MMQuery 1.0 Released for FileMaker

MMQuery 1.0 Released for FileMaker


Fort Worth, TX, August 13, 2007 -- Comm-Unity Networking Systems announces
the immediate availability of MMQuery 1.0, a Plug-in for FileMaker Pro that
lets you work with your data through the calculation engine. MMQuery allows
you to perform SQL queries on your own database or use the many helper
functions in the plug-in to do the same types of queries without actually
having to know SQL.

"One of the best features of this plug-in is the ability to set a field by
specifying the name of the field dynamically, but there are a lot of great
functions to simplify and add tasks that were never before possible from the
calculation engine." - Jesse Traynham, Co-Owner, CNS Plug-ins.


While we were developing CNS Audit, we created several internal helper
functions for running queries against FileMaker Pro databases. We needed
the ability to Add Tables; Find, Add, and Update Records; match Table,
Layout, and Field names to their internal IDs; and many other things. After
a while, we took a step back and thought, "we could make a plug-in out of
these helper functions." MMQuery was born. This plug-in provides you with
many easy-to-use functions to work with your data from any calculation and
without creating any extraneous relationships. We have even provided a
function for direct SQL access if you are fluent in SQL. So if you are
ready to have access to your data like never before, download MMQuery today
and begin your adventure.


- FileMaker
MMQuery requires FileMaker Pro 7.0v3 and above to function properly. The
plug-in will not load under previous versions of FileMaker Pro. If you have
FileMaker Pro 7.0 but have not updated to 7.0v3, you can obtain a free
update from FileMaker, Inc's website.

- Mac OS
MMQuery requires Mac OS X 10.3.9 or above. The plug-in is a Universal
Binary so it is compatible with both PPC- and Intel-based Macs.

- Windows
MMQuery supports the same versions of Windows that are supported by the
host version of FileMaker Pro the plug-in is being used with.


- Add and Remove individual fields to existing tables.
- Add and Remove whole tables.
- Get or Set values from fields specifying the field names dynamically.
- Update one or more records specifying the values for one or more fields.
- Extract Table, Field, and Layout information in name=value pairs for easy
- Use SQL statements to query your database.

Demonstration Version Available

A demonstration version can be downloaded from the MMQuery product page at
( Once there, click the "Download Now"
button to begin the download process. You can evaluate MMQuery for 30 days
for free, however, after 30 days, MMQuery should be removed from your hard
drive if you do not plan to purchase a license for it. The demo version of
MMQuery will show a splash screen the first time it is used for any given
FileMaker Pro session to remind you of the number of days left in your demo
license. Once you purchase and register your copy of MMQuery, the splash
screen will no longer show.

Purchasing MMQuery

To purchase MMQuery from our secure website, go to
( and choose the "Purchase (Prices)" link at the
top of every page (in the gray area). We accept Visa, MasterCard, American
Express, and Discover. We also accept Purchase Orders and checks under
special circumstances. Please email or call us if you would like to
purchase with a Purchase Order or a check.

A single user license for MMQuery is $35. We have several multi-user price
points available on our secure site. Educational/Non-Profit Discounts are
available for roughly 20% off the listed price. Prices are subject to
change without notice.

Money made from sales will go directly back into making other great plug-ins
like MMQuery!

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