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Class jclass.contrib.ContribCheckbox


public class ContribCheckbox
extends Checkbox
The Checkbox class in the Java AWT does not allow a value to be associated with the checkbox. ContribCheckbox does allow this through the value member variable. ContribCheckbox also contains two functions for building groups of checkboxes: makeGroup() takes an array of labels and an array of values and creates a group of radio buttons with associated values for each button. makeCollection() takes the same parameters and produces an array of individual check boxes. In combination with ContribCheckboxGroup, these functions can simplify the creation of checkboxes. The .class files are also reduced in size.

Variable Index

 o value
This is the value associated with the checkbox.

Constructor Index

 o ContribCheckbox(String, CheckboxGroup, int)
This is the constructor.

Method Index

 o makeCollection(Panel, String[], int[])
This static function creates a grouping of independent checkboxes with associated values for each of the checkboxes
 o makeGroup(Panel, String[], int[])
This static function creates a group of radio buttons when given an array of labels and an array of values.


 o value
 public int value
This is the value associated with the checkbox.


 o ContribCheckbox
 public ContribCheckbox(String label,
                        CheckboxGroup group,
                        int val)
This is the constructor. The first two arguments are passed to the Checkbox construcor. If the group argument is an instance of ContribCheckboxGroup, then the checkbox is added to the list of items in ContribCheckboxGroup. See ContribCheckboxGroup for details.

label - this is the text that appears beside the checkbox
group - this is the "owner" of the box. This can be null.
val - this is the value associated with the checkbox


 o makeGroup
 public static ContribCheckboxGroup makeGroup(Panel parent,
                                              String labels[],
                                              int values[])
This static function creates a group of radio buttons when given an array of labels and an array of values.

panel - this is the AWT panel where the checkbox group resides
labels[] - this is an array of labels for the checkboxes
values[] - this is an array of values for the checkboxes
a ContribCheckboxGroup containing the specified check boxes.
 o makeCollection
 public static ContribCheckbox[] makeCollection(Panel parent,
                                                String labels[],
                                                int values[])
This static function creates a grouping of independent checkboxes with associated values for each of the checkboxes

panel - this is the AWT panel where the checkbox group resides
labels[] - this is an array of labels for the checkboxes
values[] - this is an array of values for the checkboxes
an array of ContribCheckbox objects

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