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Class jclass.chart.JCMarker


public class JCMarker
extends Object
implements JCSerializable
JCMarker represents a marker that appears on the chart at a particular point. A marker can appear either at a particular point on a data series, or at a particular data value along an axis. The value, series axis and point properties determine the type of marker. To place a marker at a value on an axis, the Axis property must be non-null. To place a marker at a point in a data series, Series must be non-null.


Name Method
Value The Value property controls the location of the marker along the JCAxis, as determined by the Axis property.
Point The Point property specifies the index of the data point for the JCMarker. In conjunction with the Series property, the Point property determines where the data marker will be placed.
Series The Series property connects the JCMarker to a particular data series. In conjunction with the Point property, it determines where the marker will appear.
Style The Style property controls the appearance of the marker. Note that the appearance of the marker is mostly determined by the chart type. Also note that the JCChartStyle instance used by the Style property is created automatically when the JCMarker is created, and that Style is a read-only property. The correct way to modify the appearance of a marker is to retrieve the Style property and modify the properties of the JCChartStyle object.

Method Index

 o getAxis()
Gets the value of the Axis property.
 o getPoint()
Gets the value of the Point property for the JCMarker.
 o getSeries()
Gets the value of the Series property for the JCMarker instance.
 o getStyle()
Gets the value of the Style property.
 o getValue()
Gets the Value property of the JCMarker object.
 o setAxis(JCAxis)
Sets the value of the Axis property.
 o setPoint(int)
Sets the value of the Point property for the JCMarker.
 o setSeries(ChartDataViewSeries)
Sets the value of the Series property for the JCMarker instance.
 o setValue(double)
Sets the Value property of the JCMarker object.


 o setValue
 public synchronized void setValue(double newval)
Sets the Value property of the JCMarker object. The Value property controls the location of the marker along the JCAxis, as determined by the Axis property.

newval - new marker location.
 o getValue
 public double getValue()
Gets the Value property of the JCMarker object. The Value property controls the location of the marker along the JCAxis, as determined by the Axis property.

JCMarker location
 o getStyle
 public JCChartStyle getStyle()
Gets the value of the Style property. The Style property controls the appearance of the marker. Note that the appearance of the marker is mostly determined by the chart type. Also note that the JCChartStyle instance used by the Style property is created automatically when the JCMarker is created, and that Style is a read-only property. The correct way to modify the appearance of a marker is to retrieve the Style property and modify the properties of the JCChartStyle object.

JCChartStyle object controlling marker appearance.
 o setAxis
 public synchronized void setAxis(JCAxis ax)
Sets the value of the Axis property. The Axis property is used in combination with the Value property to place a marker at a particular point on a particular axis.

ax - new axis along which to place the marker
 o getAxis
 public JCAxis getAxis()
Gets the value of the Axis property. The Axis property is used in combination with the Value property to place a marker at a particular point on a particular axis.

JCAxis along which to place the marker.
 o setPoint
 public synchronized void setPoint(int index)
Sets the value of the Point property for the JCMarker. The Point property specifies the index of the data point for the JCMarker. In conjunction with the Series property, the Point property determines where the data marker will be placed.

index - index of the point
Throws: IllegalArgumentException
If Point value is less than 0.
 o getPoint
 public int getPoint()
Gets the value of the Point property for the JCMarker. The Point property specifies the index of the data point for the JCMarker. In conjunction with the series property, the Point property determines where the data marker will be placed.

index - of the point
 o setSeries
 public synchronized void setSeries(ChartDataViewSeries ser)
Sets the value of the Series property for the JCMarker instance. The Series property connects the JCMarker to a particular data series. In conjunction with the Point property, it determines where the marker will appear.

ser - ChartDataViewSeries instance representing the data series to which to attach the marker
 o getSeries
 public ChartDataViewSeries getSeries()
Gets the value of the Series property for the JCMarker instance. The Series property connects the JCMarker to a particular data series. In conjunction with the point property, it determines where the marker will appear.

ChartDataViewSeries instance representing the data series to which to attach the marker

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