[NPL] MacLinkPlus 10.0

[NPL] MacLinkPlus 10.0

News Release
Contact: Kristen Moriarty
Phone: 203-268-0030 x 3066
e-mail: kmoriarty@dataviz.com


The Ultimate Survival Kit MacLinkPlus 10.0 has a whole new look for 1998

Trumbull, CT (July 8, 1998) -- DataViz(R) announces an exciting new version
of MacLinkPlus(R), with the most dramatic changes ever made to this Mac
survival Kit. This new version comes at a pivotal time as Apple(R) is
reducing the amount of third party software included with the Macintosh OS
over the next 3 months.

Millions of Mac users will no longer have the compatibility they are
accustomed to when they purchase a new Mac. However they will be able to
depend on DataViz to provide the PC compatibility that has become so vital
in today's world. Apple's decision does not change DataViz' lifetime
commitment to the Mac, comments Dick Fontana president of DataViz Inc.
DataViz commits itself now more than ever to the Macintosh market by
providing even more compatibility in the form of upgrades and a Deluxe
version of MacLinkPlus 10.0 available in retail locations this Fall. For
the past 15 years MacLinkPlus has allowed Mac users to convert hundreds of
file formats between Macintosh and Windows computers. The new version of
MacLinkPlus includes decoding and decompression, a sleek new user
interface, updated viewing technology, and new translators. MacLinkPlus
continues to live up to its reputation of being the Ultimate Survival Kit
for Macintosh users in a Windows world. Decoding and decompression
functionality introduced

MacLinkPlus ends e-mail attachment problems for good. MacLinkPlus works to
decode and decompress e-mail attachments that won't open, including ".zip"
files. It even handles compressed or encoded files that appear as "garbage
text" within the e-mail message itself. Mac users can now receive e-mail
attachments with confidence, no matter where they came from, regardless of
the e-mail software they are using. Redesigned MacLinkPlus application and
user interface

MacLinkPlus introduces an entirely new user interface designed to make it
even easier for users to work with incompatible files, no matter where they
come from. Designed with Mac OS in mind, this new Power Mac native
interface takes advantage of Apple technologies like "Contextual Menus" and
"Drag and Drop". Mac OS 8 introduced Contextual Menus, which give the user
the ability to easily take action on any file on their desktop with a
simple "Control-Click." MacLinkPlus allows the user to access all its
powerful compatibility related features through this convenient one click

Quick viewing of documents with out opening the application

The new MacLinkPlus includes enhanced viewing capabilities which allow the
user to get a quick view of text or graphics right from the MacLinkPlus
application or even from the desktop using Mac OS Contextual Menus. The
user can now quickly view a file without having to open the application
that created it or having to guess what application might be able to help
open the file. Also, MacLinkPlus has improved its file recognition and
provides richer information to the user about problematic files.

New translators added to the existing translation library

DataViz includes new translators for Microsoft Word 98 and Excel 98,
Macintosh Edition, adding to the thousands of conversions supported between
different word processing, spreadsheet, database and graphics formats.
MacLinkPlus users can now open various Windows files in Mac Word 98 & Excel
98 or convert files into their favorite Mac applications. Pricing and

This "Deluxe" version of MacLinkPlus 10.0 will be released in late August
and available at several new retail stores in the fall of 1998.

MacLinkPlus sells for about $99 and is currently available at fine
retailers including Micro Center, Fry's Electronics and MacWarehouse. The
latest version is available to all existing MacLinkPlus owners for $39.95.
DataViz is a Connecticut company specializing in Mac/PC file compatibility,
PDA-desktop synchronization and Internet utilities. For more information
call (800) 733-0030 or visit www.dataviz.com

Come visit the DataViz booth (#438) at MacWorld New York July 8-10

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