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Class jclass.util.JCURLDirectory


public class JCURLDirectory
extends Object
A collection of methods for reading directory information from a URL.

Constructor Index

 o JCURLDirectory()

Method Index

 o getFileList(Applet, String)
Gets a list of files that can be accessed from an URL.


 o JCURLDirectory
 public JCURLDirectory()


 o getFileList
 public static String[] getFileList(Applet applet,
                                    String url)
Gets a list of files that can be accessed from an URL.

applet - the applet used to connect to the URL; if an applet is available, it should be provided, as the Applet class provides better URL capabilities
url - the URL that is read
an array of strings in which each string is a file name
See Also:
JCFile, Applet

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