axis.
translateStart(JCAxis). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChart
A call to signify the start of a translate event.
TRIANGLE. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCSymbolStyle
Triangle(). Constructor for class jclass.chart.Triangle
Default constructor (required)
trim(Object). Static method in class jclass.util.JCUtilConverter
Returns a trimmed string, with trailing nulls removed


under. Static variable in class jclass.contrib.JCRelativeLayout
underLeft. Static variable in class jclass.contrib.JCRelativeLayout
UNDERLINE. Static variable in class jclass.util.JCString
underRight. Static variable in class jclass.contrib.JCRelativeLayout
unmap(double, double). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartDataView
Performs an unmap operation by taking floating-point x and y values meant to represent a point along the x and y axes of the data.
unpick(ChartDataView, int, int). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChart
Returns the position in screen pixels of a particular point in a particular data series.
unpick(int, ChartDataViewSeries). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChart
Returns the position in screen pixels of a particular point in a particular data series.
update(). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChart
Forces the chart to re-layout and recalculate.
update(Observable, Object). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartDataView
Callback routine from the dataModel.
update(Observable, Object). Method in class jclass.chart.DirectChartDataView
Callback routine from the dataModel.
updateParent(). Method in class jclass.chart.ChartCanvas
Internal method used to invalidate and repaint the parent of the ChartCanvas object.
upperLeftCorner. Static variable in class jclass.contrib.JCRelativeLayout
upperRightCorner. Static variable in class jclass.contrib.JCRelativeLayout
URLDataSource(String). Constructor for class jclass.chart.URLDataSource
URLDataSource(String, String). Constructor for class jclass.chart.URLDataSource
URLDataSource(String, String, String). Constructor for class jclass.chart.URLDataSource
URLDataSource(URL, String). Constructor for class jclass.chart.URLDataSource


value. Variable in class jclass.contrib.ContribCheckbox
This is the value associated with the checkbox.
VALUE. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCAxis
VALUE. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
VALUE_ANCHORED. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCAxis
VALUE_ANCHORED. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
VALUE_LABELS. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCAxis
VALUE_LABELS. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
valueToDate(double). Method in class jclass.chart.JCAxis
VERT_LINE. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCSymbolStyle
VERT_SPACE. Static variable in class jclass.util.JCString
VERT_STRIPE. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCFillStyle
VERTICAL. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
VERTICAL. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCLegend


waitForImage(Component, Image). Static method in class jclass.util.JCUtilConverter
Waits for an image to be loaded, using the MediaTracker class.
WEEKS. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCAxis
WEEKS. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
WEST. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent
WEST. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCChartLabel
WEST. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCLegend
width. Variable in class jclass.util.JCImageCreator


x. Variable in class jclass.chart.BarPoint
X data value
x. Variable in class jclass.chart.DoubleCoord
x. Variable in class jclass.chart.JCShape
Array of x values


y. Variable in class jclass.chart.BarPoint
Y data value
y. Variable in class jclass.chart.DoubleCoord
y. Variable in class jclass.chart.JCShape
Array of y values
YEARS. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCAxis
YEARS. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCChartComponent


ZERO. Static variable in class jclass.chart.JCAxis
ZOOM. Static variable in class jclass.chart.EventTrigger
zoom(double, double, JCAxis, boolean). Method in class jclass.chart.JCChart
Performs a zoom operation along the specified axis