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How do people react to you? Do they run to you with tears of joy? Do they run screaming when you walk in the door? Do you get beaten up a lot?

When we started with our personality test system, we had a huge budget. We planned to hire the very best consultants, psychologists and research. Then they announced that they were going to stop producing Beanie Babies. We decided to invest the money in Beanie Babies instead.

That means our state-of-the-art personality tests come to you from our usual completely unqualified pack of fools. Hey, they might even be accurate, after all, we know a thing or two about socially unacceptable behaviour.

Test #1 - Your Dark Side - Get in Touch with your Rage

Test #2 - Your Light Side - How Warm and Fuzzy are You?

Test #3 - Hygiene, Schmygiene - Obsessive/Compulsive or Slob?

Test #4 - It Came From the DMV - Are you ready to drive?

Test #5 - Attention Span Test - Hey! We're not done here! Wake up!

Test #6 - Romance Test - Red Hot Lover or Ice Cold Loner?

Test #7 - Taste Test - Do you appreciate the better things in life?

Test #8 - Hip Test - Are you stuck in the past or a total trendmeister?

Test #9 - The Love Test - How loveable are you?

Test #10 - The Liar Test - Will that honest face be the end of your political career?

Test #11 - The Loser Test - Do you get things spilled on you? Are you a born loser?

Test #12 - The Success Test - Do you have the right stuff?

More tests to come! Check back often!


Last Updated: 06/05/00
Psychological Consultant:
Danny Gallagher
Webmistress: Cathie Walker
© 1999 Centre for the Easily Amused