MacAT - The leading automated task scheduling application for
Macintosh server administrators.
New MacAT v6.7.
- Added FileMaker Pro version 7 Support
- Fixed bug with Hourly tasks forgetting to re-schedule
- Tweaked Sleep and Shutdown commands for new OS X syntax
- Default Font changed to System, sized 10
MacAT is a "cron" task scheduling application for Macintosh server
administrators. It is a PowerPC or carbon application that allows more than 42
of the most common MacOS tasks to be run daily, weekly, fortnightly,
monthly or yearly without user intervention.
These scheduled tasks include:
Launching Applications, Files and AppleScripts; Quitting individual
applications or alternatively quitting all currently running
processes; Rename and Delete any File or Folder; Hide and Show
applications, Mount remote AppleShare volumes; Copy Files or Folders
to mounted AppleShare volumes; Unmount nominated AppleShare volumes;
Restart or shutdown the Macintosh, eject Zip disks and send eMail.
$49 Shareware from MacSOS, Australia