[NPL] WebDoubler by Maxum

[NPL] WebDoubler by Maxum

Press Contact: John O'Fallon
Phone: (630) 830-1113
Fax: (630) 830-1262
E-Mail: john@maxum.com

Maxum Development Announces WebDoubler
New Product Promises Dramatic Performance Increases
And Web Management For Internet Connected Workgroups

MacWorld, July 10, 1998 -- Maxum Development Corporation this week
announced WebDoubler, a new product that offers LAN managers the ability to
manage Internet access while accelerating Web surfing for an entire
workgroup or classroom. At its core, WebDoubler acts as a proxy server,
much like competitive offerings from Microsoft and Netscape Communications,
to provide a gateway between LAN clients and the Internet. By acting as a
conduit between LAN clients and the Internet, the proxy has the ability to
perform a wide range of additional services for both the network
administrator and users surfing the Web.

Web Acceleration For The Entire LAN

WebDoubler includes a high-performance caching mechanism developed by
ClearWay Technologies, a recognized leader in Internet acceleration
products. The cache stores downloaded Web content for future use, providing
instant access to frequently hit Web pages, graphics, downloads, and more.
The WebDoubler cache is far more effective than caches built into browsers,
because it functions for the entire LAN. WebDoubler's cache manager
supports multi-gigabyte cache sizes that span any number of hard disk
drives, allowing network managers to create enormous caches that can be
expanded with ease. The cache manager also employs a "producer/consumer"
model that enables multiple simultaneous accesses of a single object using
a single "real" Internet connection. Finally, not only does LAN caching
provide near-instant access to common objects, but it reduces traffic on
the organization's Internet connection, maximizing the use of expensive

Content Filtering And Usage Tracking

WebDoubler also includes a full implementation of the industry leading PICS
content rating and filtering system. PICS enables the network administrator
to create "rules" that define what content is appropriate or inappropriate
for the workgroup. For example, schools can use WebDoubler's PICS filter to
ensure that no pornographic material is downloaded by students over the
school's Internet connection. Rules that can be created range from simply
specifying Web sites that should not be permitted to recognizing rating
tags built into Web pages to the use of independent content ratings
services for on-the-fly ratings lookup. Because WebDoubler is used by the
entire LAN, PICS configuration is done once, and instantly blocks
inappropriate content to all browsers in the organization. WebDoubler also
includes wizards that make common PICS rules a snap to configure. In
addition to blocking content outright, WebDoubler will also maintain a full
history of Internet access, enabling organizations to analyze exactly how
their Internet connection is being used.

Additional Benefits

HTTP Version Upgrading - WebDoubler takes advantage of the latest HTTP
standards to maximize performance and bandwidth. This enables even older
Web browsers (or current browsers that don't yet take advantage of the
latest HTTP features) to reap the benefits of persistent connections,
object pipelining, etc. without the need for software upgrades.

Web Administration - WebDoubler's initial configuration is performed using
a traditional Macintosh GUI, but ongoing adjustments to the WebDoubler
cache, PICS rules, etc. is performed from anywhere on the LAN or Internet
using a standard Web browser.

Virtual Private Network (VPN) Gateway - WebDoubler can be used to provide
an entire LAN with Web access using a single IP address and a single
Internet connection. Not only can this represent a major cost savings, but
it provides an exceptional level of security. Because the WebDoubler
Macintosh is the only computer on the network with an actual Internet
connection, it is also the only computer on the LAN that can be "seen" from
the Internet, protecting internal servers and desktops.

Secure Transaction (SSL) Support - WebDoubler provides SSL tunneling,
enabling browsers full access to secure pages on any Web site. Of course,
this feature can also be disabled, allowing administrators to deny access
to on-line stores and other secure materials.

WebDoubler Expandability

Acting as a proxy server, WebDoubler effectively becomes the Internet to
the clients in a workgroup. Since every Web transaction made within the
organization goes through WebDoubler, the possibilities for extending its
functionality are virtually limitless. Because of this potential,
WebDoubler has been designed from the very beginning to be expandable, and
includes an extremely robust plug-in architecture. In fact, WebDoubler's
cache manager, PICS filtering, and even basic Web access are implemented as
plug-ins which will be included in the shipping product. Future plug-ins
that are currently in the planning stages include a "look-ahead" cache
(which will enable users to pre-cache selected Web sites at night, during
low-bandwidth use times), advanced logging and usage tracking, proxy
authentication (requiring passwords for Internet usage) and more.

Pricing And Availability

WebDoubler is expected to ship in late August, with a retail price of $895
direct from Maxum. Information about the product, as well as a downloadable
beta version is already available on the Maxum Web site, at:


About Maxum

Founded in 1991, Maxum Development is a leading developer of commercial
World Wide Web server tools for business and education. Maxum products,
NetCloak and NetForms, were the first commercial tools for Macintosh-based
WWW servers and have since become industry mainstays. All Maxum products
are designed to enhance the function and performance of Web sites by making
them dynamic, interactive, reliable, fast, and accessible.

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