Herman Begay

Here Herman is pictured wearing a Grass Dance outfit. The Grass Dancers are the ones who traditionally prepared the arena for the rest of the dancers. The flowing yarn on the outfit (never to be called a costume) represents the moving grasses of the praries. Herman is not only a dancer with the Voices of Native America Performing Arts tour, he also sings. From the Dine' (Navajo) reserve (Mexican Water area) in New Mexico/Arizona, Herman is a member and lead singer of the well-known drum group, Indian Creek from Red Mesa, Arizona. They have released three CD's as a group on the SOAR label, and have been heard on HBO, Showtime, TNT, and several other made for television films. His voice has also been heard on Cadillac commercials, and Saturday morning cartoons.

Herman also sings the songs of the Native American Church, often referred to as the "Peyote" way, due to the use of peyote in the ceremony. The songs are fast paced and beautiful. As an Arena Director, Herman has directed and operated many powwows, in addition to the many dance competions he's won around the continent. Powwow to Native People is similar to rodeo among cowboys. There's always one going on, and people travel the powwow highway for days to get there, only to win enough money to fill their gas tank to get them to the next powwow. Herman's hobbies are beadwork, basketball, leatherwork, and he and his wife Carol have made all of Herman's outfits, while making outfits for many other dancers.

Herman performing Northern Traditional songs. Herman performing NAC songs

Currently living in Utah with his wife and 2 children, Herwin and Danielle, they are continuing the traditions of their People while sharing their culture with non-Indians around the world. Herwin's voice has also been heard (starting at the age 10) on numerous records, CD's, television shows, and films. Herwin is also dancing with the voices of Native America Tour. Danielle dances with the tour if she doesn't have to miss school.

13 yr. old Herwin Begay performing with Spot.


Voices of Native America Tour dates Tech Rider Audiopage Links contact us Gayle Ross Rob Greyhill