[MD1] MT's New & Expanded Ed. Staff

[MD1] MT's New & Expanded Ed. Staff


Neil Ticktin
MacTech Magazine


Westlake Village, Calif. -- September 20, 1996 -- Xplain Corporation, the
publisher of MacTech(tm) Magazine, announced today the addition of new staff
and support for it's editorial board.

Over the past several years, a couple of things have changed to warrant a
change at the magazine. "First, the Macintosh has more technology inside
it than ever before. Second, the magazine has grown to a point that, it's
time to once again revise it's editorial approach." said Neil Ticktin,
Publisher of MacTech Magazine. To that end, MacTech has added a separate
Editor-in-Chief position, expanded the breadth of Contributing Editors, and
added an Editorial Advisory Board for the magazine. Each of these changes
is targeting a specific editorial need, and together allows MacTech to
provide even better coverage of the Mac OS developer community.

The magazine is still brought to you by the same people driving the
magazine's growth over the past 4.5 years. But today, MacTech has a
broader and deeper array of resources to help educate all of us about
Macintosh development. Specifically, the magazine's editorial staff,
Contributing and Technical Editors, and Editorial Board of Advisors are now
as follows:

Editorial Staff
Publisher * Neil Ticktin
Editor-in-Chief * Eric Gundrum
Managing Editor * Jessica Courtney
Online Support * Nick "nick.c" DeMello

Contributing and Technical Editors
Internet * Carl de Cordova, Apple Computer, Inc.
Java * Will Iverson, Apple Computer, Inc.
Mac OS 8 * Steve Kiene, MindVision
MacDev-1(tm) * Rich Siegel, Bare Bones Software, Inc.
MagicCap/TeleScript * Richard Clark, General Magic
OpenDoc * Tantek Celik, 6prime Corporation
Performance Programming * Jim Gochee, Connectix
Product Reviews * Ed Ringel
Tips & Tidbits * Steve Sisak

Regular Columnists
Getting Started * Dave Mark, M/MAC
Programmer's Challenge * Bob Boonstra
Symantec Top 10 * Symantec Technical Support
From the Factory Floor * Dave Mark, Metrowerks
URLs * Jim Straus, Key Internet Services

Editorial Advisory Board
Scott T. Boyd, Quasar Knowledge Systems
Jon Wiederspan, ComVista Internet Solutions, Inc.
Jordan Mattson, Apple Computer, Inc.

Many of these people have been with the magazine for a long time in their
current positions. A few are new to the team, or have new roles with the

Eric Gundrum, MacTech's new Editor-in-Chief, is not new to technical
documentation. He began his career preparing technical documentation for the
U.S. Government, but quickly moved to writing and editing documentation for
the products of Software Ventures Corporation. Before long, Eric became
manager of Software Ventures Technical Services team, responsible for many
aspects of the product development process. More recently, Eric has branched
out on his own. He is a founding member of The Mac Group, providing
Macintosh debugging services to those in a crisis. As an independent
consultant, Eric provides Macintosh programming and other product
development services on a variety of projects include those of Apple,
Netscape, and StarNine. Many people in the community know him as the
MacHack '96 Sessions Chairman, organizing over 70 hours of interesting
technical presentations. He is doing so again for MacHack '97.

Jessica Courtney, MacTech's new Managing Editor, has a degree in English,
with approximately 10 years of experience in computer related, editorial
environments. Prior to coming to the magazine, Jessica worked as a
project Managing Editor for a multimedia software developer.

Nick DeMello, or " nick.c" as many in the community know him, is at the
forefront of MacTech's extended online support. He received his B.S. in
Chemistry from Cal Berkeley, and his Ph.D. in Synthetic Organic Chemistry
from the University of Pittsburgh. Currently, he's a Post Doctoral fellow at
UCLA, where his research involves the modeling of chemical reactions
through computer simulation. Nick has been involved in Macintosh
development and the Internet for about seven years, developing chemistry
specific software and escaping the rigors of academic life through the
online world. (mailto:online@mactech.com)

Carl de Cordova, MacTech's Contributing Editor for Internet Technologies,
is an Internet Evangelist (or his more official title -- Network Bear) for WWW
Technologies at Apple Computer Inc. Carl has been evangelizing Macs
as web servers since he downloaded MacHTTP in 1994. He helped to create
Apples Intranet site as well as www.info.apple.com which currently receives
over 10 million hits per week. Carl also founded WebEdge, the first
Macintosh World Wide Web Development Conference.

Will Iverson, MacTech's new Contributing Editor for Java, has been involved
with the Macintosh since 1990, and with Apple computers since 1986. He has
a background in publishing and software development. He worked as a small
independent Macintosh developer and lecturer since 1993, and joined
Symantec Corporation last year as Macintosh Developer Relations Manager.
During his time there, he played a critical role in defining and building
Symantec's image as a leading development tools player in both the C++ and
Java markets. In addition, he developed "Caffeine" and "Cafe Studio" for
Cafe for Macintosh, Symantec's successful Java development tool. Before
taking on his new position as Apple's Product Manager for Java and Runtimes
(e.g., CFM and SOM), Will was part of MacTech's editorial staff.

As always, readers should expect the editorial staff, editors, and board
for MacTech Magazine to change over time -- with additions and deletions
happening as the industry changes and people's lives change. Readers who
think there's a topic that warrants a Contributing Editor that MacTech
doesn't already have should write into the magazine.

To contact MacTech about articles, news releases, letters to the editor,
etc..., use one of the following e-mail addresses:


Corporate Background
Xplain Corporation operates DevDepot(tm), publishes MacTech(tm)
Magazine, the MacTech CD-ROM(tm) series, THINK Reference(tm), develops
software for Mac OS(tm), and provides custom publishing services. Founded
in 1984, the company has its offices in Westlake Village, California.
MacTech Magazine was formerly called MacTutor and began publishing in
November, 1984. For more information on Xplain Corporation or any of its
products/services, call the main offices at 805-494-9797, fax at
805-494-9798, send an e-mail to info@xplain.com, or send snail mail to PO
Box 5200, Westlake Village, CA 91359-5200, USA.

MacTech Magazine is written exclusively for individuals who design and
develop software for the Mac OS. MacTech strives to deliver the latest
information to all developers, and provide a forum where programmers and
developers can exchange ideas, opinions, discoveries, and breakthroughs.
Editorial balance comprises feature articles, news, product reviews and
special reports. A broad editorial staff and board assures the community
of hearing from the "movers and shakers". MacTech Magazine is read by
approximately 25,000 Macintosh programmers and developers in 50+ countries.

DevDepot comprises two complementary units: An extensive, full
color catalog (also included at the back of MacTech Magazine) updated
monthly, and a dedicated world wide web site (http://www.devdepot.com).
Designed to provide the convenience of online automated shopping with the
traditional feel of good old-fashioned catalog browsing, DevDepot
also features: an new 800 number (800-MACDEV-1) for US and Canadian
customers, customer satisfaction guaranteed, lowest price guaranteed, and
world renowned customer service.

For more information on this or any other issue, see our web sites at:

* http://www.mactech.com/
* http://www.devdepot.com/
* http://www.xplain.com/


All contents are Copyright 1984-1996 by Xplain Corporation. All rights
reserved. MacTech NOW, MacDev-1, MacTech, MacTech Magazine, MacTech
CD-ROM, MacTech Web, THINK Reference, DevDepot, Sprocket, JavaTech,
WebTech, Developer Central, Virtual Developer Central and the MacTutorMan
are trademarks of Xplain Corporation. Other trademarks and copyrights
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respective holders.

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