What audiences are saying about "VOICES OF NATIVE AMERICA"....

"The really sad thing is, just before you guys came, we paid 75.00 for Riverdance tickets. While your show didn't have the half naked guys with the tattoos, I felt that you guys were much more fun and educational as well. I enjoyed Riverdance, but not nearly as much of it was so educational and entertaining.........." Audience member in Maui, HI

"I just wanted to say that I was proud to be a Native American when I saw your show here in Albuquerque. It's neat to see one of us takeing a traditional stand in the modern world. Most people are afraid to do that. Thank you for talking to my son after the show too. Our kids need role models in the real world. We don't all live on reservations around the elders anymore......." Audience member in Albuquerque, NM
...."From the viewpoint of a Native American, it's a wonderful presentation, even so much as how the general public has embraced 'Riverdance' as an exciting performance, Voices of Native America is even more so, because it is not staged, it is the real thing. Voices of Native America is the indigenous Peoples version of 'Riverdance', even moreso, as it is real life, and not an altered perspective of a culture. Anyone who enjoys theatre, indigenous culture, or simply a great performance will enjoy "Voices of Native America"......
Dr. Lee Francis/Laguna Pueblo- Director of Native Studies-University of New Mexico/Director/Wordcraft Guild of Native American Writers
..."What seems to make "Voices of Native America" so unique, is that rather that having actors or performers recite lines written for them by professional writers, they articulate their own lives.... on the stage, in a manner which only someone who has actually experienced such a culture could. ......(the audience) can see that instead of sharing scripted words and music, they are sharing their hearts and spirits..... I cried buckets, and laughed til it hurt, and realized that I was a better person after the performance.....because they made me understand more about myself..." audience member in Tooele, UT

"The music moved me, it seemed as thought  the tears would not stop. I thrilled at the climax when modern dance, jazz music, lights, explosions, and the movie came together. It was overwhelming. Please come back to Florida soon!"       audience member in Ft. Lauderdale, FL

"...you received a long standing ovation here (Kravis Centre) and that is very rare. To even receive a standing ovation at all was a rarity in this hall. Congratulations on having a wonderful performance. I'm sure that the show will become even better as time goes by." staff member at Kravis Center, West Palm Beach, FL