QuickCode Pro v4.0b7

QuickCode Pro v4.0b7


Automated Solutions Group Announces QuickCode Pro v4.0b7

Huntington Beach, CA - March 6, 2000: Automated Solutions Group today
announced the public beta release of QuickCode Pro 4.0b7 for the Macintosh,
the popular assistant editor for 4th Dimension. A full working version,
limited to 30 days of use, can be downloaded from http://www.asgsoft.com.
QuickCode Pro (QCP) dramatically enhances the 4th Dimension method editor
with a host of features designed to simplify and accelerate the process of
writing 4D code.

New QuickCode Pro Bug Fixes
- Comments on the first line of a method would not auto-wrap.
- When AutoComment wrapped a word, if the word started with '[' it would not
be wrapped with the word.

Comment Tool
- Using the Comment Tool would disable auto-scrolling.

Forms Tool
- Structures with subtables would confuse the Forms Tool, resulting in
incorrect lists of forms for some tables.

Load/Save Tool
- If floating windows were open when the Load/Save dialogs were opened, the
dialogs would not properly receive events.
- QCP was erroneously reporting the canceling of the Load/Save file dialog
as an error.
- Fixed a bug which would cause the modifier icons to not appear after
displaying Load/Save dialogs.

Search Tool
- Find in Next Window would not properly hi-light the found text in the next

- All known (and some unknown) problems with System 8.1 have been fixed.
- 4D Clients that did not have QCP installed would receive a -2804 error
dialog. See the user documentation section "The New QCP Architecture" for
important information on how QCP deals with client/server configurations.
- When 4D opened any system-level dialogs (Page Setup, Print, Open File,
Save File), QCP would be disabled in such a way that new method windows came
up without the QCP toolbar.
- The Edit menu was not being updated when QCP changed the text selection.
- If a floating window was the only open window, QCP would crash.
- New method windows and zoomed windows would go under the 4D toolbar on
some occasions.
- Tools would sometimes redraw incorrectly after being clicked on.
- Some key equivalents would not work correctly on non-QWERTY keyboards.
- Fixed a bug in which the Shift key or Caps Lock key down would cause the
Delete key to not work.


Commander Help
- Commander Help's contextual menu now looks for the maximum 4D identifier
around the insertion point if there is no text selected. In addition, it
puts the first 30 characters of the text it is searching for in the
contextual menu item, so you know what it is looking up.
- Previously, Commander Help's contextual menu would beep and do nothing if
the text selection was greater than 255 characters. Now it takes the first
255 characters of the text selection without complaining.

Comment Tool
- The behavior of the Comment Tool has been changed to conform with v3.5.
Previously, the Comment Tool would toggle the commented state of each line
in the selection. Now, the commented state of all lines in the selection is
based on the commented state of the first line in the selection. Empty lines
are still skipped. The per-line toggle behavior can be invoked by
Option-clicking the Comment Tool or by pressing Command-Option-`.

QuickClicks/Contextual Menus
- QuickClicks and contextual menu clicks now act on the text selection at
the time the click is made, without changing it. This is so you won't have
to worry so much about clicking in the right place. Accordingly, the
QuickClicks cursors have changed to look like their toolbar equivalents
without an insertion point, to indicate that you are not selecting by
clicking, but rather popping up a menu.

Search Tool
- The default search options are now: Ignore Case - on; Entire Word - off;
Wrap - on.
- If there is text selected in the method when the Find and Replace dialog
is displayed, the first 255 characters are automatically entered as the find
- The Find and Replace dialog now remembers its position. The position is
stored in the prefs file, so it is remembered across sessions as well. If
you move the dialog partially offscreen, it will be forced completely
onscreen the next time it opens.
- When performing a find next/find previous, if the wrap option is on and
the only occurence of the find string is already selected, QCP will wrap
around and select the same text. To indicate there are no more occurrences
of the find string, QCP beeps.
- The behavior of the replace function has been changed. If nothing is
selected, replace is available if there is a replace string, in which case
the replace string is inserted. If text is selected, replace is available
regardless of the whether or not the text matches the find string.
- You can now press Command-Option-T to perform a Replace All, either from
the method editor or from within the Find and Replace dialog.
- If you press a Command key equivalent and that option is not available (as
confirmed by checking the Search Tool menu), QCP will beep instead of
silently doing nothing.

Search Tool Next/Search Tool Previous
- Two new tools that act as buttons. They perform Find Next and Find
Previous. They can be found in the "Optional Tools" folder created by the

Window Positioning/Zooming
- Zoom to Fit is now the default when clicking the zoom box or pressing
Command-/. To activate the QuickZoom behavior, Option-click on the zoom box
or press Command-Option-/.

- Apple PowerPC Macintosh running System 8.1 (with Appearance Manager 1.0.1)
or higher (including MacOS 9)
- 4th Dimension 6.0.3 or higher (including 4D v6.5) for the Macintosh

Pricing and Availability
QuickCode Pro v4.0 for Macintosh................................$199.95/user
QuickCode Pro v4.0 Upgrade (registered v3.5 Owners).............$119.95
QuickCode Pro v4.0 Upgrade (registered v3.0 Owners).............$149.95
QuickCode Pro v4.0 Upgrade (registered v2.x Owners).............$149.95

QuickCode Pro must be purchased for each developer within your organization.
Site license and multiple user packages are available upon request.

About Automated Solutions Group
Based in Huntington Beach, California, Automated Solutions Group provides
software development and consulting services. Founded in 1989, Automated
Solutions Group develops and supports a wide variety of software
development tools to aid in the creation of custom applications for the
Macintosh and Windows platform. For more information, please visit our home
page at http://www.asgsoft.com.

For more information contact
Adrienne L. Coerper
Director of Marketing
Automated Solutions Group
(714) 375-4252

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