(oXygen/) XML Editor, version 4.0

(oXygen/) XML Editor, version 4.0

(oXygen/) XML Editor, version 4.0

We are glad to announce the release of the (oXygen/) XML Editor, version 4.0.
Version 4 of (oXygen/) XML Editor improves further the usability and adds
new features, the most important one being a full featured XSLT debugger in
the standalone version. (oXygen/) XML Editor can be freely evaluated for 30
days and can be purchased for a 23% off promotional price of $74 until the
15th of May ($48 for academic use).

More details at http://www.oxygenxml.com/

New in (oXygen/) XML Editor 4.0

* Debugging perspective
* Multiple XSLT engine support for debugging
* Full control over the debugging process
* Pause the debugger execution with breakpoints
* Call stack debugger view
* Trace history debugger view
* XPath watch debugger view
* Debugger support for imported/included stylesheets and for XML entities
* Templates debugger view
* Variables debugger view
* Dynamic output generation during debugging
* Multiple debugger output views
* Docbook with XInclude support
* Increased scenario reuse with macros
* Transformation scenarios allow multiple stylesheets
* Support for xml-stylesheet processing instruction
* Full content completion support for the XSLT target schema
* Select the XSLT engine to be used for XSLT validation
* Improved support for tagging text
* Improvement of the Relax NG driven content completion
* Automatically learn document structure
* Control cursor position after inserting elements
* Outliner improvements
* Smart home behavior
* Open resources at cursor (Eclipse only)
* Search/replace in files improvement
* The Tree Editor can be launched as a separate application.
* Choosing the line separator
* Open in browser option on project files
* Easily associate new file types with oXygen editors
* New plugins for oXygen
* Copy location option for project files
* Better presentation for the result messages
* More font options
* Better support for adding files to project
* New Emacs-like shortcuts
* Digest authentication
* Changed content completion internals


* Debugging perspective
Oxygen provides a special layout when entering in debugging mode to show
the source and the stylesheet documents side by side and to show also the
results and special debugging views.

* Multiple XSLT engine support for debugging
Debugging can be done using Saxon 6.5.3 or Xalan 2.5.1 transformation engines

* Full control over the debugging process
All debugger capabilities are provided (step into, step over, step out,
run, run to cursor, run to end, pause, stop).

* Pause the debugger execution with breakpoints
Breakpoints can be set on both xml or xsl documents used in the

* Call stack debugger view
The current stack containing both stylesheet and source nodes can be seen
at any time during debugging. The advantage of this approach is that the
source scope on which a stylesheet instruction is being executed (the last
red colored node on the stack) is easily visible.

* Trace history debugger view
Entering and leaving node events are logged and made available in a view
to show the history of the processor execution.

* XPath watch debugger view
XPath expressions are evaluated automatically during debugging, the
debugger will update their values dynamically as the processor changes its
source context.

* Debugger support for imported/included stylesheets and for XML entities
Once a node from an xml entity or an imported/included stylesheet is
processed by the transformation engine, (oXygen/) will open that resource
in order to highlight the current node location.

* Templates debugger view
The list with all the templates used during the transformation and their
corresponding number of calls are presented in the templates view. This
allows to spot unused templates and also most frequently used templates as
they are ordered based on the hits count.

* Variables debugger view
The debugger lists all variables and parameters visible in the current
context together with their scope and actual value.

* Dynamic output generation during debugging
The output is dynamically presented as it is generated by the
transformation process.

* Multiple debugger output views
The output can be seen both as text/xml and as rendered XHTML.

* Docbook with XInclude support
A mod file was added in docbook/dtd in the oXygen distribution that adds
XInclude support to the DocBook DTD. There are also document templates (New
from templates action) that allows easy creation of a DocBook document with
XInclude support. Also a ready to use sample is provided in the
samples/docbook directory giving you a head start when working with DocBook
and XInclude.

* Increased scenario reuse with macros
The reuse of transformation scenarios increased dramatically by allowing
macros in the transformation configuration dialog. It is possible now to
configure once a scenario and use it to convert any DocBook document to a
PDF file for instance. Another example is if I have an XML file called
test.xml and a stylesheet called test.xsl and I want to get as output
test.html, all in the same directory, then I can define generically a
transformation scenario using macros and specify the XSL
(${cfd}/${cfn}.xsl) and the result file (${cfd}/${cfn}.html) and reuse the
same scenario also to convert sample.xml using the sample.xsl stylesheet
into sample.html.

* Transformation scenarios allow multiple stylesheets
It is possible now to define complex scenarios that involve more than a
single stylesheet, thus a single action can execute multiple XSLT
transformations and eventually also a FOP transformation.

* Support for xml-stylesheet processing instruction
The transformation scenarios dialog allows to specify to fetch the XSL
automatically from the xml-stylesheet processing instruction. If an XML
file does not have an associated transformation scenario then a default
scenario will be created on the Apply Transformation action configured to
use the stylesheet specified by the xml-stylesheet processing instruction.

* Full content completion support for the XSLT target schema
Oxygen will present the elements defined in a target schema
(Options/Preferences/Tag Insight/XSL) as possible substitutes for
xsl:element. More it will present for these elements the possible
attributes and where available also possible attribute values according
with the target schema.

* Select the XSLT engine to be used for XSLT validation
It is possible to select the XSLT engine to be used for XSLT validation
(Saxon, Xalan or the one plugged in through JAXP). If Saxon 7 is plugged in
through JAXP then it is possible to use XSLT 2.0 if one selects the JAXP
processor for validation and also in the transformation scenarios.

* Improved support for tagging text
The support for tagging text was improved, the surround in tag action has
a keyboard (configurable) shortcut, CTRL+E by default, and offers a combo
with the allowed elements where an element will be selected automatically
based on the typed prefix. This together with the surround in last tag
action (CTRL+/) can be productively used to markup unstructured text.

* Improvement of the Relax NG driven content completion
The content completion driven by a Relax NG schema will offer only the
elements that can be children of the current element instead of all schema
specified elements. In the future the content completion will present only
the elements that keep the document valid in that context - as it does for
XML Schemas and DTDs.

* Automatically learn document structure
If a schema or a DTD is not specified for a document oXygen will
automatically learn its structure and use it to drive content completion.

* Control cursor position after inserting elements
After inserting elements through the content completion the cursor is
positioned differently depending whether the inserted element has
attributes or not. Sometimes it is useful to have the cursor always between
tags regardless the element attributes. This is possible now by enabling
the "cursor position between tags" option.

* Outliner improvements
The outliner used to select and expand automatically the node containing
the document change. With version 4.0 the user can select from tree
synchronization options for the outliner selection: the node at caret
position, the node containing the document change or no update. Also on the
contextual menu there are available expand and collapse actions.

* Smart home behavior
When Home key is pressed for the first time on a line the cursor moves at
the beginning of the text on that line. When Home is pressed again the
cursor moves at the beginning of the line, that is position 0 and this
behavior is repeated at every Home key pressing.

* Open resources at cursor (Eclipse only)
Along with open file at cursor oXygen provides a new action Open resource
at cursor that looks for fully specified Java classes and open their source
files. This is useful when editing/browsing configuration files for
instance that contain references to Java classes.

* Search/replace in files improvement
The search/replace dialog has a new filter that allows the action to be
performed only on the selected project files.

* The Tree Editor can be launched as a separate application.
The Tree Editor can now be launched as a standalone application. It can
also be configured to enter in a read only mode if the user wants to use it
only for browsing.

* Choosing the line separator
When working across operating systems, sharing for instance a Linux drive
to Windows machines and editing the same file from both Windows and Linux
it is possible to appear different line separator characters. Now it is
possible to ignore the system default line separator and choose from
Unix-like (\n) and Windows like (\r\n) in the preferences dialog.

* Open in browser option on project files
To easily view a file in the configured browser a new contextual action,
Open in browser, was added in the project view.

* Easily associate new file types with oXygen editors
When a file with an unknown extension is being opened a dialog asking for
what oXygen editor (XML, XSL, XSD, etc.) should be used appears. Now it is
possible to permanently associate the file extension with the selected
editor by just selecting the "associate file type with the editor" option
in the same dialog.

* New plugins for oXygen
New plugins are available to help text processing: convert text to
uppercase, to lowercase, capitalize lines to capitalize the first letter on
every line selected, form words to capitalize the first letter of every
word and form sentences to capitalize the first letter of the first word in
every sentence. All these work on the current editor selection.

* Copy location option for project files
In the Project contextual menu a new action has been added: "Copy
location". This allows to copy the URL of the selected file into clipboard.

* Better presentation for the result messages
A tool tip has been added to the Results panel showing the whole message

* More font options
The font used in editors can be configured to enable text antialiasing and
also to make it bold.

* Better support for adding files to project
Adding directories/files to the current project supports now multiple
selection. Also there are two contextual actions on the editor tabs that
allow adding the current edited file and all the edited files to the
current project.

* New Emacs-like shortcuts
There are some new Emacs key bindings added: cut next word - CTRL(META) +
D, cut previous word - CTRL + W (only on Mac), cut to end of line - CTRL +

* Digest authentication
The editor can work with files located on HTTP servers that use digest

* Changed content completion internals
This is an internal change that is not necessary visible at first but it
speeds up the editor a and also makes it more robust. The content
completion will work now even if part of the document before the caret
position is not well formed.

Best Regards,
(oXygen/) Development Team
syncRO soft ltd

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