[MD1] FREE - Stalker Internet Mail Server 1.5

[MD1] FREE - Stalker Internet Mail Server 1.5


Stalker Software Announces Stalker Internet Mail Server 1.5

Key features: faster than Unix mail servers, administration via the Web,
extensive multi-domain support. FREE.

MILL VALLEY, CA -- Nov 10th, 1997 -- After 3 months of extensive testing by
early adopters and after passing several key revisions, the Stalker
Internet Mail Server is released to the public today.

Stalker Software, Inc. decided to release the MacOS version of the
industry-strong SMTP, POP3, "poppwd", NotifyMail server free of charge.

The server does not have any demo or trial limitations, and it can be used
to support several hundred accounts and multiple domains, as well as being
able to distribute mailing lists with several thousand subscribers. This
new Stalker product fills the gap between the commercial servers, such as
the CommuniGate(tm) Integrated Messaging System, that go beyond the
Internet Mail, and entry-level freeware and commercial mail servers
available for MacOS.

The high performance Stalker Internet Mail Server relies on the Open
Transport features and the built-in microkernel that brings preemptive
multitasking to the product. This release runs approximately 20-30% faster
(on a mixed-type load) than the best UNIX mail servers on comparable CPUs,
and Stalker plans to push the performance even higher with the upcoming
versions that it will continue to release on a regular basis.

While the server speed, stability and small footprint are the features that
all network administrators are looking for, the Stalker Internet Mail
Server delivers one more advanced tool that has been eagerly awaited:
remote administration via LAN and via Web.

The server can be configured, controlled, and monitored from any
workstation on the LAN using the CommuniGator application version 2.7 or
better (the client component of the CommuniGate(tm) Messaging System). When
talking to the Stalker Internet Mail Server, the CommuniGator mailer
application enables only its administrating functions.

With the version 1.5 release, all these functions are available via the
Internet as well. The administrators can monitor the Server status, and
they can create, update and modify user accounts, distribution lists and
auto-response (vacation) messages, check the status of the queued
messages, delete and redirect messages in the queue, update the
communication modules settings, and configure the full-featured built-in
Router that SIMS borrowed from the CommuniGate Server.

Here is the short list of the major SIMS features to illustrate its unique

The server Router can route messages on a per-domain and on a per-account
basis. The Router supports:
* domain-level routing;
* account-level aliasing;
* foreign account aliasing.

SIMS can handle accounts for multiple domains. The Multi-Domain features
use the Router and include:
* direct mapping;
* domain-based account name mapping;
* "true multihoming" for systems with multiple IP addresses.

SIMS supports dial-up and other client mail servers with registered or
virtual domains:
* For systems with dynamic IP addresses: Unified Domain-Wide POP
Accounts can be created.
* For systems with static IP addresses: SMTP feeds using RFC1985
(ETRN) are implemented.

The SMTP subsystem has "anti-spam" features. The Server can:
* stop strangers from using the server as a mail relay;
* reject mail from the IP addresses of known offenders;
* verify return-path validity to reject mail from
"unreachable sources";
* reject mail from certain domains or from certain accounts.

SIMS accounts can include:
* a mailbox accessible using any POP3 client application;
* an auto-reply text (or a "vacation message").
* a distribution list to "reflect" incoming messages to multiple
* a folder keeping messages as individual files (for automated
mail processing with third-party utilities);

SIMS allows for remote password modifications and new mail notifications.

SIMS generates Return-Receipt messages when it delivers mail to local

User authentication is performed using OS Users&Groups information and/or
the SIMS own authentication.

The SIMS mailbox format is identical to the UNIX mailbox format, and if
TCP/IP services are not available on the LAN, any mailer that can read UNIX
mailboxes directly (such as Eudora) can also work with mail accounts via
File Sharing.

SIMS supports both TCP and AppleTalk connections, so it can be used with
mailers that can work via an AppleTalk network (such as Claris(R) Emailer).
SIMS can be used on non-TCP networks, and it allows remote users to check
their mailboxes on the server when they are connected to the server via an
ARA connection.

SIMS has a centralized System Log. The Server kernel and all its components
can generate Log records of any specified level of detail, simplifying

Additional features include:
* EOL tolerance
* Relay Host name verification
* Message-Id insertion.

The utility to convert Apple/Eudora Internet Mail Server account
information and mailbox contents into Stalker Internet Mail Server accounts
is included.

PRICING and AVAILABILITY: Stalker Internet Mail Server is available free of
charge. The software can be downloaded from:
(http://www.stalker.com/SIMS/), (ftp://ftp.stalker.com/) and Stalker mirror
sites overseas.

DOCUMENTATION: the entire SIMS System Guide can be used via the Internet at
(http://www.stalker.com/SIMS/), and it can be downloaded for local use from
the same SIMS site.

SUPPORT: when the first first beta versions were released, Stalker Software
opened the (sims@stalker.com) mailing list to discuss the SIMS issues. With
50+ messages per day and several hundred subscribers, this list provides
immediate technical support assistance both from the Stalker support staff
and experienced SIMS administrators. Subscription requests should be sent
to (sims-on@stalker.com), and the digest-mode subscription can be requested
at (sims-digest@stalker.com)

All product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their
respective manufacturers.

Stalker Software, Inc. develops and distributes networking and
communication software for the MacOS. The company was founded in Europe in
1991 and opened its U.S. offices in 1993 at 655 Redwood Highway, suite 275,
Mill Valley, Calif. 94941. For more information about Stalker Software and
its products, please contact Alice Liptrot, director of sales and
marketing, at (800) 262-4722 or (415) 383-7164. She can also be contacted
by fax at (415) 383-7461 or E-mail at (ali@stalker.com). Visit the Stalker
Software web site at (http://www.stalker.com).

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