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Sites which contain the word search

221B Baker Street: Sherlock Holmes
Academy of Achievement: Virtual Book Club
Alphonse Daudet (1840-1897) Centenaire
The Alternative Spanish Dictionary
American History Educational Resources on the WWW
American History
American Voter
Archeus: Worksearch Resources
La Arquitectura Española
Athena: Authors & Texts
Atlantic Unbound The Atlantic Monthly
Author's Pen
Bibliomania, The Network Library
Big Ear Radio Observatory
Black Facts Online
Bohemian Ink
Book Lovers: Fine Books & Literature
Book Recommendations of Real Folks
BookWire The First Place to Look for Book Information
Breakthrough: The Changing Face of Science in America
British WW 2, War Links of England
The Castle: Joseph K.'s Franz Kafka Homepage
Cela: A+ Research and Writing for High School and College Students
The Center for Middle Eastern Studies
Center for the Study of Books in Spanish for Children and Adolescents
Charente Libre
Charles Dickens
Chemistry Helper
Cichlid Fishes of Lake Malawi, Africa
Ciudad Futura
Classroom Connect
Collected Works of Shakespeare/The Works of the Bard
Colleges and Careers Center
Complete Collection of Poems by Rudyard Kipling
The Complete Works of William Shakespeare
CyberU Internet Basics
Earth and Sky Online
Eisenhower National Clearinghouse Online
Electric Library
The English Server
The English Teachers' Web Site
Eric's Treasure Trove of Scientific Biography Yahoo
Excite Travel by City.Net
Exploring Ancient World Cultures
eZines: Ultimate Magazine Database
Feminist Science Fiction, Fantasy and Utopia
Flying Inkpot Presents International News Links
Grammar Safari
Great Books Overview
A Guide to Classic Mystery and Detection
Le Guide Touristique de l'île de la Réunion
Hans Christian Andersen: Fairy Tales and Stories
Historical, Social, Economic, and Demographic Data from the U.S. Decennial Census
The History Net Where History Lives
History Resources
How to Find Government Information
HTI American Verse Project
Humanities Scholarship
Hyperbibliography to American Poetry
Immigration History Research Center
El Índice
Indispensable Writing Resources
Infomine: Scholarly Internet Resource Collections
Inkspot: Resources for Writers
The Internet Movie Database
Invention Dimension
Italian Literature
The Johns Hopkins Guide to Literary Theory and Criticism
Journalists' Resource List
Journey North
Kathy Schrock's Guide for Educators
The Kennedy Assassination
Korean War Project
Latin American Network Information Center (LANIC)
The Latino Connection
Literature and Medicine
Literature Resources for the High School and College Student
LSU Libraries Author Webliography
MacBeth Plugged
The Math Forum Internet Resource Collection: Steve's Dump
Mathematical Quotation Server
Mathwright Library
Metropolitan Museum of Art Education
Mexico Web Guide
The Middle English Collection at the Electronic Text Center, University of Virginia
Mount Rushmore
National Geographic Society
The National Inventors Hall of Fame
National Oceanographic Data Center
National Science Foundation
Native American Authors
Neptune's Web
North American Native Authors Catalog
On-line Books Page
On-line Highbeam
On-line Mathematics Dictionary
One Look Dictionaries: The Faster Finder
Original Home Page of Robert W. Service, The
Other Worlds, Distant Suns
El País Digital
Pariscope, Une Semaine de Paris
Poetry Lover's Page
Public Domain Modern English Search
The Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL)
Quick Clue: Free Internet Encyclopedia
The Quotations Page
Research Paper Page
Researching American Literature on the Internet
Roget's Thesaurus
Romance Novels and Women's Fiction
Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia
Samuel Johnson
Schauwecker's Guide to Japan
Science Online
Selected Civil War Photographs
A Semantic Rhyming Dictionary
Smithsonian Web Site
Le Soleil de Québec Le Quotidien de la Capitale
Solstice: Sustainable Energy and Development Online
The Spanish Beatles Page (La Página Español de the Beatles)
Spanish to English/English to Spanish Dictionary
Time Warner's Pathfinder Network
Tu Spain/Your España
Twentieth-Century Poetry in English
U of T Mathematics Network
U.S. Gazetteer
USA Today
Vietnam Veterans Home Page
Voices from the Gaps: Women Writers of Color
WebRing: the Shape of Things to Come
Western Canon, The
The William Blake Archive
Women's Books Online
World Art Treasures
Yahoo Spanish Page
Yahoo! Arts: Humanities: Literature: Authors
Young Adult Librarian's Help/Homepage
The Zuzu's Petals Literary Resource Homepage