Creative Manager Pro announces Version 8.2

Creative Manager Pro announces Version 8.2


Creative Manager Pro, Ad Agency Software and Project Management Groupware
for Creative and Design firms, has announced an improvement to Billing
Worksheets which cuts costs and dramatically improves Ad Agency

Lakewood NJ-based Creative Manager, Inc.,
( provider of Creative Manager Pro and
Creative Project Manager, has announced the upcoming release of version 8.2
of its flagship product, with improvements based on the advice of Ad Agency
consultant Tony Mikes of Second Wind Network.

Ad Agency expert Tony Mikes of Second Wind Network, is noted as saying that
the turnaround time of Billing Worksheets is one the top three issues that
affect the financial success of an ad agency. Faster and easier billing
means less invoicing disputes, lower cost of billing, and dramatic
improvements to cash flow. For the financial success of any company, Cash
Is King!

As a result, Creative Manager Pro has announced a redesign of Billing
Worksheets which will electronically route themselves to Account Executives
for online review and commenting. Account Execs will be able to
electronically mark up these forms and quickly re-route them back to
accounting for final review and billing. And since the process is entirely
online, Account Execs can make their comments from any location (even while
on the road). AE's can print billing worksheets to a PDF file or paper on
demand when needed. Accounting no longer has to retype the comments made by
AE's and will have an electronic backup to why items were billed, written
off, etc - creating even more efficiency.

No installation or conversion will be necessary, and the update is free to
all users of Creative Manager Pro and Creative Project Manager. All client
logins and vendor logins are always free.

Printing, routing, and marking up manual billing worksheets has been an
arduous task that Ad Agencies have gone through for decades. The large
reams of paper dropped on the Account Execs desk at billing time are
daunting and Account Execs cringe at the very thought of having to wade
through these volumes and drag them back to accounting - often just in time
to receive a new boatload of worksheets for the next round of billing.

Ron Ause, Director of Marketing for Creative Manager, Inc., said "It amazes
us how long the Account Executives waited in the dark ages for software to
actually make their lives easier. When our Ad Agency clients tell us how
important issues like this are to them, we jump to get it done. We're
Always Listening!"

Creative Manager Pro continues to invest, adding new features which work
with Apple's latest Tiger Mac OS X Unix-based Operating System and
Microsoft Windows. This is but the latest in a series of monthly upgrades.

The electronic billing worksheet is only one of many revolutionary billing
enhancements included in this release. The entire billing process has been
streamlined - creating efficiencies at every step of the way. Many billing
methods such as time and materials, retainer, and progress billing to
estimate have been streamlined to the point where they can almost be
generated automatically. Billing rules can now be set up by client and
project, eliminating human error and tedious review of the contract and
custom billing arrangements at the time of billing.

When asked about the new upgrade, Ause said "Other Ad Agency management
systems have an annual meeting where they invite their clients to vote on
new features, where everyone gets one vote. Then they work on these
features for a full year and roll out about sixty new features. By
contrast, we release an average of sixty enhancements EACH MONTH. All based
on user input. Now you know that We're Always Listening!"

Ause added, "Other ad agency management systems are busy playing catch-up
to follow the eleven-year lead that Creative Manager Pro has in web
technology. In the meantime, Creative Manager Pro continues to raise the
bar by revolutionizing the way key business processes are accomplished.
Leveraging technology to achieve efficiency and to make life easier."

Creative Manager Pro goes beyond costing to offer full Project Management,
CRM, Digital Asset Management, billing and accounting, and Extranet

Creative Manager Pro (at, is the only Ad
Agency software and Project Management Software for the Creative Design
industry, created exclusively for design firms, ad agencies, in-house
creative/MarCom departments, and creative service firms. It is a web-based
integrated project management software and job tracking solution which
streamlines the entire firm, from developing new business, to staffing,
managing, and executing projects through to accounting and financial

Creative Manager Pro is a full-featured, intuitive system which makes
project and ad agency management a breeze. Creative Manager Pro supports
Customer Relationship Management, Document Management, Shared Calendaring,
Accounting and much more. Because it is web-based, there is nothing to
install and it can be set up in a very short time. It works with both PC
and Macintosh from any location over any connection. It may also be
installed locally on the client's own servers. All options include training
and support to ensure that clients are up and running quickly.

Among the many features of Creative Manager Pro:
- Graphically view your firm's metrics - manage your firm by the numbers.
- Manage Contacts and Leads
- Create Project Schedules, Calendars and Manage Tasks
- Take your contacts and calendar on the road with iCal, AddressBook &
- Approve Timesheets, Purchasing, Billing and Budgets
- Review and Approve Artwork Online
- Store and Manage Digital Assets
- Manage and Balance the Books
- Free client and vendor access to streamline workflow.
- Quick startup/import from Clients & Profits, Adman and other systems
- Full-featured CRM (Client Relationship Management)
- Extranet capabilities
- Manage media with an interface with Strata
- Charting of important industry metrics and firm statistics

Take a test drive at

The team members at Creative Manager, Inc. have been leaders in ad agency
software and project management software for the creative industry and on
the Mac OS for over 26 years. They provide their creative clients with two
major offerings: Creative Project Manager and Creative Manager Pro. Both
programs work seamlessly with the Mac OS and Windows.

Creative Manager, Inc. is based in Lakewood NJ, with offices at:

111 Madison Avenue
Lakewood NJ 08701

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