[MD1] JavaScript Enabled Joy for Rhapsody and Mac OS X

[MD1] JavaScript Enabled Joy for Rhapsody and Mac OS X

--Integrates all Carbon, Yellow Box, and Java API's into JavaScript

San Jose, 12 May 1998 (WWDC). AAA+ Software is showing a preview of version
2.0 of its developer productivity and rapid application development tool,
Joy, at Apple Worldwide Developers Conference in San Jose, California.

Joy 2.0 integrates language features of C, Objective-C, and Java into
JavaScript, allowing developers to use all MacOS X API's (Carbon, Yellow
Box, and Java) from one interpreted language. Developers' and third-party
libraries are accessible too, with no "glue code" required. Joy 2.0 will
fit perfectly into Apple's WebObjects framework, providing a more powerful
alternative to WebScript.

"At WWDC we are showing for the first time how you can use Macintosh
Toolbox calls and Yellow Box API simultaneously from Joy on Rhapsody DR2.
Joy allows you to integrate heterogeneous software components into one
application, without changing either codebase," says Rainer Staringer,
chief developer of Joy.

Due to Joy's integration with Apple's InterfaceBuilder, creating
full-fledged graphical user-interface applications is a matter of minutes.
Joy-enhanced InterfaceBuilder files can be saved as multi-platform,
standalone applications or reusable components Currently supported target
platforms are Apple Rhapsody, Windows 95/NT, and OPENSTEP/MachOS. No other
developer tools are required except InterfaceBuilder.

Joy includes a graphical application inspector for browsing Objective-C
runtime information. Joy can be loaded at runtime into any Yellow Box
application, making it possible to inspect and modify applications without
access to their source code.

Joy 1.0 received a Finalist Award in the category 'Best Tool for New
Technologies' at the Macworld/MacTech Editors Choice Awards celebration.


- JavaScript-compliant scripting language integrating C, Objective-C,
and Java
- developers can implement Objective-C methods as JavaScript functions
and call them transparently from Objective-C
- new Objective-C or Java classes can be implemented in JavaScript
- any C function can be called after declaring a prototype
(tools for extracting prototypes from C header files are provided)
- complete language support for all Objective-C and Java data types
- Objective-C or JavaScript syntax for method calls
- support for garbage-collected Objective-C objects
- The Tcl-based Joy 1.x scripting language will continue to be
supported and enhanced in Joy 2.0.


- 1.x versions of Joy Explorer/Joy Developer/Joy Services
for Apple Rhapsody, Windows 95/NT, and OPENSTEP/MachOS platforms NOW!

- Joy 2.0 in Q3/98, prerelease versions available to registered users
on request

- FREE upgrade to Joy 2.0!

The fully licensable demo of Joy is available for free download at:


There are two license types: Joy Explorer and Joy Developer.

Joy Explorer is the ideal tool for exploring the Yellow Box frameworks.
Developers can create small utilities by using just Rhapsody's Joy-enhanced
Interface Builder application. No other development tools are required.
These utilities will run in Interface Builder's Test Interface mode.

Joy Developer provides full functionality for developing sophisticated
applications. Using the "Save Nib as App" feature, users can turn graphical
user interfaces created in Interface Builder into stand-alone applications
that run on any Yellow Box platform.

Joy Services, a freeware scripting application implemented entirely in Joy,
is available for free. Users can enhance their work environment by
implementing short Joy scripts. Corresponding menu items are added to
Rhapsody's Services menu. Some useful example services are included. Joy
Services does NOT require a Joy license, but requires the free demo version
of Joy to run.

License keys for Joy Explorer and Joy Developer are $69 and $399
respectively. Upgrade license keys from Joy Explorer to Joy Developer are
$339. Upgrade from Joy 1.x to Joy 2.0 will be free.

Temporary Joy Developer evaluation keys are available through automatic
reply email. Just send an empty message to:


License keys can be ordered directly from AAA+ or through DevDepot

Further information is available from:

AAA+ Software
Fax: +43-1-533-68-90
e-mail: joy@aaa-plus.com
website: http://www.aaa-plus.com/joy/index.html

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