


New LinkTek Product Lets Microsoft Office Users Move or
Rename Files Without Creating Broken Links

CLEARWATER, FL, July 24, 2003 -- LinkTek Corporation
announced today the release of a new version of their
LinkFixerPlus link maintenance and repair program, designed
specifically for users of Microsoft Office. LinkFixerPlus
for Microsoft Office ensures that links contained in
Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint files are automatically
maintained whenever linked files are moved or renamed. This
newest version of LinkFixerPlus is part of LinkTek's
continuing series of releases that empower the program to
work with an ever-increasing variety of popular file

Professional users of Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint
routinely have links contained in their files. And often
they are faced with a special problem: what to do when they
want to move or rename these files. As soon as any of these
files (or the folders they reside in) are moved or renamed,
broken links are created.

If moving or renaming a file or a folder causes only a few
broken links, the problem is not severe. The user can
manually open each file and manually edit each broken link.
But what if moving or renaming files or folders would cause
dozens or hundreds of broken links?

This is the problem that LinkTek Corporation's new
patent-pending product, LinkFixerPlus for Microsoft Office
solves. Using LinkFixerPlus for Microsoft Office, end-users
of Microsoft Office can easily move or rename hundreds of
their Word, Excel and PowerPoint files, and the files they
link to, in batch, and have all of the links maintained
totally automatically!

LinkFixerPlus for Microsoft Office gives users the ability

-- Rename or move linked files, in batch, using
sophisticated rename rules, without causing broken links in
the files that point to them.

-- Safeguard healthy links in files, allowing them to be
automatically fixed when they become broken.

-- Fix broken links in safeguarded files totally

-- Generate a broken link report listing all files
containing broken links, so they can be fixed before causing

-- Generate a regular report listing each file followed by a
list of the files it links to.

-- Generate a cross-reference report listing each linked
file followed by a list of all the files that point to it.

-- Report whether a file is being pointed to by any Word,
Excel or PowerPoint file anywhere on a user's system,
thereby letting the user know whether the file is safe to

-- Fix hundreds of broken links in large sets of files with
a single command using sophisticated global search and
replace operations.

LinkFixerPlus for Webmasters was first introduced at the
Fall 2002 Internet World convention in New York City, where
it won Best of Show in the design category. Since that time,
LinkFixerPlus has been mentioned on CNNfn, CNET Radio, the
New York Times and the Wall Street Journal.

Microsoft Office users can learn more about LinkFixerPlus by
calling +1-727-442-1822 extension 8543 in the United States,
e-mailing or visiting
LinkFixerPlus is priced between $99 and $199, depending on
the versions of Microsoft Office support is needed for. A
limited-time introductory discount is available by calling
the phone number above. LinkFixerPlus is compatible with
most versions of Windows.

About LinkTek

LinkTek provides software solutions for automating the
management and repair of links contained in a wide variety
of prevalent file formats. LinkTek's flagship product
LinkFixerPlus breaks new ground and introduces the new
software category of "automatic link maintenance".

Contact Information:

LinkTek Corporation
James Salame, Vice President for Marketing

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