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Class jclass.util.JCImageCreator


public class JCImageCreator
extends Object
JCImageCreate creates images from String arrays. The format is similar to XPM format files. For example:
JCImageCreator im = new JCImageCreator(this, 3, 2);
String[] pixels = { " .G", "G x" };
Image image = im.create();

Variable Index

 o colorMap
 o comp
 o curRow
 o height
 o pixels
 o width

Constructor Index

 o JCImageCreator(Component)
Creates an empty instance using the specified component.
 o JCImageCreator(Component, int, int)
Creates an empty instance using the specified component.

Method Index

 o clear()
Clears the data.
 o create()
Creates an image using the data previously set using setPixels.
 o create(String[])
Creates an image using the specified string array.
 o setColor(char, Color)
Sets the color corresponding to a character.
 o setColor(char, int)
Sets the color (as an rgb int) corresponding to a character.
 o setPixels(int, String)
Sets the pixel data at the specified row.
 o setPixels(String)
Adds the pixel data to the end.
 o setPixels(String[])
Sets the pixel data for all rows.
 o setSize(int, int)
Sets the size of the image to be created.


 o curRow
 protected int curRow
 o width
 protected int width
 o height
 protected int height
 o colorMap
 protected int colorMap[]
 o pixels
 protected int pixels[]
 o comp
 protected Component comp


 o JCImageCreator
 public JCImageCreator(Component comp,
                       int w,
                       int h)
Creates an empty instance using the specified component.

comp - any component
See Also:
 o JCImageCreator
 public JCImageCreator(Component comp)
Creates an empty instance using the specified component.

comp - any component
See Also:


 o clear
 public synchronized void clear()
Clears the data.

 o create
 public synchronized Image create()
Creates an image using the data previously set using setPixels.

See Also:
 o create
 public synchronized Image create(String string[])
Creates an image using the specified string array.

 o setColor
 public synchronized void setColor(char ch,
                                   int rgb)
Sets the color (as an rgb int) corresponding to a character. Spaces are transparent by default.

 o setColor
 public synchronized void setColor(char ch,
                                   Color color)
Sets the color corresponding to a character. Spaces are transparent by default.

 o setSize
 public synchronized void setSize(int w,
                                  int h)
Sets the size of the image to be created.

 o setPixels
 public synchronized void setPixels(String string[])
Sets the pixel data for all rows.

 o setPixels
 public synchronized void setPixels(String string)
Adds the pixel data to the end.

 o setPixels
 public synchronized void setPixels(int row,
                                    String string)
Sets the pixel data at the specified row.

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