.com Solutions Inc. Releases FmPro Migrator Developer Edition 4.74

.com Solutions Inc. Releases FmPro Migrator Developer Edition 4.74

com Solutions has released FmPro Migrator Developer Edition 4.74 with
a FileMaker Pro Layout to HTML/JavaScript Conversion Feature. FmPro
Migrator Developer Edition enables FileMaker developers to realize
productivity gains by re-purposing layouts from existing solutions
into new web solutions.

FmPro Migrator Developer Edition instantly converts FileMaker Pro
layouts into HTML/Javascript web pages. The generated HTML files are
suitable for use as a starting point for developing database enabled
web solutions using graphical development tools such as Embarcadero
Delphi for PHP or Adobe Dreamweaver CS4.

FmPro Migrator Developer Edition 4.74 features include: * Automated
Layout to HTML Conversion Process - Each FileMaker Pro layout is
converted into a separate HTML file, along with JavaScript and
embedded image files.

* Precise Object Positioning - FmPro Migrator uses CSS styles to
precisely position each HTML object to match its original size and
location within the original FileMaker Pro layout. The generated HTML
files are smaller in size and easier to edit either manually or with
graphical tools like Dreamweaver. Individual HTML page elements can
easily be selected, edited, resized or moved using Dreamweaver. Using
CSS styles to set absolute object positioning means that there are no
table cell or alignment restrictions for each object.

* Custom Value Lists - Custom FileMaker Pro Value Lists are converted
into HTML menus, for every field where a Drop-down List, or Pop-up
Menu has been configured. Checkbox and Radio Button sets also use
the Custom Value Lists configured on the original layout.

* Embedded Image Export - The export of embedded images makes it
possible to re-purpose layout images for documentation, marketing or
the creation of web prototypes from existing FileMaker Pro solutions.
FmPro Migrator performs this image export task much faster than
manually extracting each embedded layout image. FileMaker Pro stores
GIF, PNG and JPEG images in their native formats within the layout.
All other image types are also converted and stored in the JPEG file
format to guarantee compatibility when displayed in a web page via
Instant Web Publishing. Therefore the conversion process follows this
same compatibility implementation when extracting GIF, PNG and JPEG
images for use on the HTML page.

Only unique copies of images are exported, in order to reduce HTML
page loading time space due to duplicate images. This means that if
an image such as a company logo is used on 100 different layouts,
only one single copy of that graphic will be saved, as all of the
other 99 copies are duplicates of the original image. Storing only
unique copies of image files also means that only one image file
needs to be updated in order to update the company logo on all of the
web pages.

* JavaScript-based Drop-down Calendar - Date fields configured with a
drop-down Calendar are implemented with a configurable open source
pop-up JavaScript DateTime Picker. The size/color of the DateTime
Picker can be changed by editing the calendar.js file which is
written to the /app directory by FmPro Migrator. The formatting of
the returned data can also be customized within the HTML file on a
field by field basis.

* Layout Vector Graphics Objects - Embedded vector graphic objects
including rectangles, rounded rectangles, circles/ovals and lines are
drawn with the high performance Walter Zorn VectorGraphics Library.
Fill colors, borders and border colors are extracted from the layout
definition XML code and converted into JavaScript code which draws
each object.

* JavaScript Portal Implementation - Portal objects are converted
into ExtJS Data Grid objects with resizable columns. A JavaScript
file is created for every portal on each layout, allowing individual
customization for each Data Grid. The ExtJS JavaScript library is a
rich internet application framework providing a wide variety of
dynamic web objects including Data Grid, Tab Panel, Tree Panel,
Toolbar, Drag & Drop, Progress Bar and Slider controls. The ExtJS
library is not included with FmPro Migrator, but can be downloaded by
web developers from the ExtJS.com website.

* Valentina Relationship Creation Feature - FmPro Migrator also
includes a new feature which creates Valentina Foreign Key &
ObjectPtr relationships from FileMaker Pro relationships.

FmPro Migrator Developer Edition is priced at ($200) per developer
and includes a copy of FmPro Migrator Developer Edition for both Mac
OS X (Universal Binary) and Windows platforms. Existing FmPro
Migrator Developer Edition customers may upgrade to FmPro Migrator
Developer Edition 4.74 at no charge.

A functional demo version of FmPro Migrator Developer Edition may be
downloaded from

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