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Class jclass.chart.JCDataCoord


public class JCDataCoord
extends Object
JCDataCoord holds a pair of floating point values representing a data coordinate.

Constructor Index

 o JCDataCoord(double, double)
Simple constructor for JCDataCoord.

Method Index

 o getX()
Gets the value of the X property, which represents a data value along a particular axis.
 o getY()
Gets the value of the Y property, which represents a data value along a particular axis.


 o JCDataCoord
 public JCDataCoord(double x,
                    double y)
Simple constructor for JCDataCoord.


 o getX
 public double getX()
Gets the value of the X property, which represents a data value along a particular axis.

x value
 o getY
 public double getY()
Gets the value of the Y property, which represents a data value along a particular axis.

y value

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